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Dragons & Supes: House of the Dragon S2 E2 and The Boys S4 E3-4 Reviews!

Greetings, nerds! This is Scene N Nerd. Join your dynamic duo, Sarah Belmont and Will Polk, as they dive into the latest in geek culture. We start with a quick chat about the upcoming Penguin series, where Will shares his excitement for Colin...

Greetings, nerds! This is Scene N Nerd. Join your dynamic duo, Sarah Belmont and Will Polk, as they dive into the latest in geek culture. We start with a quick chat about the upcoming Penguin series, where Will shares his excitement for Colin Farrell's performance as Oswald Cobblepot. (0:00)

Next, we dive into House of the Dragon, Season 2, Episode 2, "Rhaenyra the Cruel." Sarah and Will discuss the fallout from King Aegon's heir's murder, focusing on Team Green's political maneuvers and the complex dynamics within the Targaryen family. They explore Aegon's controversial decisions, Alicent's maternal struggles, and the impact on the common folk of King's Landing. We then shift to Team Black, analyzing the intense confrontation between Daemon and Rhaenyra. Will and Sarah break down the intricate character interactions, loyalty questions, and the symbolic duel between the twin brothers, Erryk and Arryk. They highlight the emotional and political stakes that continue to rise. (1:55)

Finally, we discuss The Boys, Season 4, Episodes 3 and 4. Sarah and Will delve into the escalating tensions between Homelander and Starlight supporters, Hughie's moral dilemmas, and the shocking revelations about Annie and Firecracker's past. They also touch on Butcher's evolving relationship with Ryan and the gruesome scenes involving Homelander's quest for vengeance. (36:30)

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>> Sarah : Greetings, nerds. This is Scene N N Nerd. I'm your host, Sarah Belmont, and with me, as always, is our mister producer, will polk. How are you doing tonight, will?

>> Will: Doing well, Sarah. I hope you're doing well tonight. Looking forward to our discussions about house and the dragon and the boys. Bring those emmys on.

>> Sarah : Yeah, you're. You're so excited that we had one non related topic, and. And I admitted that I didn't watch the penguin trailer, and you're like, oh,

>> Will: Chopping block. Let's just get right to the shows.

>> Sarah : Get right to it. My God. I mean, you watched it. I didn't watch it, but I did watch it.

>> Will: Yeah, I did.

>> Sarah : Yeah.

>> Will: Yeah. I mean, just real quick. I did watch it. It's coming in September. Looks great. Colin Farrell is amazing chameleon. I was getting some Robert De Niro vibes as far as his osmo common pot, but, from good. From, the untouchables. But, yeah, it's coming.

>> Sarah : And, it's been two years. Two years since Batman.

>> Will: Yeah, since the Batman. Yeah, yeah, I think so. yeah. And this film. This show is set during. That is right after the events of that film. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So. So there's a power vacuum in Gotham which Oswald is going to try to fill.

>> Sarah : Ah, power vacuums. All right, so. So we will probably be talking about that come September because we do love ourselves some max shows. So we're going to start off tonight talking about House of dragon. Episode two, Renera the cruel. Both Alison and Rhaenyra are facing the consequences of the murder of King Aegon's hair. I think it works best to talk about this show. Teams.

>> Will: Yes.

>> Sarah : So we will just kick off with team Green. will, what are some of your thoughts about Team Green in this episode?

>> Will: Well, this initial overall faults, Team Green is they have a way of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory because, Otto had the best laid plan out there as far as to. As a way to get the people back on their side. And, And then Aegon just goes and fucks it all up.

>> Sarah : Yeah. I think Aegon's a fascinating character.

>> Will: He is

>> Sarah : However, I do have one thing that despite me liking him this season, I keep getting reminded of some of the. Some of his actions from season one. And it goes back to my gripe about the first episode, like, how much time has passed, because I don't. I'm still not fully convinced that they didn't do a real parent trap. I mean, they did a parent trap in this episode, but a real parent trap with Aegon. Because I don't feel. I'm, still at a loss as to like, how the agon we left became the Aegon in specifically this episode. Because. Yeah. Yeah, he was stupid. But at the same time, I completely understand why he did what he did. Like, remove. Remove the power of it all. and I'm glad they inserted the scene where at the end when he's crying and nobody's there to console him, alison witnesses it. But she doesn't understand how to be a mom. So she. I mean, in her eyes, these are her children. But also she wasn't necessarily the most willing person to bear these children, if you know what I mean. Like. Like, I think they're like. That has definitely caused her to build up some kind of wall with her. With her own children. And so to see that at the end, it's just like even though he makes the wrong decision. In my mind, the wrong decision almost makes him more human. Like, for him to have not done that. I don't know. Like there would be something inconsistent about his character.

>> Will: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, they really did set up his feelings for Jaehaerys. with the. You know, being a doting father. You know. Bringing him to the council meetings and those kind of things. And I guess it really reflects what he was lacking from his own father in a lot of respects. Because, you know, by the time they did have the Jaehaerys agon and, Amund and the other kids. I mean, Viserys was old. I mean, you know, he had. You know. So. I mean, so he didn't. You know. So Aegon didn't have the relationship that Viserys and Rhaenyra had. I mean, he had. It was a true vacuum. And like you said, I mean, Alice. Alicent was just not from circumstances and other things. Just wasn't equipped to be that. I guess, nurturing mother because of. You know. Because she was basically having these kids out of duty. Not out of a sense of like wanting to be, you know, a mother and do those maternal things.

>> Sarah : Yeah. Yeah. It's not necessarily out of love that these kids were born. They were born out of need for power. You know. And, It's funny that you bring up his relationship with Viserys. Just because he never. He talks about Jaehaerys as. He refers to him as his legacy, as his hair. And that is the one thing that we really got between. Like that was the lasting breath of his dying father was like. Name? Aegon King.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : Like, supposedly. So, like, in his mind, he didn't have that relationship that you were talking about with his father, but his father wanted him to be king. And so I think that's why it was such a great moment to insert that kind of. This is my understanding, this is my perspective. It comes from my father. Like, he may not have favored me, but he wanted me to be king. And Anna's like, sure, sure, kid. You think that. You think that's what happened, but not necessarily. the world is a bit more complex, but you're just like, it makes. So then to have his only male heir die under his watch and then immediately start hearing from the small council, thought talks about him already appearing, who's weak. It's like, yeah, of course you're gonna get like, that. Isn't the. The, What words am I searching for? The pep talk that Aegon needed to hear in that moment for him to actually make rational decisions later. You don't already call him weak. That just will make him overcompensate.

