Dive into an exciting journey with our dynamic duo as they rendezvous with the enigmatic ex-military major, Jack Reacher. Uncover the secrets of his intriguing past with the special investigators. Our SNN Producer, Will Polk, steers us through the...
Dive into an exciting journey with our dynamic duo as they rendezvous with the enigmatic ex-military major, Jack Reacher. Uncover the secrets of his intriguing past with the special investigators. Our SNN Producer, Will Polk, steers us through the latest headlines, setting the stage for the much-anticipated Reacher discussion. Then, our SNN Host, Sarah Belmont, shares her unique insights on casting, charisma, and writing in the new season of Reacher. Don't miss out on this thrilling exploration.Â
0:00 Welcome
1:20 Our reaction to Milly Alcock's casting as Supergirl
6:50 Thoughts on the Netflix 2024 schedule release and release strategy for some shows.
10:40 Vanderpump Rules season 11 episode 1 premiere.
18:50 Review of Reacher season 2 episodes 1-3
49:55 Outro/Call to Action
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>> Sarah : Greetings, nerds. This is Scene N Nerd. I'm your host, Sarah Belmont, and with me, as always, is our Mr. Producer, Will Polk How are you doing tonight, will?
>> Will: Doing very well. How are you doing this evening, sir?
>> Sarah : I'm doing good. You know, it's February. We're one month in.
>> Will: Yes, we are. Happy February. And, happy birthday month.
>> Sarah : Yeah, we're one month in. And, Yeah, we have one news headline.
>> Will: Yeah, well, it's just like, it was one of those things where I was just like, yeah, really nothing. There's really only one thing that seems of really real consequence, at least. There's a lot of just rumor has it and all that. And the item that we're about to get into, was in that space for a bit. And that's why we just really didn't talk about it, as you said, until we got something confirmed, which we got confirmed this week.
>> Sarah : Yeah, we got confirmed that Millie Alcock is officially cast as Supergirl in the new DCU. So it says the new DCU. So we don't know what movie she'll be.
>> Will: Correct. yeah. So I know there's been a lot of speculation that she was, because of the fast tracking of, getting her cast even before the Supergirl movie even has a director. They do have a writer, and it is being written right now, supergirl, Woman of tomorrow. But no director has been hired to, direct this film. So, of course, all the speculation is she's going to show up in Superman legacy, which is going into production in Atlanta, I think. Either this month. I think next month. I think next month. Yeah.
>> Sarah : and I was just going to say for those, because I'm sure at one point you mentioned her name, but, it really took me seeing a picture of her to be like, oh, I know who that is. And Billie Alcock played, young. What was her name?
>> Will: Renera.
>> Sarah : Renera in house of the. So she's the one who, as soon as we hit that midpoint where the older Renera came in, everyone was like, well, we really love the young Renera.
>> Will: We did.
>> Sarah : And then by the end of it, you're like, oh, we just love.
>> Will: Exactly. Exactly. But interestingly Enough, that's, know two things about her being Renera in House of the dragon. That was really what sparked James Gun's interest in her as an actress. And potentially he noted that, whenever he was watching House of the dragon, and was thinking, this was like a year before he even got on board with DC, he reached out to Peter Saffron, his, co head of the new studio, and said, we need to get her if they ever do Supergirl. because of the way. And if you haven't watched House of the dragon, don't let the fact that you didn't watch Game of Thrones keep, you from doing so because I was in that camp, I did not watch Game of Thrones. But you're able to jump right into House of the dragon if you really want to see her work. and she has that vibe that James Gun was saying that he was really looking for. As far as from the Tom king woman of Tomorrow series and the comic books, as far as she's seen some shit. She's been on earth for a long, you know, she's Clark's cousin.
>> Sarah : Yeah. Does this mean that she and Clark are going to get together?
>> Will: Well, that's just the speculation.
>> Sarah : The cousins and from House of Dragon, that's not.
>> Will: Yeah. I hope we don't pull a damon here, but, you. Where are you taking, know, it.
