Greetings, nerds! Your dynamic duo, Sarah Belmont and Will Polk, are here to dive into the latest in geek culture. This week, we start by discussing our recording schedule change and the highly anticipated premiere of The Boys. Will shares his...
Greetings, nerds! Your dynamic duo, Sarah Belmont and Will Polk are here to dive into the latest in geek culture. This week, we start by discussing our recording schedule change and the highly anticipated premiere of The Boys. Will shares his excitement for House of the Dragon and the brilliant marketing campaigns leading up to its release. (0:00)
Next, we delve into HBO Max's renewal of House of the Dragon for a third season and George R.R. Martin's involvement in the upcoming seasons. We also discuss Eric Kripke's announcement that The Boys will officially end with Season 5 and the fascinating storytelling choices that have kept fans hooked. (1:15)
We then shift gears to talk about the new Star Trek Starfleet Academy show, featuring Paul Giamatti in a recurring guest role as the season's big bad. Will shares his excitement and speculates on the show's potential impact on the Star Trek universe. (7:50)
Tim Meadows joins season 2 of Peacemaker and updates on Superman. (11:55)
In the MCU realm, we discuss the ongoing issues with the Blade movie, including the departure of yet another director and the potential delays in its release. Sarah and Will debate the necessity of a standalone Blade movie and suggest alternative ways to integrate the character into the MCU. (12:50)
Will also gives a quick review of Godzilla Minus One, praising its stunning visuals and compelling story. He shares why it would have made his top five movies of 2023 and recommends it as a must-watch on Netflix. (16:00)
Finally, we dive into The Bear Season 2, discussing standout episodes like "Forks" and the intense "Seven Fishes" flashback. We explore the character dynamics, emotional moments, and brilliant cameos that make this season a must-watch. (19:00)
We wrap up with a discussion on The Acolyte, Season 1, Episode 3, "Destiny." Will breaks down the plot, character developments, and the intriguing mysteries that are starting to unfold. (37:00)
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>> Sarah : Greetings, nerds. This is Scene N Nerd. I'm your host, Sarah Belmont. And with me, as always, is our mister producer, will polk. How are you doing tonight, will?
>> Will: Doing very well, Sarah. How are you this evening?
>> Sarah : I'm doing fine. This is our last Thursday recording for a little while, as we will head into Tuesday recording starting next week, and.
>> Will: The podcast will release on Wednesday.
>> Sarah : I have not started the The Boys however, have you?
>> Will: I have not started the boys yet. I know we're. I know part of the reason we're switching is, the boys premiered tonight, or I guess earlier today. I've already started seeing spoilers out there, and I'm like, damn it, I gotta put the music those people should.
>> Sarah : Send to a bad place.
>> Will: Yes, yes. And just the trades, too. I'm just like, so, you know, it's everywhere. But, yeah, I know we're going to be talking the acolyte, tonight, and then, you know, I'm looking forward to watching the boys this weekend. And, of course, House of the dragon starts on Sunday, which, you know, I gotta. I have to say, the. The lead up for. For both shows, with all their marketing that he'd been doing this week, like, the whole banners are furling across, literally across the planet.
>> Sarah : Yeah.
>> Will: With team black. that's just. It's been brilliant.
>> Sarah : Yeah. So I just am surprised the green banners remain up for an extended period of time. Or if people are like, no, no, no, we're team black. Like the whole, which team are you on? I still don't think there's a choice. Like, like, if you watch the first season, I really don't think you can make a ploy for team green. Okay.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : Unless you like rooting for the villains, which there are people. And, if that's the case, I respect that. As long as, you know, team green is the villain. They are.
>> Will: They are, they are. Yeah.
>> Sarah : Despite. Despite the incest happening over on team black. Okay.
>> Will: Yeah, the Targaryens are a little problematic. We, you know, we stipulate to that. But, but, yeah, I know. I was listening to the official podcast this week, and, they had the showrunner, Ryan now on there, and he was really. They did. The host were asking him, so what's team are you? And he's like, I'm team story. I mean, I'm paraphrasing here, but, but, yeah, yeah. And also we got the news that, HBO Max has renewed, the show already for, for a third season. And George HR Martin mentioned that, he's there working on stories for both the third and fourth seasons, and there's no reason, I think, that the show probably won't get renewed for a fourth season.
>> Sarah : We, will be watching that, and we'll probably get that, like, five years later.
>> Will: Yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, it's like that. And the boys. I mean, yeah, both shows have taken two years to get to this point.
>> Sarah : I just, the boys. So I keep having to remind myself, this is going to be the fourth season. Why? But it feels like so much. So much more has happened because. But then again, I feel like, what did the boys. When did the boys first air? Was it 2019 or was it 2020?
>> Will: It was 2019. It was before the pandemic.
>> Sarah : Yeah. Yeah. I think. I think that's what's messing with my head, because I'm like, why does it. It feels like an older show, but, yeah, it's only in its fourth season. and now it's been confirmed that they will officially be ending it with a season five. Eric Kirpte has shared that in the past, which it felt like as soon as I read that, I was thinking to myself, well, that makes sense. He wanted supernatural to end with season five. So this. This guy really likes a five season show.