>> Will: Oh, yeah.

>> Sarah : And essentially, like, I thought we were done when he killed the one assassin, in cold blood. But no, no. Then later on in the episode, he ends up hanging all of the rat catchers. and so all of the good political chips that Otto was able to secure with the common commoners in King's Landing went out the window, because now it's a manhunt, and he's making an enemy of those people, which they're also, like, threading the needle with a, good old hue. So.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah, I was thinking that, too, with, when they were showing the common, you know, hugh the black, I guess he's the blacksmith, and, you know, you know, with. With the scene with his daughter and stuff. And I know some folks are like, well, some of these extra scenes with the common folk, you know, is it really necessary? And stuff? But I think it just re. But I think, yeah, it reinforces, you know. You know, because on the. You know, and I love the way they set it up because in the first episode, there he was trying to be the agon, the, Benelliban. Benelephant. Ah. Aegon, the, What was magnanimous? I think they were one of the things.

>> Sarah : Magnanimous is a word that was used, but I think he was just, like, thinking. He was very simple in his logic of how to rule.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah. And he's like, yeah, otto, like, shot him down.

>> Sarah : Yeah. we took your sheep. Well, we should give them back. We need the sheep for the dragons. Oh, well, okay. I don't know what to do because, I mean, the world isn't. You can simplify things, but there's a whole realm of complexity that you found yourself in that you're not prepared for. So.

>> Will: Yeah.

The episode brings in the perspective of people who are in King's Landing

>> Sarah : but, yeah, it's something also interesting to know about the use of and not the use, but bringing in the perspective of not necessarily the commoners, but the people who are in King's Landing. And I know, we have, I forget his name, but, he talks to Adam in the episode.

>> Will: Oh, Alan.

>> Sarah : Alan, on the other side, who's also like, kind of like, oh, great. I have. I have the sea snake's favor. But the sea snake is about to head to war. I don't want his favor right now. Like, like. And.

The line with man and prostitute was very on the nose. I wouldn't put it at the same, like, appreciation

And to go, since we're talking about team green. I mean, it just leads into the. The line with, a man and the prostitute, where it's like when a king gets upset, that's when the poor people suffer like the little people. And that was such a good line. It was a bit. I don't think it was a. I wouldn't put it at the same, like, my appreciation for it as, the Helena and the rats from last week, just because it was so on the nose and there were so many other, like, ah, plots going on to support that. I was just like, okay, we're a bit on the nose, but at the same time, it's very important in terms of. This is why we're including some of these subplots, because we can't expand the world without being like this. Civil war is. Is killing other people or. I don't know, I'm talking too much, but go ahead.

>> Will: No, no, no. I was thinking that very same thing with. With that. With that.

Eamonn says Luke's death was very telling in this episode

in addition to, again, just reinforcing a couple things about Eamonn, one, just how it was a very telling moment, in a couple of respects. One, obviously, this, the visual of him lying there in a fetal position. And again, going back to our discussion about Alicent and Aegon, again, just not being able, not having that maternal influence and person he can confide in. So. So, of course he's doing it here. there's also the, as we just noted, the clear and, you know, evidence of the common folk are the ones who are the ones, at the end of the day, you all are fighting off on doing your things with your dragons and all that kind of stuff, but we're the ones who end up really suffering because of your. Your impulsive decisions, your need for vengeance, et cetera. But the other. The one thing that did strike me with that scene was, sort of the two feelings that he had there. One, he did have remorse for the mistake of. Of killing not Jace, but, lucerys. Lucers. And the. And then the other thing is just still the pride that he was like whenever he found that. That mark coin earlier in the episode, showing that Damon was the one who ordered the hit. And he just, like, was still boastful of the fact that, again, he's. You know, he just loves the fact that Damon sees him as, ah, a threat and he's a worthy enemy. And how he derives, pleasure from that.

>> Sarah : Right. Right. Something that I wish they. They could have touched on and I kind of under. I understand why they didn't do this, but, I don't know, somebody just point out, like, the fact that you realize Rhaenyra would have no reason to have sent anyone to kill anyone in the castle had Luke not died. And whose fault was that? So. But nobody talked about that. I mean, I'm not even sure how many people in King's Landing is aware of Luke's death, considering, like, the. The political propaganda that Otto has been able to wield now.

>> Will: Exactly.

>> Sarah : Now, on that note, I don't. Otto is not going to be around for much longer because he's going off to go and hang out with, Daron, who we have never. I mean, did I just. I just. For people who watch season one, did we ever see a third son from Allison? I just. I need to understand. I know that he. From what I understand, I am. I'm aware that he is in the books, and people thought, like, they just were not going to utilize him, but this season, they are, so I just. I think that's a bit weird.

>> Will: Yeah. Or I don't know if. Or if he. They may just use him as a plot device, just for. To send Otto to old Town. For now, just to Matilda gets. You know, till Sir Kristen gets fired. And, Otto comes back to be the hand for the third time. Unless. Unless Aegon goes for, finally, hires, Laris strong.

>> Sarah : I don't think so. I don't think this is the last we're going to see of Otto. I think we're going to see old Town. I think we're going to meet the other son. because he is in the books, so.

>> Will: He's in. Yeah, he is in the books. And. Yeah, I just. I just didn't know, if they were going to hold off that until season.

>> Sarah : Three, they might do that. They might. I mean, this. We're talking about a slow burn. Winter was coming for what, eight, seven seasons on Game of Thrones? I know we're going to get the dance of the dragons in a later episode, but, I don't know if the war will start at the end of the season or if we're going to get the war to play out at any point in this season.

>> Will: Yeah, true, true.

>> Sarah : And so to just circle back, because I kind of already mentioned the scene, but, But really, Otto is now headed to old town because Sir Christian, with all of his freaking guilt, his hip, who. Which he displays just by being the most hypocritical, like, biggest hypocrite ever in Westeros, he comes up with a plan to. To utilize the knight whose twin brother is currently saving Rene, serving Rhaenyra, and saying, you're gonna go pose as your brother, kill her and come back a hero? Nothing like that is my genius plan. And because Aegon is blinded by grief, I'm gonna tell him that, and he's gonna be like, you're a freaking genius. Finally, someone doing some. Something other than me. I mean, someone's actually doing something. Not just talking. I'm going to dismiss my grandfather and appoint you my hand. now, this just makes it more likely that it'll come out that you're fucking my mom. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because. Because I swear, if amon. Everything they are doing with a man and aegon, they're building. They're. They're building me. Like these two guys. If they cannot figure out that Sir Christian and Allison are fucking, they lose all credibility.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Otto, surely he knows why that. He's like, look, don't at, That. Don't need that. yeah, just. Yeah, no, he's like, whatever your sins are, don't even.

