Join our dynamic duo as they embark on a thrilling quest for the One Piece and follow the travels of Ahsoka. Dive into our in-depth discussions, passionate rants, and insightful reviews. Welcome to another exciting episode of Scene N’ Nerd, where we...
Join our dynamic duo as they embark on a thrilling quest for the One Piece and follow the travels of Ahsoka. Dive into our in-depth discussions, passionate rants, and insightful reviews. Welcome to another exciting episode of Scene N’ Nerd, where we explore the depths of your favorite fandoms. We rant...we rave...we review...this is Scene N’ Nerd.
0:00 Welcome and rundown
0:56 Update of Marvel Studios TV shows on Disney Plus
9:43 The Boys spin-off Gen V has a second trailer
14:23 Rotten Tomatoes are rotten!
20:30 One Piece episode 1 x 1
41:44 Ahsoka episode 1 x 4 "Fallen Jedi"
1:04:30 Outro
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