>> Will: Yeah. Yeah, he does. It's funny, I was reading his, comments. So, yeah, he dropped all the social media, where it's like, final season, motherfuckers. And. But part of it goes back to his, I guess he was saying that because he's a tv writer and, it was one of those things where they always. Tv shows have a five act arc as far as individual episodes. So that's where his whole fascination with the number five came from.
>> Sarah : Yeah. And it makes sense. And I even had respect for that back when I watched, because I watched the first five seasons of supernatural, and then beyond there, and then as some of us, we drop and then we check in and then we drop again. The show kept going for ten more seasons. so, so it's just. But. But I had a hard time after season five with that show because it really did feel as though the writers were grasping for, like, the next. Like they found their way. There were definitely some good later seasons and some bad ones, but you could tell there wasn't a clear defined arc. And I think with the boys, you can, you. There is somewhat of a trust, like, for all of the ridiculousness, the chaos, the gore, the blood, the sex, all of that that goes on with the boys, there's something about the way they have done the character arcs as well as the story arcs season after season, that still makes you trust, like, they are going somewhere. And when, like, when it concludes, it'll be. It'll hit you and I'll be like, make it all worth it. In the end, there will be a payoff.
>> Will: Totally, totally. And I think he also touched on that, too. And that. And we've talked about this with, with the show. There's only so many, you know, at the core, it's Homelander and Butcher. And there's only so many ways you can, like, continue to escalate their. Their conflict. At some point, they have to finally have their final big showdown.
>> Sarah : Homelander has to, like, die at the end of the day like you. But then you can't have this show without him.
>> Will: Right, right.
>> Sarah : So, yeah, yeah, we will see. And, and I will say this, and this will be maybe a first for me, that if anybody who's listening has not watched Gen V and are watching the trailers for the boys season four and are confused about a virus, go freaking watch Gen v. Go and binge it because they'll make. I, This is one of the few times where I really think people who haven't watched something might just be a little bit thrown off. And also, it's a really good show.
>> Will: It is. Yeah. Ben. And even though. Even though the boys will end with season five, he did say that Gen V will continue. And also, I think they're working on another spinoff as well, I think, based in Mexico. So those shows will continue even though the, boys, which is funny given how they poke fun of, like, universe and Empire building, is now doing the very same thing.
>> Sarah : Yeah. Yeah. But I think those other shows will also have a five hour, five season structure. Yeah. And granted, maybe Gen V will need a 6th season, considering the season two will be a little bit different than. Than season one, unfortunately. So, yeah, stay tuned for both of those shows, as well as join us next week as we start to unfold and discuss the next chapters with them. will got some really exciting news this week. He just boasting about it all over social media, so I'm just going to let him spill his Star Trek news.
>> Will: Yeah. And it's probably exciting news for you as well. Maybe you'll give Star Trek, a go again where apologiamanti has been cast in the upcoming Star Trek Starfleet Academy show in a recurring guest role. And this guest role will be the big bad for the first season of this upcoming Star Trek series.
>> Sarah : I'm just going to see Chuck from billions. The whole time. I'm gonna be like, chuck, what you doing in space? What's going on here? What's happening? Chuck? Yeah, I mean, he. He's a good actor to play a villain. Yeah. he has that. But it's interesting. Will Polk Giamatti is one of the few people who couldn't play a villain but also play a good guy.
>> Will: Yeah, yeah. I mean, he got Emmy for John Adams, so.
>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah, yeah.
>> Will: But, yeah, so that was, that was really. I mean, with this show, I mean, they are between GmiT and apparently he's a big Star Trek fan. And the, showrunner, Alec and producer Alex Kurtzman was, was noting that in there, in the promotional materials, about the show is that, you know, Giamati was. They were really excited that whenever they approached him about it, he was like, oh, yeah, I'm a big fan. Let's do this. So, yeah, we got that. And then also we just got some more confirmation that the series is going to be set in the 32nd century, which is the same time period as the, show Star Trek discovery was set in. So it's another spinoff of that show that really kicked off the whole new Trek, franchise on Paramount plus. So that show just, ended its, run, this month, but I still haven't finished it yet. It's just of the, of the new Trek shows is the one that, I started out really, really excited about it, but over really the last two seasons, just kind of fell off with some of their story choices. But, But yeah, this show will be set in that. Of course, Holly Hunter was first announced, to be the lead in the show. And, And then Giamati's character apparently has a connection with one of, one of the cadets that is going to be in the, in the academy. So sounds like. Speaking of. Yeah, so it sounds like this show is going to have sort of a Gen v vibe as well. So, yeah, I'm very curious to see how they do that. The Star Trek universe.
>> Sarah : Right, right. Yeah. I think you could get me to watch Star Trek if you told me Olivia Colman's going to randomly appear in an episode.
>> Will: Well, happen on the boy on the bear.
>> Sarah : I know, that's why I brought it up because I. And we were, we were talking and we're going to talk about the various season two because we'll finally finished it. And I've rewatched it recently, but it was so funny, I couldn't tell you that that was going to happen because it was. And I was so tempted to because it was this. I watched at the same time that we were talking about, the secret, invasion.
>> Will: Oh, okay.
>> Sarah : At which she was a part of. And we kept talking those. Anytime we would bring her up, I would be like, she's all over the place. She randomly even bearded in the bear. But I was like, that was one of the best kept secrets of that show. Like, how. How did that not leak or people didn't go wire. But I think it was because it was such an iconic moment that you knew you're like, this isn't meant to be spoiled.