>> Sarah : I already connected. Like, that's it. That's the other thing. Everyone's given Eamon all of this credit because he. He picked up a coin and figured out, oh, they were after me. Could you apply the detective work to who murdered your nephew?

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : And the why they were not like, because, come on, dude. You have to figure out soon that Sir Christian is screwing your mom. Like, come on. And that. That's why they were not protected.

>> Will: Yeah, exactly. There's that. Plus, I think there's that. That similar dynamic that he has with. With. That he has with Damon in that he's. He really thinks he should be on the throne. And not Aegon.

>> Sarah : Amen. Yeah. Yeah. there is a second son. See, it's, This is when having such a long hiatus works against the show is. I don't. I'm sure there is, but I can't really pinpoint an exact scene where that was really talked about at all. I, think it's implied, but I don't know. We honestly, we haven't gotten enough of a man this season to really know if. If he's. He's like. If he's truly like damon to that extent.

>> Will: Right? Actually, yeah. yeah, that's, that's a good point. I mean, whenever I was watching the episode, too, I was actually thinking there was. And we'll get into it some more here when we talk about team black. But the actions in this episode, daemon and Aegon, had more similarities as far as their impulsiveness and their need for vengeance. And those kind of things seem to be more mirrors of one another as far as some of their. Their temperaments than Aegon this week.

>> Sarah : Yeah. Yeah. Or you mean aemond this week. Yeah. Amand. We got one scene of arguably one and a half scenes. We didn't really get a lot of him and, and I found, I think that's because we're going to get a big scene between him and Damon at some point this season and that's going to be like, the big thing. And, and I think they really want us to separate these brothers as independent characters and really make sure, like, the viewers see them as individuals and see, like, they're, that they're on kind of their own paths at the same time. They're not completely joined at the, at the hip, but, Yeah, so we talked about that. Yeah, I'm, at least glad that like, I feel like everything I said bad about Sir Christian last week was just like, yes, everyone is on the same page now. Sir Christian is the ultimate villain of House of Dragon.

>> Will: He is. Just when you think this guy can get on any more Haiti boy, he just like, takes it to another, next level.

>> Sarah : I mean, so weird when we're talking about a show where like, literally what, a six year old just got his head cut off and then. And then what I, an eleven year old got, or what feels like a 15 year old maybe got thrown off a dragon and eaten alive and all of that. And yet it's. No, no, no, it's Sir Christian. He's just, he's just a bad guy for having sex with people, but also he, his, his whole, like, yeah, yeah, he's just a boy is just.

>> Will: Yeah, he's. It's a petty. Yeah, just. Just a petty, bitter man who just can't get over it just because she didn't want to go running off to the net, you know, to the faraway lands, and he just can't get over it.

>> Sarah : Yeah. Yeah. And now he. He's screwing the. The king's mother, and he left the. The children unprotected, and one of them died. And it's just like, oh, like, dude. Dude. dude.

>> Will: Yeah. and it protects the guilt, you know, just like, you know, whenever he was messing with Aric there in the dining hall and then just projecting the guilt, you know, some people, like, I guess, internalized things, and he was just like, projection. Projection. Like, dude, you're just like, you're putting the target on your back as far as, like, letting everyone know. I mean, Helena is at some point is going to, like, if. If the brothers don't figure it out, Helena will spread the word what she saw that night. So, and then that was another thing, too. Alicent. you know, she, you know, she's feeling all guilty and, you know, the gods are punishing her and stuff, but at the same time, she's trying to do her own Cya whenever they were planning a funeral procession. And then she's, like, talking to Helena about, like, now, you know, what, as far as what she saw and stuff that night and trying to, like, you know, do damage control, so. And protect and protect her own ass. So it's just like, man, you know, again, like you were saying, we have young, two young kids dead, and then everybody's just, you know, at least on team green. And I think that's was why I'm just, like, still, like, they're, Even though team black has done some bad stuff, it just feels like team green has done worse.

>> Sarah : Yeah. Yeah. Well, it all goes back to the first season and how that plays out and the clear side that the writers seem to have been on, which isn't a bad thing because it's very hard to have such a big ensemble where people are, like, clearly torn, but I really don't feel like anyone's too torn right now. so since we ended off talking about Eric, what were your thoughts about the ending where Eric goes to try to kill Rhaenyra? Ah. then his brother's notified of his presence. He comes in. They duel, one dies. And from what I understand, the one who was sent from King's Landing ends up surviving and then kills himself because he can't live with the fact that he just killed his brother.

>> Will: Yeah. I mean, honestly, the way that scene ended, I'm still not sure. I mean, I've heard that thought and. But I could easily make the argument that in either case, it was, the result was going to be the same, whichever brother won.

>> Sarah : Right?

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : Right.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : and, you know, last season when we were introduced to them, it only makes sense for it to have ended this way for them. Like, like, what do you think was going to happen? Literally, you have a. The house of Targaryen who are at odds with one another. One twin brother goes on one side, the other on the other. You really think you both will survive?

>> Will: Yeah, yeah, exactly. Exactly. But it gets back to the point we were discussing earlier, which is the, even though they have full blown war hasn't happened, I mean, again, it just reminds us as the viewer what the stakes are here and who are the people. And yes, the larger royal families have their. Will have their losses and stuff, but at the end of the day, it's the foot soldiers, it's the common people who are going to pay the ultimate, you know, the big. A, big price for all this politic among the family.

>> Sarah : Yes and no. Like, and I say yes and no because on one level, yes, it kind of, like, drives that point home, but at the other side, at the other, level, because we're talking about two twin brothers, two brothers who are on opposite sides of this war that forces them to have their own civil war, too, among each other.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : And so it's like, for this duel, it symbolizes, like, yes, like, people who are not part of the family get involved, but also the family themselves. Like, like, I think there's a line, like, there's no. No worse war than the war between kin. Like, because blood bleeds blood. And. And honestly, the royal families are, the Targaryens are the ones who are. Currently have the most losses on both sides because we got a kid dead on one side and the kid dead on the other side. So, so, yes, we see in King's Landing that the people are suffering because they're. They're not, receiving much support as, as team green heads to war. But. And then on the other side with Allen and the sea snake, we're just seeing, like, it's hard to galvanize troops because they know how bloody this thing will be, especially when both sides have dragons. Right.