>> Sarah : Makes all the sense in the world because I'm surprised that it's taken this long. I'm sure she's been in other things, but I haven't really heard about her since House of the I, which is shocking. But granted, Hollywood is such a mess these days, with dates and everything that potentially some projects she was in since filming wrapped for her, are going to come out this year. But I'm just glad that we're going to see her in the.
>> Will: Yeah, yeah. One thing that I was going to note, about whether or not she's going to be in legacy. I know James Gunn did, a fan did ask since he is very active on threads now. He used to be on Twitter, but he's pretty much answering stuff over on threads these days, whether or not she's going to be in legacy. And he was like, I never said she was going to be in the movie. Which gives himself plausible deniability if she doesn't show up. But he may be holding his cars close to his vest and know and not confirming anything about her being in the film. so we'll see what happens. But it is interesting that he's pulling almost, he's taking a card from Kevin Feige in the sense that, he's casting people before directors are even assigned to. I know some fans who. The other actress who was in contention for the role, McDonnelly, I believe her name was. She did the voice work for, Supergirl and the DC animated project. So a lot of people were really hoping that she would get, you know, honestly, voice actors moving over to live action is the exception, not the in. I guess one of the most high profile ones I could think of right off top of my head is Katie Sakoff when she did, Bo Katan and Star wars. But in most cases, live action and voice folks aren't the.
>> Sarah : The other thing that just dropped today was Netflix's big preview for what's ahead content wise, which I feel like we're not going to go through, but, because we've talked about a lot of the projects and we already knew what was coming for, fact, I just don't understand why Bridgerton season three is broken up into three parts. I'm going to state that right here. I'm pretty much a casual Bridgerton fan. I've seen them, including the Charlote spinoff one, which was arguably better than the first. I'm very. I'm very like, why you do. Does Netflix. Okay, here's my thing. Why does Netflix take different shows and do different release strategies with. Because we're seeing this trend on Netflix of the whole part one and part two of seasons, but then there's other shows where it's like, all at once. And then there's my k dramas that I started a new k drama this weekend because it just started and I can't binge it because they release two episodes, one on, I think, Saturday and one on Sunday. So it's called Dr. Slump. and that was the same strategy that my Demon had to the release schedule as well. So I find it very od how there's lack of consistency going on here.
>> Will: Yeah, it's interesting that they're doing it. I wonder, because when you look at the shows that are doing it on, it really is sort of the water cooler, proverbial water cooler types of shows. as far as, like, Bridgerton, I know they did it with stranger things, the prior,
>> Sarah : View season four, but I don't view you season four as a water cooler show.
>> Will: Yeah, but maybe just in their metrics, I know they're. Since the strike, I know they're a little bit more transparent in their numbers. They did it with the crown, too, where they broke it up. maybe they're just trying to create a little bit of, space so that they can get people, make it buzworthy so they can spread out the buzz for a little bit. Maybe m their metrics are showing that maybe with some shows, it's better if we do this part one, part two, just, to keep it in the psych ice longer, maybe.
>> Sarah : But I do know a lot of fans watch the first part of the final season of Crown and then were very dragging their feet about the second part.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : I finally got bored one day and I put it on and I finished it and I skipped a whole shit ton. I think I skipped an entire episode because I'm like, I don't care. so I think that, to your point. Yeah, if you have a really good cliffhanger, strangers, things worked and we needed a break at that point. These other shows, it makes no sense to me. It's a bin show. You really have to understand the product. But whatever, I'm going to stop there. the other thing that Will was telling me about that he wanted to talk about, I didn't want to talk about. Well, well, you just casually mentioned it.
>> Will: And I'm like, yeah, it was conversation piece. It was conversation piece. But anyway. Proceed, proceed, proceed.
>> Sarah : Will did extra credit this week and, put on in the background the season premiere of Vanderpump Rules. Will, what were your thoughts?