>> Will: Yeah. Yeah. For sure. For sure. Yeah. and we got a couple other news items before we get to our discussion about the bear. So let's, zip through those and we can get to that.
>> Sarah : Right, right. So Tim Meadows joins peacemaker season two as Argus, Asian Lynx, and Flurry. The show's second season will reportedly take place after the events of the upcoming Superman movie. Go figure. James Gunn is find both.
>> Will: Yeah. Yeah. So basically, even though he did, James Gunn did say that season one of Peacemaker happened in the old DCEU. Apparently they're going to do some story magic, and season two will be a part of the new DCU. So. Yeah, so, yeah, we'll see what happens there.
>> Sarah : Well, there's been so much time that has passed, and so many different versions of the DC. I really don't think there needs to be a lot of movie magic to pull that off. I think we're all like, we don't care. Just give us our characters and our story.
>> Will: Exactly.
>> Sarah : Yeah, for sure.
Blade has lost another director, and this movie is just looking bad
And then meanwhile, on the MCU side, Blade has lost another director, and this movie is just, you know, it's not looking good.
>> Will: No, it's not. It's not. Yeah. So got heard a little bit more about what was going on there. So the, director got the word yesterday that the director did leave, yon dimag, who was the second person. And of course, there's also been a bunch of, screenwriters and script writers coming in with this project. It's just basically cursed. Like, it's becoming like the flash of the. Of the MCU where it's just taken many years to, like, get to screen.
>> Sarah : but I would. I would go with, black Adam more than the flash, but okay.
>> Will: Oh, yeah. That's another. Again, a very fair comparison. I mean, this. This blade was announced in 20 to 2019 Comic Con.
>> Sarah : Yeah.
>> Will: So, yeah. So, but, yeah, I was listening to, Jeff Snyder and Roko on the hot, mic this evening. Of course, they were talking about this, and Jeff shared that part of the reason why he was, move, moved from this project was he was just a hard person to get to work with and just a lot of just behind the drop, behind the scenes drama, which, you know, when I saw this, I figured that was probably the case. even though they're trying to put the spin on it, that they're just, they're not going to rush this. They want to get it right instead of getting out fast.
>> Sarah : But anyway, no, I think both of those things can be true simultaneously.
>> Will: That is true. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But at this rate, it'll be like, we'll be in, like, phase ten of.
>> Sarah : The MCU, which is fine, but we're not going to see Mahershala, ah, play role. Like, he can't. Like, that's the ticking time bomb of. At what point do you recast your lead?
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : and also, why does Blade need its own movie? The. The. The blade that we got with Wesley Snipes is actually a pretty good movie. So you could do with the Hulks Hulk version and just sneak blade into some other movies and then see what happens with the audience and then find your creator and then tell an, origin or whatever kind of solo movie you want with him. But I feel like there's already a series of movies that pop culture is aware of that do a pretty decent job. But I don't know, it's just, it's just looking like what you said, a cursed movie for sure. So MCU bound to have one of those.
>> Will: Yeah. Yeah. So I doubt it's supposed to come out in November of 2025, but between all this stuff going on and of course, the things that we talked about a few weeks ago, a Bob Iger saying that they're going to be reducing output anyway. This movie is going to get. Definitely get pushed back.
>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah. I have more faith that we'll see the X Men before we see Blade at this point. Yeah, yeah. Which is weird, but, And then you saw a movie this week that you want to talk about?
>> Will: Yeah, just real fast. So Godzilla, minus one. I finally. It was. It dropped on Netflix. I, want to say last week or week before last. And I've, been meaning to watch it. I was hoping to watch it last year when it was dropped. And, I just have to say. So it did win Oscar for best visual effects. And of course, a lot of people made talked about how. What the shoestring budget compared to some Hollywood productions, because this was a film made in Japan. you know, it shows what you can do whenever, you know, even. You don't necessarily need big ass budgets to be able to create a visually stunning film. And it is. But beyond all that, the story. Oh, my God. So I, You know, if I had Scene this movie in 2023, when it was released, it would have been on my top five list. It definitely. I was. I went back and looked at my list as far as, like, which films I would knock out. And I will knock off Barbie to. To put this one in, and I will probably put it in my top three. As far as. Yeah, as far as movies, that. That, would have been my best as far as, like, 2023. Because the humans that the character story and the arc that the protagonist goes through in this. In this film and the ending, I mean, it was just so satisfying. It was. I mean, there were moments where, you know, of course, as I get older, I get to be more softy anyway. But I was tearing up and just so many things about it, but all the things that people said about it. I completely agree. see why it's, like 98% on rotten tomatoes, both audience and critics? Because it is legit. That good.
>> Sarah : That's great. And that is on Netflix. for anybody who would also want to shed some tears and happy tears.
>> Will: Sad tears. Just. Yeah, it's just a really, really good film. I just can't recommend it enough.
>> Sarah : Yeah, we've both had changes occur to our list from last year now. Just like, I guess I was wrong about that, because now I finally got around to watching this movie. Movie. And, you know, I have it on my list. I haven't watched it yet, but, And I know I didn't do a movie ranking last year, but I'm going to, in the near, near future, finally sit down and watch iron, claw.