>> Will: Yeah. Yeah. And that was,

>> Sarah : Yeah, go ahead.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah. No, I was gonna say I'm glad you brought up Alan and Adam again because, you know, Adam is very eager to get into this, but Alan is sort of like, well, you know, to that point, both sides have dragons. And. And, you know, he's Scene some, you know, he, you know, he rescued corliss, so he's Scene some stuff. So, you know, he's like, I know what's. What the game is here. And don't be so eager to get into this.

>> Sarah : Right, right. Because once you. You're the. The dragons, they're weapons, but they're arguably more. More deadly than any other weapon because they're animal.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

>> Sarah : Controlled.

>> Will: Yeah. There. Yeah, yeah. I mean, you got like, you know, you have flying atom bombs basically.

>> Sarah : Right.

>> Will: and, Yeah, but, but also the other thing, too. As we were talking about the brothers, I really. This episode also, you had situations where people were questioning their loyalties. and, you know, a cole questioned Rx loyalty and, you know, and just trying to basically. And it seems, you know, and. But it was different. It was different in the way they were questioning, you know, Coles was because of the failings that he had as far as not protecting the kids that night. As far as Christian, you know, his guilt of being without a bed. A bed. I love that with that scene. But, with aegon. But then whenever you're over in dragonstone with. With Renee, with, Eric and when they were questioning him, you know, you know, I like the way he went back. He's like, look, who was the one who, like, brought the king, you know, brought the crown. You know, I'm with you. And, and, and so. And of course, when I guess, the, young lady, you know, saw him or saw Aric walking up the hill, I mean, I guess it's implied that, you know, she went back because of what Renera did for her. As far as honoring Damon's word, you know, tipped. Tipped them off as far as what was going on there. So.

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah. the other scene that I want to talk about, on team black is, of course, the, ah, Damon and Renera showdown.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : It's one of the few times when I actually was yelling at my tv, I was like, oh, snap. Oh, that was because it was such a good verbal spar. It was such a good verbal spar that we have been missing. and I. I kind of wish the tension was built up a little bit more, because that felt like an end of the end of the episode. Damon goes off. But no, there's more yeah, yeah. but at the same time, it just. It was so good because it was. It went to very unexpected places. Like, you knew she was going to be mad. You knew that Damon would not be like, hold any accountability for the fact that he killed his. I don't even know how to define his relationship with Jared.

>> Will: It's Kent Hope. Yeah. Cancelling her. Yeah. That's all you say?

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah. But. But for that to then transcend into them as a couple, as, a married couple and the fact that he's doing this in her name. Well, like, oh, we know that you've wanted the power. So. Oh, so good. So good.

>> Will: It was. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I mean, the play. But as I joked at the beginning when we started recording hand out the Emmys, this scene is definitely one you'll see for Matt Smith and Emma, Darcy on there for your consideration reels because. And this, we're only two episodes in, so. No, you know, who else. Who knows what else we're going to get this year from them? But, they just. They just play so well off of one another as far as. As far as acting. But then just looking at the dialogue and, you know, when you were talking about the tension. So to me, the tension got really set up when they were in the. In the council room there.

>> Sarah : Oh, yeah.

>> Will: Ah. When, you know, when one of the other, members of the council was questioning, you know, whatever Rhaenyra was like, you know, who. How can. How. Why are they blaming me for this, essentially? And it's like, well, you know, and then I love how renice was like, well, watch your tongue, son. Watch your tongue. But also, whenever that scene played out to you was just the looks that, you know, Damon Renees gave to Damon and then Renara gave to Damon. This. This. Everything about it was just. It just set. That set, that intimate fight, that moment when they were in the room together alone. It just set it up so. So perfectly. And then just, the. Just thinking back to the, season one, whenever, you know, when it out, when Renera talks about whenever she was a child, how she sees things. And whenever, you know, I think back to the episode where they were just having a night out on the town and. But then to bring up the lack of trust that Viserys had for Damon and now she can't trust him. And of course, Damon always feeling slighted, which again, renees felt slighted. And I love the way they, like, jumped to that scene with Corlys and Renice talking about her situation. She has just this equal claim to the. She's forgotten. She's a forgotten queen. So it just really. Just. With team black, it's just even though, it seems things are focusing dynamically more as far as king's Landing and some of the larger things with. With the town, with team Green, whenever team black is on the screen, it just feels like this seems to have more dynamic stuff to work with. With their. With their dynamics within their relationships and stuff.

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah.

>> Will: I mean, both sides do. Don't get me wrong, but. Yeah, but, it was just something about this week that just really, really popped and then also just, you know, with. With Renera, whenever she was talking to Damon's old paramour and, And really, you know, really showing the different styles if she were. If she were on the throne. Juxtaposing that again with. With Aegon and how the lessons she learned from the good lessons she learned from Viserys as far as how to. How to treat. How to treat folks, versus how Aegon does.

>> Sarah : Well, Aegon tried.

>> Will: Yeah, he tries. Yeah, he tried. He tried. There's a little stumbling block called otto Hightower, but recently.

>> Sarah : So can we not villainize Aegon quite yet? Like.

>> Will: No, no. Actually, he. This week, I was actually. I was rooting for it, and in a weird way, I was kind of rooting for.

>> Sarah : Right. Like, come on now. yeah, yeah.

>> Will: Even though he treats Selena kind of like, you know, that's another relationship. This is sort of like. Yeah.

>> Sarah : I'm also, like, putting Aegon season one on the shelf and being like a gun. Season two, like, when I say I root for a God, I'm talking about season two.

>> Will: Exactly. Yes. Yes.

>> Sarah : Got it. Good.

>> Will: For sure. For sure.

>> Sarah : Well, all right. That is it for House of Dragon. And that brings us to the boys, episode three. We'll keep the red flag flying here. The problems have started between Homelander and starlight supporters. Huey tries to figure out what's going on between Homelander and Victoria Newman.

>> Sarah : It'S going to be hard this week because, honestly, it's just like, let's skip to episode four, because everything happens in episode four. Yeah, I mean, like, I'm glad we watched these two episodes back to back, because arguably, all of the stuff that starts in episode three kind of comes to a, conclusion in the fourth episode. including the fact that mother's milk gets this idea to flip a train.

>> Will: Yep.

>> Sarah : and, what else happens in here?

>> Will: we get the story behind Annie and Firecracker. Why there's, why the animus is there, as far as competitors?