>> Will: Oh, boy. So, vanderpump rules. This was, something that, I dipped my toe in last season of, the show. and last year when you were talking, obviously, this whole sandoval thing, which is one of the people on this reality show, for folks who, I mean, I'm sure most people probably know panderpump, so I don't have to do too much preamble there. But, yeah, so sort of fallout from all of that. even though, wow. It was kind of like, I don't want to say anticlimactic. It was more like there was already been like one epilogue to the whole scandalvalish situations. So I feel like this was like epilogue to an epilogue in some regards. just sort of. Sort of setting the table where everybody's at as far as where they are in their life. I mean, there's the whole Tom and, Tom's impact from the scandal, has impacted the restaurant and, all the friend groups start where everybody is at this point. As far as, like, Tom and, Tom and Ariana, they're still together in the house. But it's weird. It's just a lot of. Just things going on there that, just like the best things in reality tv, it set things up and it just sucks you back in. And, I know you were telling me while we were just chatting before the show, you were listening to a podcast about, one of, was he a producer on the special forces show that Tom was on, on Fox, or was he.
>> Sarah : He was a contestant.
>> Will: Contestant. Okay, yeah, contestant.
>> Sarah : Anyway, I'll explain more about what that is. but I want to share my thoughts on the premiere of Vanderpop rules as well. So I agree with you. I don't agree that I wouldn't describe it as an epilogue. I think that it was an appetizer where the editors and the producers really had to make sure that the audience understood how close this was shot to the reunion. Because we're sitting here in February, like, okay, we're over it, moving on. But this season was shot mere months after everything unfolded and everything wrapped. So there's a lot that these people, these real life people still are digesting and understanding and coming to terms with. So I understand why it felt very much like previously on and here we are not. And it just so happened Tom was shooting special forces. That's why he wasn't in the first episode at the, Again, they made that decision to keep him out to kind of show where these people are without him in a way. and how, because of his lack of presence in that episode, they still are not able to fully come to terms with, mean. Lala sends a text to Rachel. and because I found it very interesting that this is the first time that I've seen in vanderpump roles or even in a housewives season where they actually reference what occurs during the reunion. The fourth wall is very much broken, where it's like, no, guys, we are on a show. We know. You know, we understand, but this is authentically what's going on and how we're behaving. And so everything that happened during the reunion, watching it back as a viewer, it sounds like Lala had some regrets about how she handled that situation. and so she was trying to make peace with, and what I was telling will before we started recording is, if people really like this show, they need to go and listen to Nick vials, the vile files, and he interviews both Tom Sanoval and Tom Schwartz. And I can't even explain it. It is the most unhinged interview I have ever seen. it is fascinating, yet at the same time, exactly what I would have expected from both of them. And, yet I was still just fascinated by the behavior and the.
>> Sarah : Lack of articulation and the lack of understanding what the word contradiction means. Just, you know, I. I think it's clear when people don't actually listen to themselves. I think people make that very clear when they. I mean, it's one thing to say, no, you don't listen, but I, really think people have to call out others and say, no, you're not listening to yourself right now. You're not hearing what you're saying. Because if you did, you would be mortified. Yeah, that's what I'll say.
>> Will: Some people definitely have a lack of self awareness, for sure.
>> Sarah : Yeah, it's just you. You don't listen to what you're saying or, comprehending what you're doing. And when people question you about it, you're automatically defensive. But the thing is about being on the defensive is you actually have to have a backbone to stand on. And when you're not doing any of those two earlier things, then you don't have much to stand. It's. I think, Nick and his partner Natalie definitely are able to, in the most kind way, point out some lies that are clearly being told during the interview. During the interview. And we're not talking about the affair or anything, just things that happen during this interview. It's so funny.
>> Will: Wow. Definitely have to go check that out.
>> Sarah : Yeah, it's long. It's a long one.
>> Sarah : All right, so that brings us to reacher, season two, episode one. We are starting this season. We're returning to see what Reacher has been up to and with this first episode. So I'm going to read the IMDb description.
>> Will: Okay.
>> Sarah : Says reacher and Niggley investigate the murder of a member of the 110th. A group of special investigators assembled by Reacher, only to realize that the whole unit may be at risk. So, will, what did you think about this starting episode?