>> Will: Oh, yeah.
>> Sarah : And. Yeah, yeah, I was just talking. Yeah, that one is definitely on there as, something that probably should have gotten award recognition, even though I know it missed the deadlines, but people always talk about and say good things about that movie, so.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : All right, well, that brings us to Olivia Colman in the Bear season two.
>> Will: Yes, chef.
>> Sarah : She's only in it for, like, ten minutes. I mean, so. Okay. Because I did, like, over the last weekend, just plow through the last half of the bear season two. and so I guess my question is to, like, lead us into this is. I'm going to first talk about what I dubbed the Seven Fishes episode, which is flashback Christmas episode. Like, first of all, I forgot that that episode is an hour long.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : Right. So now there's a lot of people who say that's the best episode of the season. Now, would you agree with that or what. What was your experience with that episode?
>> Will: I know, actually, it was not my best.
>> Will: It wasn't my favorite forks. The episode seven Richie story was my favorite one of the season.
>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm right there with you. I'm right there. Like, there's something about forks. It gets me.
>> Will: Yeah, fishes. I, had to stop it a few times. It was just so intense. And it was. I mean, not to say it was a bad episode. It was just. I. You just have to be emotionally ready to watch that particular episode. I wasn't in a place when I watched it on Saturday. I think I even messaged you over the weekend. when I. When I was watching it, I was like, who? This is intense. And it's a. It hit close to home in some respects. As far as some of the holiday dynamics, as far as things I remember growing up as a kid and even, you know, just the normal. Yeah.
>> Sarah : The noise, the chatter.
>> Will: The noise, the close up shots. I mean, face. Yeah.
>> Sarah : And. And it's just. So I. I was similar with you where I was watching, and I'm like. I'm like. I guess I wasn't in the right headspace, but I. For some reason. And I've rewatched this season several times now. But this weekend, when I. When I turned it on, I, I had different appreciation for that entire episode. just because. And the more I think about it, it amazes me how the chatter, the stress, the intensity that they are able to capture in the kitchen.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : in the restaurant, they were able to take that and put it in this holiday family flashback episode. And it just was like, totally unexpected. It felt like a play. It felt like, oh, my God, so many things. But you also needed that episode because of. I don't. Looking back on it now, I don't think I would have the same appreciation for forks having not watched that episode.
>> Will: Yeah. Yeah, I agree. I mean, it. They really complement each other very well. I mean.
>> Sarah : Yeah.
>> Will: You know, you can't have forks without having fishes.
>> Sarah : Right, right. Because you see Richie's relationship with Sid M and when she's pregnant and their love. And so then when I watched forks and he's on the phone call and she tells him, like, well, I was proposed to. Like, you're, you're. It's. It's so close. Like you're just thinking to yourself, man. And I noticed. I didn't notice this before. While he's on the phone, he's still wearing his wedding ring.
>> Will: Yeah, I noticed that.
>> Sarah : Yeah. He's never taken it off.
>> Will: Yeah, I noticed that, too. I was like, wait a minute. I thought they were. I thought he was separated from her.
>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, but that's just something else. They can pull that for future reference of when that happened. A future flashback. but, okay, so I. I wasn't sure. So for me. Yeah, like, like, it was forks and then it was the. The, Dutch episode. Yeah, that episode was up there. And then the finale is just, you know, it's just, I. Okay, I want to get your thoughts on this, but I also, I just want to say again another, like, something that struck me last night when I was watching the finale is I didn't realize that Carmy got stuck in the, in the fridge so early. It's eleven minutes. I had a clock track because I knew it was coming, but for some reason my memory told me, oh, towards the end. But no, no, no, it's really quick. Like, he gets stuck in there for an extended period of time. And it's just so interesting because for some reason, I felt like they were making their way through and the next thing you know, Carmy gets stuck in and then they're able to wrap up service. But no, it, like, they, they are making their, like all of that happens, but there's a much longer period after service ends. that plays out.
>> Will: Yeah, yeah, that. So the finale was the next episode. As far as, like, as far as the back, back half of the season, that was the next one that I really, really enjoyed. Just, you know, seeing, seeing sid, like, you know, whatever, she, you know, Richie taking over that role as far as, like, running the kitchen and the orders and stuff and just seeing the met and it's seeing her like she's all on her nerves, but then just really having to, like, pull everybody together and all the lessons that she had been, like, carrying around the coach K book. And I remember, I think even in what was either episode eight or not, I think they even had the voiceover at coach k talking about teamwork and all that kind of stuff. So she was, you know, adapting those things that she had learned and pulled that, pull that kitchen together, so. But, yeah, you're right about. About the. With Carney and, you know, and for me, that was the first time watching it, but I didn't realize it did seem like a lot more had happened. And I don't know if it's. Cause I just, like, dispensing this stuff or, or what, but it did. But once I realized, like, oh, it was really early in episode when he. When I. When I did look at the time and also, oh, we can still have, like, 40 minutes left or whatever it was. And, just sort of seeing how all unfolded and. And, and, you know, Tina just, you know, first Tina's just talking to him and trying to keep, you know, reassuring him. And then, you know, Carmy then just having that moment there where he still thinks she's outside on the other side of the fridge, and, you know, it's Claire. And it'll. I mean, I just, like, I was like, fuck. I was like, it was just so devastating, you know, because he, you know, they especially, like, again, going back to fishes and thinking about how his. How Mikey and. And Richie and all the guys were, like, talking about how about Claire and. And trying to set him up with her. And then, you know, the whole phone number thing, and he really. The whole him finally opening up to, like, allow this relationship to happen. And then he goes and said. Says what he has to say because of the anxiety and everything that was going on there while he wasn't in the. Locked in the freezer and her, hearing that, it was just. It was just heartbreaking.