>> Sarah : Yeah, we get that. Which. And Annie spread a rumor and said a mean thing, and then we find out later that firecracker literally fucked a 15 year old. So far off the moment, I want to convey, like, I don't know. And she was also, like, starlight was like, what, 13 when this all happened? So. Yeah, girls are mean at that age. Get over it.

>> Will: Yeah. In girls, I mean, I guess. I guess. Yeah, they. Yeah, people bully one another, you know, and people change, you know? But I guess they were trying to, like. Yeah. You know, again, just showing the, I guess, pettiness of firecracker. I don't know. I can't remember what her real name is, but, But, yeah, that, you know, there was that. And. And then, of course, the, You know, the thing that, you know, the ongoing issues with Huey and wanting to, you know, with his father and the, You know, you know, the coma stuff and wanted to get. To get the v. To help him.

>> Sarah : over that storyline, by the way. I'm so over Hughie and the father and the mom.

>> Will: Yeah. I mean, it. I mean, I, It's. For me, it's just sort of like, it's an interesting story. I get where they're coming from. I think when Huey. You know, whenever Huey and mother's milk were there in ice rink and seeing the performance, it was like, okay, good. I'm glad Huey's back into. Back into action. because.

>> Sarah : Oh, yeah, we needed that whole sequence. We needed to see the seven on ice and in a literal bloodbath, because homelander figures out that Huey is eavesdropping on him and Newman, where Sage basically tells Newman, you're going to be come president. We're going to do that for you. And then you're going to let supes rule all of the world, okay? Including a soup for every city, free range over the police. Okay, make that happen. And then. And then just. It. Honestly, there, There's a lot of killing on this show, but this sequence had one of my favorite kills ever. Just because the fact that Homelander is trying to laser the. The pipes that Huey is in, and he. He misses a shot and ends up literally slicing a finger. Skater diagnosing. Wow.

>> Will: Yeah. Yeah, for sure. For sure. Yeah. This is even more so, like, with when you have the Christmas soundtrack. So background playing, too. It's just like. Yeah, like, okay.

>> Sarah : Ended the way it did, that whole thing. How did. How did you. Well, you knew you were going to get important information. So you're totally glued in, and then you almost forget about the figure skating. And then while Huey's making this scape, you're like, oh, God, not the figure skater.

>> Will: But. Yeah, but, you know, to your point about a train and, you know, and, mother's milk and trying to flip them. So. I don't know. I think I like the way they cut. Way they did that as far as in this episode, in the sense that we, you know, he goes when they're having a back and forth and, and all. I think mother's milk was put the seed in there, and then they, they carried it forward when. When mother. When m a train actually saved huey there from. From homelander there at the end. So I did like it. It was more like, we're not going to. We're, you know, we're. I'm not going to just, explicitly have you flip, you know, and of course, there's always the usual boys threat that, you know, we have all this dirt on you. But at the end of the day, I think he just wanted, he wanted. He's trying to get a train to willingly, like, help. Not just help.

>> Sarah : He's been wanting to get out for a while now. He just needed reason and. Yeah, and some sort of protection because, I mean, he knows what happens when people try to leave. It's very hard. I mean, the fact that Annie's still alive is amazing.

>> Will: And then.

>> Sarah : No, the. I want to definitely talk about, the deep.

>> Will: Oh, yes, deep. And also butcher and Ryan. Yeah, I want to talk about that one.

>> Sarah : Oh, okay. We can talk about Butcher and Ryan first.

>> Will: Okay. Yeah, just real quick. I guess the question that I have more. You know, there was the dynamics going on there in the story and all the cookies and, you know, clearly doing the juxtaposition as far as Butcher and homelander. But the thing I was more. Because I'm wondering is Kessler, and I think you may have mentioned it last week, or. And whether or not is this. Is butcher, is this one of butch. You know, we know we have the Becca hallucinations. Is. Is Kessler real or is he in Butcher's head?

>> Sarah : I just wanted you to get amazing. If. If Kessler is a hallucination, I applaud the writers. And now if Kessler is not a hallucination, I'm going to be pissed, because in thinking about it, the only times we see these two people interact, no one else is around, there's no other character has interacted, or there's been no mention of Kessler up until the first episode of this season. So he just came out of the blue.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : And, I mean, the stuff with Becca, I get why they're doing it.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : It's also just a little, like, okay.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

>> Sarah : Well, yeah, I mean, but. But to then have, like, that would be amazing. I don't know. I think that there again, like, I would love it to be that way, but I'm also. I'm just. I'm not sure. I'm not sure if that's the rabbit that the writers are going to pull out, of the hat. I'm not. I don't know.

>> Will: Yeah. Yeah.

>> Sarah : I think that would be very cool.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah. I just. Just put that out there as far as just a thought. because, you know, just a good angel, bad, you know, the devil and the good angel, you know, we got Becca and all, you know, the change of heart that butcher has in that scene as far as after talking with Ryan, so. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Or it could just be he just really wants to do right by the kid.

>> Sarah : Yeah. But I also just, If you're going with the, angel devil on the shoulder type deal, man, the angel does not get a lot to say because Kessler has all these lines, and Becca hardly says anything in the scenes. She just looks at him.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : Okay. Meanwhile, like, he meets up with Kessler. They have full conversation. So, yeah, yeah. The. The hookup I never saw coming.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : At the end of this episode, and then they just. Just when you think it couldn't get. I just love this when the boys writers do this, but it's like, yeah, the deep is going to be pissed about Sage because Sage kicks him off of his unit. And then the deep gets, offered fast food, essentially, and sex. And suddenly it's like, yes, I'm in love with you. and then they. And then you're just like, this is so cringe. And then you just pan down and there's a bloody, like, needle object, and you're like, what the.

>> Will: What is this? Yeah.

>> Sarah : Oh, my God. But. And I did not know what it was. I did not know what. I was just like, what is that?

>> Will: Yeah, I was clueless as well.

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah. I would have never. And then in the next episode, we find out what it is. And it's the fact that, yes. Stage's superpower is that she is the smartest person ever, but her brain, like, will always regenerate. So she has been giving herself self lobotomies to free herself from being her for a few hours, she'll all. It'll always regenerate back. And so. But she did that, like, I don't know how long before the deep entered into her room in last episode. And that's why, like, it makes more sense now because it seemed like she was stoned or something was wrong.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : She wasn't the same thing, but. But it's also just like, yeah, yeah. For you to actually find. Well, not to find, but for you to actually want to sleep with, someone who has sex with octopuses. Yeah. You'd have to give yourself a lot of me. Yeah, that would make sense.