>> Will: So, I know Alan Richmond said, stay home from work whenever this premiered back in December. I know we're starting it, a little after the season finale, but, I would say I enjoyed it. It's not worth losing my job over. M. But it was definitely a very solid start. I'm glad we talked about it, and I'm glad we decided to do the first three episodes tonight. because, one of the favorite things that Reacher says is, I think one of his taglines is details, matter.
>> Will: And I completely agree with that. And watching these three episodes together, which we're going to talk about tonight, both little details and big things, definitely do play on. And the series, at least to date, builds on itself in a good way, as far as just sort of, where you have this team of special investigators they had present day as far as what reacher was trying to solve with his teammates. And then it flashes back to the one 10th, the group, how they got assembled and stuff. So you had back and forth with that. but the details do matter. this show takes place two years after the events of season one. so, of course, the series is based off a series of books by author Lee child. this was not the second book in the series. It's actually the 11th book that this second season is based on. Bad luck and trouble, was the 11th book in the series, but I would say those were. It was very enjoyable for me. I will say that storyline wise, it's pretty straightforward. There were a few things that I thought were telegraphed, where I was like, especially as I was watching the first episode, I was like, oh, yeah, I'm seeing it. I was already, like, two steps ahead as far as what was going on in the story. And it's not say that in a bad way. It's just like they were very transparent about certain pieces of the story where they were just sort of laying the, foundation for where they're going this season.
>> Sarah : What are you, talking about specifically?
>> Will: It's a very small detail, but it was like the password, for example, to get into the hard drive. Yeah, things like that. there's certain little points like that in the store where there's like, oh, yeah, this is what's going to happen next. because otherwise, if they wipe the hard drive, then we're pretty much done for a story. but that being said, as far as reacher and Alan Richard himself, the dude's too fucking big. Now, I know we're, like, pivoting from comic book shows to detective action adventure, but I felt like I was watching a comic book character because he's like, if he ever were cast as the Hulk, you wouldn't need to do cg. he's too big. They need to dial it back a bit. The third season, Kelzad just felt like he was just like a cartoon character walking around.
>> Sarah : Well, it doesn't help the size difference between him and Sean Sipos, who plays O'Donnell, formerly of Krypton and formerly of vampire Diars, formerly, on a lot of other CW shows, the size difference between those two just men people, it's jarring. And I'm not going to lie, it takes me out of it. And I'm going to say right now, while we're talking about even just the first episode, they, miscast O'Donnell, And I love the actor. I've seen him in a lot of. Usually, I really usually like him, but the character that O'Donnell, is, is supposed to be this kind of a dick. Just a dick, which you could do, very well if you had casted someone who had the body type that, I mean, no one can match. Alan, you're not going to find it perfectly, but it should be a little bit more level, just so that these two characters can be much more of a foil and much more of an OD couple in a way. I don't know, it doesn't make sense to me how you can have. I feel like for a character who is just a dick. I'm sorry that that's the only word I can think of at the moment. But to back it up for his douchey behavior can really stand on its own. 2ft in terms of his physical threat, or intellect. And I haven't seen it in these three episodes. They make fun of him because of in the third episode for how much of a bad shot he will. You mentioned things being just anytime O'Donnell talks, I'm like, oh, my God, this dialogue, it's not working for me. I love Sean, but he was miscast. I'm sorry, I'm just going to say it was miscast.
>> Will: M. Yeah, I can see the physical, the physicality of it definitely, comes into play. I was just thinking as we were talking, think, you know, maybe if Alan was more the size of when he played Hank in, know, because even in first season, he's not that he's big, but he's not.
>> Sarah : Yeah, but Sean is also like, he's never been, so I still don't. And, and Hank was a different character than like, yeah, Hank was the actual superhero, but Hank didn't have the intellect. That reacher. Also of you have this main, character who has both the brains and the.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : And then you have to have a team of characters. And this is why. This is going to be a strange point to make, but hear me out. This is why the female characters actually do work on this. Like, both Negli and, Dixon work perfectly fine. And I love that one is the best friend and one is the unrequited love. However, they did hook up in Atlantic City, which I thought was a bit rushed, but whatever. And then was weirdly kind of like, oh, no, he turned me down in the third episode. I don't know what's going on with don't. I don't understand. Make, it make sense, but they work because they're offering different things in terms of relationships to reacher O'Donnell. I get it. He's supposed to be the funny man, like the Douchey man, the one who thinks he's all that, but he's really not. But it's not working for me. M and I really think it's because he was just at the end of the day, miscast.