>> Sarah : Right, right. And nobody is able to actually. It's interesting how in the finale, we see, like, starting with forks, you see Richie actually succeed in finding purpose and is able to step up and is able to help others step up as well. And you also see with Sid how, because Richie's there and steps up, she's able to find balance, too, when everything's going to shit and have that trust in him to be able to expedite, and then she can focus on what she's good at, and it's like, no, we're not going to let this fall apart. It's also heartbreaking. Nobody can do that for Carmy
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : And so that's why Carmy still trapped in the fridge. Like, and. And then. Oh, man. Then you got to go into the whole. The actual family dynamic that is occurring with the mom.
>> Will: Yes. Yes.
>> Sarah : So what. What is your take on the mom? Like, we get a lot of mom this. This season.
>> Will: Yeah. Yeah. So, first. Yeah. First, of all, I didn't realize that was Jamie Lee Curtis when I was watching vicious, I was like, trust.
>> Sarah : Me, it took me a while, too.
>> Will: Yeah, yeah. I was like, oh, yeah. And it reminded me again, like, also what she's in her next part of her, this part of her career, her chameleon. Because it was the same kind of thing with, with, the movie, everything everywhere, all at once. It was the same kind of thing. I was like, oh, that's Jimmy Curtis. Yeah, but I digress. But, with. With fishes seeing the anxiety and stuff, so I was like, okay, shit, alcohol. Is she, you know, anxiety? I mean, it seemed like there was a lot. Yeah, yeah. So, you know, and of course, whenever, you know, when she drives the car through the. Through the, into the living room there, it was definitely like, okay, there was definitely some mental illness issues. And it seems also Mikey had some things as well, and. And even Carney, as far as Carney and his anxiety. And so, you know, there's a lot of this generational trauma, trauma that this family has dealt with because of some undiagnosed mental illnesses, which it does. It seems, though, later, sugar, you know, bring up the fact about the nurse and stuff. I mean, you know, and the phone call from the nurse. you know, I guess she finally was able to get some care and treatment. But, But, yeah, the whole drama there with the opening of sugar inviting her to the opening, and then she's like, because of all the things that have happened, you know, she's standing there and then sugar's husband, like, Caesar.
>> Sarah : Yeah.
>> Will: When he steps out and then promised, you know, poor guy, I just felt like he was just put in a bad spot because he's like, promise me you're not going to tell the rest of them I was here. And then he's sitting there talking to Sugar at dinner and just the breaking down because he's just feeling so guilty and so shitty because, you know, they have. It seems like they have a really good relationship where they're very honest with one another and now he's having to lie to her. So it was just, again, just, just excellent. Like you said. You said earlier that, that fish just reminded you of a play. I mean, this whole season, in a lot of ways, is very like, like something you will see in a play and really strong storytelling. I mean, this is just like, wow. I can't, wait for four to third season to see how some of these, these things unfold.
>> Sarah : Yeah, it's, like, I just want to take a moment to share my thoughts about that scene between sugar and Pete, because I, like, I'm glad I rewatched it again. and you would think, well, I've rewatched it a few times before now, too, but because I've had so much space since my last rewatch of it, I was seeing different things. And that scene between him and sugar also hit very differently, too, because I think sometimes when you're watching a show, and especially during a binge, like, this show is still very bingeable. And I think it's written in a way that makes you want to binge it because some of the ties you're not going to pick up on. But at the same time, it's a very emotional rollercoaster. So do with caution. but so, so often, Pete and the sugar stuff are, like, cast aside, but whatever. the other night when I was watching it and he was breaking down, and I just. It's so much more than just, like, a bad situation because he's been around and in this family for so long, and he's the outsider because he's the husband. He's not. He's like Richie, but not Richie. Yeah, yeah, but. And so he also knows, like, his wife's dynamic with the mom. So it's like, I, like, I also agree. Like, it would do her more harm to know than to not know. So it's like, oh, and then there's also fear, because whatever is going on with the mom, is it hereditary? Like, they're about to have a child and all of this stuff, and. And, like, he finally, I think, sees sugar in a good place. Like, even though she's busy and stressed, it's like, no, this is successful. This is good. There's happiness and everything, and that would just bring heartache. So it's just. It's so well done. But, like, it still amazes me how much we both watched season one. We were both like, it's good, but, it's also not, like, lingering or anything. But I do have to ask, did this at all? Like, when you finished it, were you like, let me go back and rewatch some of season one?
>> Will: Yes. Yes, I, did, because it's been so long. And I was like, I need to. I need to do a quick binge before season three starts.
>> Sarah : And I swear, when I did that, I was just like, I want to stay in this world. And I got. I got more appreciation for season one now than I ever did before, as I rewatched that season recently. And there's just the. You don't. You don't understand, because this season they took, they've, each episode was felt like it was focused on one character while at the same time telling a full arc of the restaurant. There was a good timer. There's going to be. I didn't realize it. I realized it. Now there's a timer now set for the third season because they only got so many months before uncle comes in and, and says, you haven't paid me back yet. So.