>> Will: Yeah. Yeah. They did said, yeah, that. Totally. Totally. Yeah, totally dead. And you're right. I mean, they said, because I was something. There was something off because she was, like, watching trash tv. Sounds like, where's this? You know, where is this coming from? But, yeah, whenever we. I guess we could really turn to episode four, and just continue on with stage. Yeah.

>> Will: yeah, I mean, wait, what? They do that. And I will freely admit that, you know, I think this was really the first time I've actually, like, I couldn't watch that scene. I just couldn't. I just. Yeah. Whenever they stuck that eye, the thing in her, I was like, nope, I am done. I just. Tell me when it's over. But it makes sense as far as, you know, because she's like, look, you know, shoot me in the heart, whatever. I'm dead. But, you know, but this damn brain of mine just regenerates, and I got to do this. And, And it was just, you know, but also, like, you know, when we learn why she does it. But then whenever we're. When we first see them in the episode and deep is like, you know, what goes up to her in the seven council meeting and, you know, she's back, you know, she's in her normal state, and, you know, it's like, trying to make moves on her and stuff, and she's like, get the. Get away from me. I'm disgusted by you. And it was just like, makes sense to you. That's how she should react, right?

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's,

>> Sarah : It was a lot. I watched the full thing.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah. I just. Things going. Eyes. I just.

>> Sarah : In this episode with scenes where I was like, I don't know if I can watch this. I was also a little bit distracted during some of the. Some of the, scenes, but we'll definitely get to Homelander. But this episode is constructed in, a different way in the sense you have Homelander removed. Which again, we'll get to him. but most of the episode occurs as ah, Firecracker starts her own show on Vnn, which is to. And starts to promote this whole agenda to take down Annie and the starlighters. and so it's the boys trying to figure out how to prevent that from happening, which they pretty much fail to do. And Firecracker reveals that Annie had an abortion, which is way worse than the fact that the boys do end up revealing. And then Firecracker acknowledges on live television that she slept with a 15 year old.

>> Will: Yeah. And then folks herself in religion. Cause that's what these truth. Yeah. Ah, these, these crazy q nine, you know, people do.

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's the the person who aborted the kid is. She's the real problem. And then that, that leads to Annie, just being blinded by pulling an a. Gone. She pulled a full a. Gone. Well, not a full a. God, she didn't kill firecracker, but she pretty much beat her be her close to death on live national television.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That scene was, you know, talk about hard things. I think when, when Starlight's medical records were broadcast like that out there, I just felt, you know, and he's been violated so many times in the show. You know, when we think back to the first season with deep, you know, and this, this super invasion of our privacy and stuff, I mean, I, you know, if I were in our shoes, I would have, I would have done the same thing. But you know, I guess the whole, you know, I guess the whole sages whole master plan, that she, you know, that she, that she has concocted and why she recruited firecracker to the, to the seven to begin with because clearly from just general merit, she doesn't have any. And I love it. I was, I was kind of like too with the sage whenever she was like uppity. Who's up in nailcracker? Yeah. I mean, that was a great line because, you know, especially whenever we had the, whenever we had the scene earlier where she was just like, you know, oh, you're one of the good ones. I was like, oh God, I've heard that before. And it just like, yeah, that does, that one always touches the nerve. Don't ever say that to an african american person's people. You're one of the good ones. Just don't. I've had that. I've had that said to me before and it was from someone I had, and I quickly corrected them, when they said that to me.

>> Sarah : Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

>> Will: I didn't, I didn't throw hands, but, you know, you know, the.

>> Sarah : Microaggressions that us white people don't recognize, it's.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah. And that's what's so. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what's so genius about this show, too. I mean, it just, like, pulls all those things up. But you're right. Yeah. The microaggressions are definitely, like, I'm glad they, I'm glad they put that in. That did not end up on the cutting room floor.

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah. I'm also glad that they, they let Annie get to that point, because she's. She's made it a point. She's no longer starlight. She, she associates that with a lot of bad stuff. And, and in a way, she, she was not wearing the suit when she did this. She was clearly Annie acting out of anger, a very human, human trait, and using her power. And honestly, the whole time, I was also thinking to myself, if I was a viewer watching this, I would be like, so Annie was on the seven, left seven, and they replaced her with Firecracker. Firecracker literally had no defense.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : Like, why is she on the seven?

>> Will: Right? Yeah, exactly.

>> Sarah : How. How can we expect Firecracker to save us when she just, like, there was, there was nothing. Like, she couldn't do a thing. It's horrible.

>> Will: Yeah. So mix with. Make those sparkles in her with, you know, with her hand, with her fingers.

>> Sarah : But I didn't even see no sparkles. It was horrible. It was, it was. It was, like, bad.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : so, so we have that play out. meanwhile, we have. Okay, this is a great. What did I miss a scene? At what point did mother's milk suddenly say, hey, butch, you. You can come back?

>> Will: Yeah. Oh, yeah. I was. I was equally like, wait a minute, now, when we left off on episode three or whenever, they were like, you're not welcome here.

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah. We watched these two episodes back to back. You were pretty consistent, like, firm on your stance about Butcher in the third episode, and now he's suddenly out of nowhere. No, no, we need him. Yeah, we need him.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : And, and he learns about Hughie's situation more. And also, Lynx, as Huey has a train get him a vial of vault of v, to give to his father. And, we have some nice moments. I just. I don't know, I know where they're going. It's just that with everything else, this show has such a great ensemble to its detriment, because it's. It's. They have. They have so many other things going on that you just have to be, like, prioritizing your favorite characters, your, like, plot threads that you actually are, feel invested to, and everything else, you're just like, okay, I'll just. I'm just gonna let it play out.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : Yeah. Like, the whole Kimiko and Frenchie thing. I love Frenchie and Kimiko, but I'm very confused as to how their relationship ended to where they are now. And also, they're kind of on their separate journeys, but they're also still very much connected at the hip.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I heard a great, like, actually, this evening, I was, I was at the gym for this work recording with you tonight. I came across a video with someone breaking down a, video about, say, why Sage works and why Frenchie and Colin doesn't work. And essentially, it was basically. Basically, Sage has a purpose in this story to drive. Drive the narrative forward, whereas Colin is just basically there for melodrama. And it's not getting. It's not based. Not getting us invest. No, it doesn't invest. Melodrama doesn't invest as it feels very cw. Yeah.

>> Sarah : Yeah. I mean, also, Sage's whole involvement is being involved with Homelander.