>> Will: That character. I won't say it doesn't work for me. I think by the third episode I was like on board with it, just to see the dynamics with the characters. but whenever we were going back to the first episode, and as I noted, the series used flashbacks to show how they all came together to be a unit. it was like, to your point, we did have everybody sort of play that various archetype of Franz is the real dutiful one. They kept making a joke about don't call me sir, that kind of thing with he and Jack. And then when we were introduced to O'Donnell, it's like, oh, gassy, where is this going? And of course, putting them in the bar fight, put them in the officers club. And of course negally being a noncom, non commissioned officer, to do that sort of team building activity, it was just sort of like, okay. Because I see where, I guess whenever we had them all put the desk together in the warehouse and I knew that wasn't going to work. And then of course whenever they got to the bar, I was like, oh, I see where this is going. They're going to stage the bar fight. Like I said, the cool thing about this show, it's not trying to pretend that it's something that is not.
>> Sarah : No.
>> Will: I mean, it's very straightforward. I think that authenticity is about what it is. And what you're going to get from it is what keeps me coming back to it.
>> Sarah : I think that it's just a very easy show to watch. And it doesn't have all of this spectacle. It's based off of a series of very popular novels. It's a character who has Tom Cruise is played and it's also a character that reacher in of itself is an archetype character. and a mix of archetypes. I mean, he's kind of like rain man, who's really huge. Yeah. I'm not mad at season two. I'm perfectly fine with it so far. It's been a nice break. after all that we've watched in January, it was a good change of pace just because it's been a while since we've stepped out of the comic book realm and just had kind of a thriller espionage kind of drama play out. Which is funny because starting next week, we're going to continue with two episodes of Reacher and tack on an episode of Mr. And Mrs. Smith. So we're staying in the same wheelhouse here, people. and just seeing what happens and how these shows, play out on Amazon. But overall, I wish the writing was just a little bit stronger. I don't want this to be a difficult thing to watch or to make me really have to think about things, but at the same time, I want the writing to be, I just need them to be a little bit smarter with the writing. And I will say, alan, I love you. I do. But can we get some there, there's something about it. And the fact that he probably has the most lines, ah, when he has to do exposition, it just drives me crazy. I'm like, okay, I get it.
>> Will: So it's funny you mentioned about the charisma because see, to me that that's the least of his problems. for me, the charisma, and it's not because of the physical size. He's just a naturally charismatic person. if anything, the overhaulking size of the character now kind of takes, it swallows up the personality, because you're just so focused on in a weird way. I know, it's like, well, of course he's large and going to take up the room, but he could still be normal sized person and his personality is, the character's personality is such that it will still take up their room. It's just now you just have this big ass dude who has that and also has the personality with it. whenever there were like the moments, I think it was either first or second episode where they're sitting in the hotel room in Atlantic City and they're going through all the things, know, missing funerals and missing weddings and missing other things and the look of regret that he had on his face that.
>> Sarah : Wasn'T in Atlantic City.
>> Will: Okay. Like I said, watched all three of them together. So they started to run together.
>> Sarah : It was the first episode and it was him and niggle, I believe. I'm trying to remember if O'Donnell was, but like they were talking about everything that he was missing out on and what did he think about?
>> Will: Right, right. Yeah. But the point is, that's, know, I, did see the emotion, that point where it's like there was that emotive nature of the character. And it came across as far as like that. But also, but also, you know, the, the series shows also that, you know, he was their commander and in a lot of respects, he always kept them all at an arm's distance, while they were in the service. And of course, now that carries through with his nomadic assistance where negally smartly uses the atm receipts to let him know something's.