>> Will: Yep.
>> Sarah : So, yeah, it's very, very well executed season. As well as leaving threads to be pulled later. Yeah.
>> Will: for sure. For sure. Because, you know, at his core, still Carney's story.
>> Sarah : Oh, yeah.
>> Will: But it's, but you're right. I mean, they succeed in the second season just continuing the story. But add all these other, like you said, everybody has growth and like, from Richie to Tina, become, you know, taking lessons to Marcus. You know, we talked about him last week as far as, you know, working at the dutch restaurant, learning, from, you know, from the same guy that, you know, that will poultry. Yeah. Will Poultry. Yeah. You see the photo, of Will Poulter and Carney together. So you pull those threads together. So, I mean, it's just so many things about it.
>> Sarah : There's a story Will Poulter says, and, you know, as soon as you see that photo, it's confirmation. As well as like even more like who are we gonna get a flashback there? Cuz I didn't hear it's gonna randomly appear in the third season, so who knows? But yeah, yeah, I just. And, oh, wasn't Sarah Paulson also she showed up to during fishes.
>> Will: She did.
>> Sarah : And I think I wanted to bring her up when we randomly saw her earlier this year in Mister and misses M. Smith because another actress, like the number of cameos in this show.
>> Will: Oh, gosh. Bob Odenkirk. I mean, also slut.
>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah. So you're just. And, yeah, it's just, it's so good. I'm looking forward to the third season. sure, for sure. And I'm glad you finally watched it.
>> Will: I am too. I am too.
>> Sarah : Yeah. And we will, we will, we will come back maybe in August or maybe sooner with some reviews of the third season.
>> Will: Yes. Yes, chef. Yes, chef.
>> Sarah : Yes, chef. All right, cousin. So, Richie. All right. The acolyte, season one, episode three. Destiny. This is our flashback episode. Brendach. 16 years earlier on a mysterious planet, the tragic story of two girls begins. Will, why don't you walk us through this episode? Because I tried last week and I don't feel like I did a good job. And, So why don't you take us through this episode, and I will chime in with my thoughts.
>> Will: All right, well, let me, I'll start with my overall thoughts. Well, let me, let me hear your overall thoughts first. As far as this episode was, did it work better for you this week than last or.
>> Sarah : Or about the same?
>> Will: Okay. Okay.
>> Sarah : Yeah.
>> Will: Yeah. Ah, fair enough. I mean, yeah, I mean, I think, this one worked better for me this week, I have to say. And I think I did feel like it. Honestly, they should have led with this. This episode out the gate, because I think what made this episode work better for me was that it actually cared about what was going on as far as the story here, whereas before, I was sort of like, okay, it's fine. It has, you know, has potential, but, you know, it was just fine. this week was where I really felt like, okay, I'm starting to get a little bit more invested in this story that they're telling, even though it still has a lot of the familiar beats from Star wars.
>> Sarah : Right, right.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : Yeah. I mean, that's. That's fair. I don't know if I 100% agree they should have led with this episode because I don't know how you would have done, the first two episodes, to follow because there was, quote unquote mystery there and trying to figure out what was going on with the twins and everything. But it's. It's hard. It's good to hear that someone watched this and got more intrigue in the. In the, in the story, because that's what you want a flashback to do, which. Which is harder than people realize, because flashbacks, episodes, you do know what the outcome is going to be.
>> Will: Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
>> Sarah : You know, because you've already seen the present, so you. You kind of know. You don't know the context. And so I think this helped with the context. It also raised a few other questions. So I'm thinking in my mind, oh, they did not cast carry on maths for one episode. We finally got her second. I think we're going to get her for a third. so. But, yeah, I think that's where I also struggled, saying confidently, like, it got me more curious just because, like, in my mind, I'm just like, okay, we. Yeah, we can talk about what happened. So we're getting a little bit more context. Did not realize we were dealing with witches, but that's cool. but at the same time, I don't know. I just. I. One thing that bothered me is I did not like the girls that got casted to play the young twins.
>> Will: Yeah. I mean, I would.
>> Sarah : I did not. Especially the one who played Mae which is bothering me the whole time, because she was overacting.
>> Will: I was going to say, yeah, I mean, there were some definitely places where they. They could have had them dial it back a bit with the bickering. I mean, I get where they were coming from and what they were trying to, ah, show there. As far as, like, you know, we have Osha, who is like Luke, looking through the stars and wanting to not, you know, not cool about doing this ascension thing. And then May is over here, the all in and more, at least at this juncture, more tuned to the thread, which I did. Like, I will say that was one of the things that maybe why I did like this episode better was the, how they really dove into some of the religious aspects of the force in the galaxy and how different people call the same mysterious thing out there different things, whether it's the Jedi calling the force, the witches call it the thread. But at the. At its core, I mean, when I was watching that scene when the mother was talking about it, I was like, you know, that almost worked, almost kind of word for word what Obi Wan told Luke whenever they were sitting in the hut on Tatooine in a new hope. So. So, you know, so there was that aspect of it that I. That I did like, with exploring that. Starting to explore that a little bit more.