>> Will: Homelander. Exactly. Exactly.

>> Sarah : So, I mean, of course she's gonna work more.

>> Will: Yeah. No, but. But I mean, whether it's Sage or, I mean, like, any. And firecracker, I mean, there's, you know, again, it's like they're driving character development and character depth with these. With the. With their story to these new supporting characters.

>> Sarah : Right.

>> Will: Bring the story forward, whereas Frenchie, it doesn't tell us anything new. I mean.

>> Sarah : Yes. There we go. I get that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. and. And to wrap up, almost the. The boys side of things, a train does get the vial, and Hughie and a train actually have a nice moment in this episode because they always have to remind us that this whole thing kicked off because a train killed Hughie's girlfriend, not Annie, but Hughie's girlfriend, in broad daylight. So. But. But I feel like they've resolved that. So hopefully. I mean, I know we're getting the season five, but hopefully that isn't brought up again. I think that.

>> Will: Yeah, I think that story's resolved itself pretty clearly.

>> Sarah : Yeah, hopefully. And, And then Huey goes. And now, correct me if I'm wrong, he did not. He did not give the vial to his dad.

>> Will: So he did. At least that's my. Understand. That's how it played out in front of my eyes. Yeah. he put it up. He put in his jacket. He left the room. He comes back, and then.

>> Sarah : Yeah, because don't forget his mom. You, like, worked or used to. Either used to work or works for her. Fought you still.

>> Will: I think she still works with him.

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah, yeah. So she. So the implication is she had a vial and felt guilty, and so she. She. She did it.

>> Will: Yeah. Or she stood back there kind of at the door, saw who you put in his jacket pocket, and. Because he took his jacket off and left it there on the chair.

>> Sarah : Oh, okay. I get it. Okay. Okay. That. That would make sense, too.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : I kind of wish they would have done the. Not had that, but. Because they did in that seed that she. But. But I get it. Yeah, that makes sense either way. Was it Huey?

>> Will: Yeah. Well, I've Scene some theories out there. People, That people think that it is that again, like we were. The question I posed to you about Kessler. People are putting that question out there about Huey's mom because, she doesn't really interact with other people. Even though the doctor was in the room whenever he said he was, you know, he pulled the plug.

>> Sarah : But have two imaginary friends.

>> Will: Friends, exactly. Yeah, but, you know, but Huey did take. Huey did take b. So, I mean, it would be a side effect.

>> Sarah : So, yeah, there's. There's a. Maybe that's where my, like, kind of, like, I'm not feeling Huey this season is coming from. It's like, where is his side effects? Because I feel like I watched a season where there were two people on the team taking. But, yeah, what do I know?

>> Will: Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, the way I take it, and I don't think they would do both of them. Both Butcher and Huey have an imaginary friend. So that's. That's a lot.

>> Sarah : Exactly. Exactly. There's. There's one.

>> Will: I mean, yeah, I could see it if they were, like, doing it for, you know, just because he was just feeling so distraught that this is sort of his way of. Way of, like, constructing someone to take the. Yeah.

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah. All right, well, so that brings us, to.

>> Will: Before we get the homelander, I just had to say, I did have a. Just. Just a moment just to recognize when they had the Godolphin four, they, did keep chance and screen it, edit them out, and I just wanted to make a nook, made another that, I just. You know, we did. We're still seeing the gen v folks, showing up in the show. So.

>> Sarah : Yep, yep. I'm just waiting for the virus to come up because that was part of the promos. And I'm like, that's towards the end. Because I thought this whole season would be about, do we do that or do we not? Because they are doing a good job about setting up the fact that there are both good and bad guys on team supes, if you really think about it. So if you release that virus, it doesn't discriminate.

>> Will: Yeah, exactly.

>> Sarah : You're bad. No, no, it'll kill them all. right, so this. I watched this over the weekend. I know will watched both episodes before me, but will did either tweet or I'm pretty sure he tweeted this, but he's. He's definitely ready for Anthony Starr to get, Emmy.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : And I don't think I had watched this episode, but I saw a thumbnail, on IMDb, and I'm like, oh, okay, I know where this is headed.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, with the third episode, with the. That's the one thing we didn't talk about with Homelander in episode three with the, shattered mirror, after he and Ryan had falling out, they said they set this. They set that up pretty well where things were going.

>> Sarah : Yeah, he was going home. Because going back to where it all began will help him figure out and get over his undying need to be loved. Right. And so. So he shows up home in the laboratory that. That raised, him. we find out why they raised him, too, with a fuzzy whale. And, it doesn't get any better. Yeah, there's so much. Now, here's my gripe. Here's my gripe. There is so much tension in that whole sequence. It should have been, the whole cold open everything that happened there. You did not need to jump back and forth with everything else that was happening, because granted, it's a lot, but at the same time, it bothered me how much jumping back and forth was occurring, because I'm just like. I'm just like, oh, he's killing. He killed one person, and then we cut and leave him for, like, ten minutes, and then we're back, and it's just like, oh, okay, we're gonna kill another. And it's just like, it's like, no, I mean, I just. I just would have really liked that to play out. You knew where it was headed. So I think it also arguably, because there was so much back and forth, some of the sequences went on a bit longer than they should have, but I just think it would have hit me personally a lot harder had it been one intense, long, cold, open. Like, who cares? If it goes to the 30 minutes marker, you end it with him in the elevator, bloody face, and then you hit the boys. And then we watched the rest of the episode meanwhile.

>> Will: Yeah, I could see that. I see where you're coming from with that, but I actually, I like the way that it played out because of calls fairly, I guess, with the way it was scripted versus how it ended up being. Kripke had it even more intense, and he just came in, like, guns blazing. but Anthony, Starr was like, no, no, let's. Let's soften it a bit. Start, you know, soften them up with the. With the ice cream cake and just go. Go from there.

>> Sarah : Yeah.

>> Will: And I think that. And I think that worked better.

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah. No, I agree with that. I'm not. I don't think he should have gone and guns blazing or anything. I can. It wouldn't have made sense to me if he did, because that's not what Homelander does. Yeah, Homelander, he doesn't just want to kill you. He wants to torture you first.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : Like, he knows he has the power. He knows, you know, he can kill you at any minute, and so he just wants to, like, put you on a little string and just dangle you for a bit.

>> Will: I see. That's why it worked for me with them breaking it up, because they build. Because I think if it, That would have been a lot to sustain for a extended sequence.

>> Sarah : Yeah.