>> Sarah : Think, I think that one of the first lines of the show is talking about him and being a wanderer. and I tried to remember if he said that same thing at some point during the first episode. What's happening this season is we're seeing the wanderer get called back to his quote unquote roots and come in contact with a group of people where it was one of the few times in his life he was part of a group and these people really meant something to him. But when everyone went their separate ways, he chose a lifestyle that would prevent him from keeping in touch with these people. And so I think that, they're doing a good job. I understand that pathos with the character. and I'm not saying that, Alan completely is losing me, but I'm just saying that majority of the time it's like he's reading a phone book. I'm just like, dude, you have so much exposition. Please get better at acting out the exposition, because I can't. and I know exposition is really hard for actors. I hear about it all the time because especially for these shows where it's like, this is an episodic. Yes, there's a higher storyline, but at the end of the day, it's played out. It's structured very episodically, and there is a lot of exposition that mainly reacher gives because he's the smart mean. Dixon lost me in the third episode with the dates and the numbers, and I was just like, niggly. I'm like, yeah, sure, whatever you say. I don't understand. I don't even think you understand what you just said. Okay, we're going to go with this. so that was all I was trying to say is that, overall, I understand what they're doing with reacher this season. It makes sense. the writing, I just wish it was a little bit smarter and I wish that Alan had a little bit like. See, I don't know. I think I also just disagree. It's not even his physicalness. Like his size. I'm lacking a charm. I don't find reacher to be that charming.
>> Will: I don't think he's supposed to be a charming mean, I think he commands the room and he commands respect. Ah. I don't know if it's a thing where he's supposed to be like super trauma.
>> Sarah : which I'm not saying that it is either. This character. I did not write this character. so I'm not saying, oh, this is how reacher should have been in the books or anything, just as a viewer. M for what I like to watch on screen, my preference is that, it'd be a little bit more charming. I mean, how in the hell, when I make this statement, you know what I'm looking forward to on Amazon later this year? But it's so obvious. But how in the hell can homelander be more charming than reacher? This makes sense to.
>> Will: Yeah, yeah, I get that. I think that's, like you said, that's part of the writing, where the dialogue can be a bit stilted or. I don't know if stilted is the right word. But,
>> Sarah : I do think that fun has the most fun playing, off of the actor who plays those scenes in the third episode with guy Russo and in my opinion, remove O'Donnell. but that's when he actually, I don't know, there's more presence, there's more life, and there's more engagement. And Russo's doing a really good job. And note, Russo, they even point out in the episode, huge size. Don't. As a viewer, I accept it because personality wise, dynamic wise, it makes sense. And it, is a better clash than O'Donnell and reacher.
>> Will: Yeah, I completely agree. And maybe that's where I was saying just a few minutes a minute or so ago, that charisma. And maybe it's this recency bias, because I watched the third episode yesterday. Me too. And I think that personality. Because you're all right. I guess the first episode, I was just like. I wasn't feeling it. I'll just be completely honest. I, was like, okay, I'm feeling a little let down from this show. but then, like I said earlier, there were enough details and as far as things sort of happening that it piqued my interest. So I'm like, yeah, I'm going to continue to then. And then when we got to the second episode, definitely was really more of a bridge. Just sort of carried a plot forward.
>> Sarah : Things happen on board. Dixon, came on board in the second episode.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : Who played Medusa and inhumans. As soon as I saw. Yeah, yeah, I know you. And then I had to look it up. But yeah.
>> Will: And I guess the thing about the first episode too, with, am. Yeah, am. And I was like sort of piecing those things together. And of course, Robert Patrick showing up and, had the nice little nod to the Terminator with Sarah Connor there. but, I felt know just trying to piece all those things together as far as the story. And again, details do matter because those details from the first episode really come into play. That third episode, when they get the Trevor Simpian or whatever, I can't remember the guy's name. but they pull the loops together when they go to new age to get the address for the guy that was looking for a job.
>> Will: And that's when I was like, oh, now everything is really starting to come together. So that's what I meant by details do matter. And I'm also glad I watched the first three episodes as a bunch, because otherwise, I think if I just ended on the second episode, we will be having a different conversation tonight, for sure.