>> Sarah : Right, right. I just think that with Mae I'm gonna go back to the may. something else. It wasn't just the bickering, but there was a somewhat of an inconsistency with that. They started with her character, where it's like, we are one. She kept wanting. She would always follow Osha and find where she was hiding because she wants her twin always connected with her. They are too. That whole chant saying that they are, and yet whenever she's around, it's constantly like, pay attention. Don't do this, this. And like, I'm like, so that. And then the next thing you know, oh, she decides she wants to become a Jedi. And Mae's like, you must die.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : And it's like, okay, so how did, like, there's one thing, like, so now you want to stay with your sister in death? Like, I don't. I don't understand. But then again, you're like, what, ten years old? So ten year old logic. But still, that escalated quickly. I was thinking that took a dark turd. All of a sudden, I shall kill you. It's like, yeah, yeah. This is why they call this dark magic. Okay.
>> Will: Yeah. And I think it's a good segue to, like, going back to their. Their conception. because that, again, ties into some of the things that we see later down the road with, for example, with, dark. Dark. With Palpatine talking to Anakin. As, soon as that scene started happening, I will start, you know, immediately went to that scene in revenge of the Sith, where they're sitting in the M auditorium there, and Palpatine telling Anakin about the dark forces. And you won't learn that from a Jedi, but, you know, but so, so we do. You know, I guess they. I don't know if it's necessarily, like, sith at this point. They would call it that or not, but I mean, but it's definitely, like, dark. Probably that dark magic that palpatine was alluding to, that, that the mother and Korri mother Anicia, I think, is how to pronounce her name, and Korri were. Were clearly engaged in. To, conceive these. The twins. because, you know, she was, you know, I guess Anissia had used the magic, and I guess she, you know, Korri carried them to term. So. So I did, you know, so I think they want to help cannon with the whole chosen one thing. But also, I think it also picks up on the point of what palpatine was. Was sharing with Anakin. And, why maybe may does have that sort of dark streak in her, that why now, the. Whoever the master is in this, in the show, which I think we're supposed to get the reveal of that next week, why he has such an interest in that character.
>> Sarah : Yeah. So, I mean, there's a. There's a lot of. I have heard a lot of people bring up some of the older movies and comparison, so they are doing a good job about breadcrumbing or hinting at, those films that are later in the timeline.
>> Will: Yeah. Yeah.
>> Sarah : Which something that just struck me while watching, I don't know, the first two scenes while we're getting introduced to Brendach, because, like, in my mind, I'm like, okay, this is 100 years before these movies. How. How fast does technology advance in this universe? I feel like we're stuck with the same. No matter what point of the timeline, it's the same technology, no matter where we are. It's just. I don't know. It's just something very interesting, like,
>> Will: It is the star Trek problem. Where it's like everything is. Looks as new as we're back at what we see later in it. Yeah, yeah.
>> Sarah : It's like no time has passed.
>> Will: Yeah, but I won't. But, yeah, but that. Well, I will say, though, to that point, though, that, like, while we're in the imperial period with, Andor and other stuff, I mean, I think maybe that shows, like, the inefficiencies or the, you know, the bare bones of the. Of the empire where, you know, aesthetics and. And nice cities and that kind of stuff is just. Just not. They don't care. It's just like, it's just function over, over, over aesthetic.
>> Sarah : Well, it's something I noticed, so.
>> Will: No, that's. No, that's a very good point. I mean, that's.
>> Sarah : But, yeah, the whole conception of it all. I mean, I had that question right away, where's the father? But then we learned Mother Carell carried the children while mother Anissa created them. And I will say the highlight of this episode, Jody Turner Smith.
>> Will: Yes.
>> Sarah : was just stellar.
>> Will: Yes.
>> Sarah : I, mean, she even surpassed Mandala from the first two episodes in terms of how she was able to portray this character, given the material.
>> Will: Yes.
>> Sarah : It was like, I was like, girl, you need to be. You need to be alive in this show. For sure.
>> Will: Yeah, yeah. And I, think that's probably where I'm getting my bob of, like, this episode work better because the actor carried this show. I mean, she had the whole back of the Star wars universe on her, and she killed it. I mean, I think that's what elevates the performance. Definitely elevates. Elevates this. The watchability of this. And it was such a performance. Like you noted, that I was probably a little bit more charitable over more charitable, and overlooked some of the maybe flaws in the writing that.
>> Sarah : I'm not saying that there was as many flaws as there was last week in the writing. There was some convenient plot points. But I also just think, like I said before, my whole point was mainly about flashback episodes. You know, what's going to happen because you've been told previously and you kind of see where people end up. So all you're looking for is context clues as well as hints as to things that have yet to be Scene. Like, we know that not only did may survive, but also someone else did. And there's hints, and I go back and forth. Okay, so I'm just going to say, I'm thinking right now it's Kirill, his mother. And I know. I think that there is a red herring or a, Something that the writers purposely put in there to make you. Not to make you think it's mother Anissa. But I don't think it is.
>> Will: No, I agree. Yeah.