>> Will: If it were so breaking it up and going to other parts of the story and then coming back to me was just like, it helped, you know, each time it just ratcheted the tension up more. And then when he finally, you know, when he did the act, the first one with Frank and. And putting him in the oven, you know, it had the right shot fight for me at that point. So for me. For me, as. As the way it was edited, it worked fine. But I totally get what you're saying. I mean, I think.

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I like Frank. The barber stuff was great because mom comes home and, like, he. We know Homelander has dad issues. We also learn why we'll never meet the mom. Because he killed the mom when he was born.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : baby. Okay. The baby has powers. Okay.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : What do you expect gonna happen?

>> Will: The mom, the doctors, the nurses?

>> Sarah : Yeah.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : And, I just. I will admit I completely checked out during the Marty stuff, like this setup, I watched the, but as soon as he just like jerk off in front of all these people and everything was like, bathroom. Okay, I don't need to watch this part where I was like, oh, like I under, I understand why. And this is the boys. This is the type of stuff you're gonna expect. It just, it just made it, I don't know, there was just something about it that I was just like, I don't know.

>> Will: Yeah, it was like watching a snuff film. I mean, it was, I mean, it wasn't a sense. It was a sexual assault against Marty. I mean, in the torture that Homelander inflicted there. I mean, it was, it was just very, it was, it was very hard to watch for me too.

>> Sarah : yeah, well, I don't, I guess it's hard for me. I don't know if I'm articulating this correctly. It's not that it was hard for me to watch. it's that I just, there's something about it where I was just like, hey, this is, it just, it didn't, I don't know. I don't know.

>> Will: I guess, yeah, I mean, I guess the cruel, I mean, I guess the cruelty of it. I mean, it was, I don't know, it was just, I mean, I mean, as far as the scene, however, things sort of went out, I mean, on the one hand, I, here's, here, it works for you.

>> Sarah : It's, it's fine.

>> Will: I, yeah, no, it was more just a whole. Not only Marty, but just a whole like Frank, everything about it. I mean, I think it was sort of like there, you know, we talked about this before with Anthony Starr and how he portrays his character. Mm.

>> Will: And, and you, rationally, you just wanted to spouse this man. But at the same time, there I was, there were moments whenever, as he was talking about what they did to him as a child, I was feeling sympathetic for Homelander.

>> Sarah : Well, right, because you're reminded about like, ah, he never experienced that. And the most fascinating revelation to come out of this was what Barbara said. Explain is that you're here because we, because during all of that, we made sure to instill in you and need to be loved that you can't overcome mentally. Because even though he's all happy, like he killed all these people and left Barbara in the bad room with all of their dead bodies, what he doesn't realize is like, dude, you're still, you're still you.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : So I don't, I don't know if that's going to be gone and you still have a son who you loved by him. So.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : Good luck.

>> Will: Yeah. And, he didn't kill Barbara because, again, but, I think he. That need for love, I mean, and, and to approve.

>> Sarah : But he, he didn't kill Barbara because it. That would have been too easy of a death for her. He wanted her to stay in that room. Like, like, for all he knows, Barbara's likely to die in that room surrounded by all those people. Like.

>> Will: Yeah. Oh, yeah. I mean, she may be just the guilt may take that. Yeah. But I don't know. I don't, I didn't get that sense from her. Me, she reminded, you know, because she was also there with Stan and the, Stan Edgar and the other, the founder of Vought. So I don't know, I think it was, you know, again, he is his way of just afflicting more torture and pain on people.

>> Sarah : Right, right. That's what I was trying to explain. I. The guilt stuff. I agree. I don't think there's necessarily there. Yeah, yeah.

>> Will: But, But, yeah, I mean, it was a super, it was, it was a very chilling moment. and, you know, where do we go next? I mean, it is interesting. That was the kryptonite that they ended up, coming up with to, like.

>> Sarah : We'Ve Scene that cryptid night we homelander we have been with for going on four seasons.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : We know he's a narcissist. We have Scene him have this, this mental stuff of like, like, despising humanity but also wanting them to love him and all of this stuff. Like, so, but they finally told you, like, how, how that came to be. Like, we got in. We're never going to get a full origin story, but, but you finally feel like you got a little bit, you got more context for the origin of Homelander.

>> Will: Yeah. Agreed. Agreed.

>> Sarah : So it's like last season we're introduced to his biological father. Makes sense. This week we're introduced to, we're, like, reintroduced to the woman who pretty much served as quasi mother and torturer. And then the other people who knew what they were doing was wrong and still, did it anyway. I mean, they were basically a kid was a lab rat. So it just, like, they do such a good job. To your point about how you are, he is the worst of the worst. And yet, at the end of the day, the writers have managed to instill this little bit of humanity in homelander that despite everything, you're just like, for some reason, I want you to stick around. Yeah, because I, like. I don't know. Because he just adds so much tension. Like, I agree. It's, it's. Everything was so intense, and it was a lot. I just. I just think they could have cut it down a little bit and made it a cold open, and that would have had bigger impact than, like, a whole, full, whole, like, story arc. And it's just because, like, I'm so invested in figuring out, like, this. This whole origin story of Homelander and him getting vengeance on his quote unquote bullies that it kind of reduces me, like, oh, we're back here. I don't care. Like, this is. Okay, blah, blah, blah. Next.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : And I just. And to go back to the marty thing, I just. There. There's something about it where I'm just like, you've taken me out of it. Like I was in it, but this is going that extra notch up where I'm just, like, kind of taken out of this whole thing.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah. And. Yeah. And I think. I, think that was. I think that was intentional. I think that was part of it, too.

>> Sarah : Well, there. There always. I mean, there's an episode called herogasm. So, yeah, I mean, we. We've Scene some things. We've Scene things. But for whatever reason, this is the first time when I was really just like, I m don't know, the antics have taken me out. Like. Like, it's just pushed it in a way where for whatever reason, I'm just like, I don't know, I'm not in it the way I was during, like, Franken in the oven. Like, I totally understood that. But anyways, we will continue the boys. We'll only have one episode of boys to talk about next week. Yeah, one episode of dragons. And on that note, will, why don't you tell our listeners where they can find you?

>> Will: Yes, you can find me on X, formally known as twitter @willmpolk willmpolk.

>> Sarah : And you can find me there, too, at sjbelmon s j b e l m o n t m. Please follow our crew on twitterinardfriend us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram and threads at scene, underscore n, underscore Nerd, and visit our website, but most importantly, rate following comment on Apple Podcast, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever your podcast. Good night. Geek out. You're welcome.