>> Sarah : Yeah, I would agree on that. Where I think the third episode was the strongest out of the three, which is expected because first episode, you're kind of setting up, okay, this is where my character is. This is how he gets. And this is the exciting, incident that kicks off this new adventure. And then you got to get the team back together. And that's really the second episode. And then in third episode, it's all right, here's the plot, here's what's going on. We got some terrorism happening. We have this other mysterious wanderer, who's the bad kind of wanderer, using all of these aliases. And, I think that am, as a villain, is good. the other villain drives me crazy. It's so bad. He, had one good scene, and I was going to put in my notes, while watching the opening scene of the third episode, because that's when we actually see what happened to Franz, right? Because they do the flashback. And I was going to put in my notes, Rachel already explained to us what actually happened to him. We watched him fall from the helicopter in the very opening scene of the first episode. Now we're going back to this. But I liked it because he's like, well, I'm laughing because, I can't wait to see what the big guy does to you. That whole thing should have been the opening of the first episode. I'm sorry, that would have been so much better. And then big words Reacher, kick it off. We're in.
>> Will: Yeah, I agree.
>> Sarah : Why would you stretch that? Like. Oh my God. And then you don't have to waste five minutes of Reacher going in detail, just verbally saying what actually happened. All that dialogue. But it's also him. Reacher had to verbally say it because of internally his realization of a person he looked after was treated in this way. Totally like the father son paradox. So I get it. I really just think that whole sequence should have been the opening of the first episode.
>> Will: Yeah, I can't disagree with that. I think you're right again. just the way that, as I noted at the beginning, the way that this show is sort know, details build on one another. I guess having Reacher verbalized when I got read an autopsy report about what happened to France and then seeing mean, I guess, was it extra maybe, would have been better as the opening scene. I completely agree with you that I can't wait. Know, what's the big. Yeah, maybe all the torture know, maybe they didn't need to have all that at the beginning. Right, but just start from the moment on the helicopter and then yeah, you could just have the rest of it play out.
>> Sarah : Yeah, because it's not as though they were keeping Langston the big secret villain. I mean we saw him a few times. It just was a really good one liner to kick off the show and kind of be like, this is Reacher, he's badass. he's like Vin Diesel in Fast and Furious. We protect know. Let's just get this started. Somebody please do a fan fiction of fast and Furious featuring think. I think that would be great.
>> Will: That would be great. Actually may get me to watch, fast and furious.
>> Sarah : Yeah, I'm sure Vin Diesel would put it in the contract. Alan can't beat the shit out of.
>> Will: Me, but he probably would.
>> Sarah : Surprisingly, their size differences won't matter because I don't know why Vin Diesel was able to play off of the rock for so many years. So whatever. Oh my. So I think overall we're on board with reacher season two. I'm curious. I'm holding out hope that they're going to throw some curveballs like non telegraph. And I hope, my main hope is that when am and Reacher finally come face to face because I really don't give a shit about Langston. it's really a good, well executed meeting, encounter and just sequence. Because I think that will really define, at least for me, the season as a whole. because so far am as little as we've seen as him. He's maneuvering in a very reacher, intellectual way. and so I hope that when they meet, their first meeting lives up to expectation and we are able to see somewhat of a chess game continue. so we shall.
>> Will: We'll. Yeah, I guess we'll learn more about what's going on with the other team member with Swan, because that was the sort of big thing at the end of the third episode, where they realized that Swan Langston had, the connection there with working at new age. As I said, third episode really pulled everything together for me. and, yeah. Looking forward to continuing. Continuing on this, road with Preacher.
>> Sarah : Yes. And on that note, will, why don't you tell our listeners where they can find you?
>> Will: Yes, you can find me on Twitter, also known as X at Will mpolk. Willmpolk.
>> Sarah : You can find me, there, too, at SJ Belmont. S-J-B-L-M-O-N-T. Please follow our crew on Twitter at scenennerd find us on Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and threads at scene_n_nerd, and if visit our website, www.scenennerdpodcast.com. But most importantly, rate, follow and comment on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you're podcasts. Good night. Geek out. You're welcome.