>> Sarah : but line I'm hinting at is just that, because when the Jedi first come to disrupt the ceremony, the ascension ceremony, she. People start to get out weapons. It's like, no violence, which we know whoever trained Mei has specifically said, you will not kill one of these Jedi. Like, with. For, like, with weapons. Like, it'll. It'll be. You'll kill the dream and all of that. But I think that Kuril survives and then takes that message, because that's her lover. Yeah, there's some serious vibes there. So to uphold and to finish raising their daughter. but you go ahead and your notes on the whole, who else is the remaining survivor of Brendach?
>> Will: Yeah, so I actually agree with you that it was probably her. because again, we're. Because we're. This whole episode is told from, Osha's perspective on things. So. So, so, yeah, so she was locked in the room, and like you said, things escalated with me, like trying to kill her and. And so all, you know, so whenever she does escape and works her way through the power chamber there and stuff, and, you know, they get to the bridge and of course, when. When soul is taking her out, I mean, she's Scene the after effects of what transpired there. So, you know, speak. So I think, you know, I don't recall seeing her. Her remains, like in the. In the hall there with all the other witches. unless I missed it, I have to have a watch. I've only watched episode once, but I have to. Next time I watch it, I'll have to. Have to look out for that. But, that. That, to me, seems to be. I know a lot of folks think that the master could be, you know, manages ink toast character quram. and I even joked last night, I was like, maybe they'll pull, ah, pull a flash. And, when I was on a plus, maybe they'll pull a flash on us and, have it peaceful, right? As far as, like, the whole, ah, the whole harrison wells of it all in the season one of the flash, you know, he. Cuz. And I say that just because of how caring and how he seems to be all about Osha's well being. But clearly, folks, those four Jedi know something more that transpired that. That night. and. And so they're. They're all not innocent to the point. So, So, yeah, so those. Yeah, that was just kind of my just kind of joke theory that, you know, that this talks out there, but I think you're right about Coral.
>> Sarah : Yeah, I am. So the other thing I wanted to ask about or get your thoughts on is because in the previous episode, Torbin committed suicide. Now, did you pick up on anything that happened that makes sense for his actions in present day, other than him.
>> Will: Being possessed by the witches? I mean, I don't know if there was, like, some residual. There's that. And then also just sort of what transpired either before, whenever. Because during the ascension ceremony, I think there was a lot of disruption and stuff, and they heard people breaking in, quote, I guess I can't remember the exact term, but essentially break it into the. Into the. Into the covenant. So, you know, either something from that moment when they first encountered a witches, and, of course, there's a whole lie that they told. As far as you know.
>> Sarah : I don't see. That's too early for anything to happen. I thought you were going to go with where what I'm thinking that we see maybe someone start the fire and then chaos, but then we're stuck with osha trying to escape. We don't. You don't see. And then soul comes out of nowhere, and you're just like, the only one here. We don't see any of the other three.
>> Will: Well, yeah, I was gonna. Yeah, so I was thinking that, too. That was. Yeah. and that was gonna be my next point, too, is that during that incident, something happened there that, again, will get maybe from other people's perspective.
>> Sarah : Right. Yeah, I just. My point is, like, this is why I said before, I think we're going to get a third episode with Carrie ann moss, because I think they purposely cut out our, change focus, change perspective to OSha, and then they're leaving May's perspective on the events for a later episode. So you can do flashbacks because Aniss is suddenly dead, clearly not dead from being burned alive. So there is something that happens that, neither Osha or soul are arguably witness to. But I hope that in the later episodes, they make it very clear as to why Torben would commit suicide. Okay. Key word, torbin. Okay, so not telling me that Anirudra killed Anissa, and then Torbin commits to. No, no, I don't want any of that b's. So. So, yeah. Yeah, this. This is a fine episode. I think what's also going on with me is I know I'm not gonna watch this show for another like several weeks.
>> Sarah : So it's hard for me to get invested when I'm just like, I'm about to put this on the shelf for a little bit. So. So that's probably also why I've been lukewarm on it and, don't, want to get too attached. Right? One, I don't want to get sucked in to the point where I'm like on pause. So.
>> Will: Fair enough. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
>> Sarah : Thoughts before we wrap up?
>> Will: No, no, I mean, I think we covered all the major points from the episode. that's. In closing, I think the true mystery here is what happened in that room. And the murder mystery aspect that we got initially told was sort of like, yeah, that's one thing. But really here, the real story here is what happened in that room that night. And we'll learn who the master is. And whether or not we get Sith, in this series or not is yet to be determined. I mean, we get the elements of them, but will they actually use that word sith? That remains to be Scene.
>> Sarah : Yes.
>> Will: Just to hold up, the whole canon that was established with the lines, in the prequel track trilogy.
>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah, we shall see. And are you going to continue doing a opinions?
>> Will: Yeah, we'll be joining them. And so the carry our flag as far as some of the Star wars stuff, while we, focus our attention here on the boys and House of the dragon.
>> Sarah : Yeah. So be sure to be tuning into that if you are, watching the acolyte. And on that note, will, why don't you tell our listeners where they can find you?
>> Will: Yes, you can find me on X, formally known as twitterill. At willmmpolk.
>> Sarah : And you can follow me there too at sjbelmont, s j b el Mont. Please follow our crew on Twittereenandnerdfriend us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram and thread at scene underscore n underscore nerd and visit our website, www.scenennerdpodcast.com but most importantly, rate follow and comment on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube or wherever your podcast. Goodnight. Geek out. You're welcome.