Prepare for an emotional rollercoaster, nerds! This episode of Scene N’ Nerd is a journey through love, loss, and the intricate dance of couple dynamics with Mr. & Mrs. Smith's "Second Date" and a heart-wrenching dive into Reacher's "New York's...
Prepare for an emotional rollercoaster, nerds! This episode of Scene N’ Nerd is a journey through love, loss, and the intricate dance of couple dynamics with Mr. & Mrs. Smith's "Second Date" and a heart-wrenching dive into Reacher's "New York's Finest" and the penultimate showdown in "The Man Goes Through." Plus, Sarah Belmont shares her teary experience with the Netflix series "One Day" and her mixed feelings on the latest K-drama twists. Will Polk brings his insights on the upcoming Superman and Lois finale and Stephen Amell's new venture into the Suits universe. And don't miss our thoughts on the upcoming super-summer showdown between Fantastic Four and Superman Legacy. All this and more as we rant...we rave...we review...this is Scene N’ Nerd.
0:00 Welcome
0:30 Deadpool and Wolverine teaser discussion
5:50 Wicked trailer and Ariana Grande's presence
8:55 Invincible Season 2, Part 2 trailer and release date
10:30 X-Men '97 excitement and nostalgia
12:50 Fantastic Four vs. Superman Legacy summer showdown
15:16 Star Wars: The Acolyte's summer release on Disney+
16:20 Superman and Lois final season update
17:10 Stephen Amell cast in Suits spinoff and potential Arrowverse cameos
22:00 Mr. & Mrs. Smith "Second Date" review and couple dynamics
37:45 Reacher episodes "New York's Finest" and "The Man Goes Through" analysis.
50:00 Sarah's emotional reaction to "One Day" (spoilers)
1:00:40 K-drama updates and Sarah's take on "A Killer Paradox"
1:07:15 Outro/Call to Action
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>> Sarah : Greetings, nerds. This is Scene N Nerd. I'm your host, Sarah Belmont, and with me, as always, is our Mr. Producer, Will Polk. How are you doing tonight, will?
>> Will: Very well, Sarah. How are you doing this evening?
>> Sarah : I'm doing good. February day after Valentine's Day. and you know what? Now, whenever I, think that yesterday was Valentine's day, and on Valentine's day, all I could think about was just the poster for Deadpool three, because that's genius. I love that so much. And the merch that will come from that. I mean, come.
>> Will: Wolverine is definitely marble Jesus because he is the messiah. To help bring back the.
>> Sarah : Just. It was a really good trailer teaser, whatever you want to call it. I'm glad. No scenes between the two of them, because just you wait, guys. In about six months, you're going to feel like you've seen the movie. And that's why I'm like, I don't need more. I didn't need more before, but I'm glad. I got this little treat, this little tease, and I'm like, I don't need more. I don't need to know all the scenes that are going to happen. I don't need to know their banter. but, yeah, it was a good trailer.
>> Will: It was a good trailer. And you're all, I know some people were grumbling about, well, why did they show Wolverine in the trailer? I mean, I think the way they ended it with the shadow, I mean, we've all seen the set photo of them walking together and stuff, so we know he's in the movie. I love the way they did it in the trailer, though, because for the non nerds that are out there who don't follow this stuff obsessively on Twitter and stuff like that, it was like a very nice teaser for the Joe average fan who probably watched x Men films, familiar with Wolverine and all that kind of stuff, but not those folks who actively seek out set photos and that kind of.
>> Sarah : Yeah, it's called Deadpool and Wolverine.
>> Will: Yeah, I know, but my point is. But no, Scene N him physically in the trailer, not the fact that the title of the movie was dropped. yeah, it's more that sometimes I.
>> Sarah : Feel like you make the people who don't follow this stuff seem to be really stupid.
>> Will: No, I'm not talking down or making them stupid. I'm just saying that not everybody is obsessive about this stuff as we are.
>> Sarah : No, and I try to get you to not be. You're ruining it too much of a good,
>> Will: Yeah. Ah, it was. Know more have. I did not know that Matthew McBadden was in this movie.
>> Sarah : Reminding me, while I was watching it, I was just like, I forgot. And thank you. That's what a teaser should do. Yeah. You already know Wolverine's going to be in it. I mean, what's the title? But did you forget about this guy who you recently had to bid farewell? And I'm like, no, I did not. I know you and I'm glad. Tom, man, if they do something that is a nod to succession, which, fuck.
>> Will: Yes, they've got to.
>> Sarah : I will say this one final thought, before moving on to the next trailer that aired during the Super bowl, is that my one reservation, and I'm just putting this out there now, is that I have seen the other two Deadpool movies. The first one, I came too late to the party. I still watched it, had a good time. Have never watched it since Deadpool two went to the theaters. Loved it, laughed my ass off. Haven't seen it since. So as much as I enjoy Ryan Reynolds just being Ryan and Reynolds in a deadpool outfit, as much as I enjoy the fact that him and Hugh Jackman are going to team up, I do not know if this franchise is more of, in the moment, I'm just entertained. But then after the fact, I'm like, yeah, that happened. Moving on.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : For whatever reason, as much as in the moment, I'm very happy watching these movies. I never feel the need to go and revisit them.
>> Will: Yeah, that's fair. Come to think of it, I've seen bits and pieces of them after I watched them in the theater. but I'm the same way. I don't think I've ever sat down and watched it start to finish.
>> Sarah : Right.
>> Will: since, the first viewing.
>> Sarah : Right. Which rewatch ability is a big factor when it comes to things you cherish. so the next one is wicked, which I've never seen the play, any production of Wicked. I kind of know what it's about. I've heard the main big songs, from it because of glee back in the day. so this is fine. this is a good trailer.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : But I have some issues about, my. My one issue is, like, it's not really an issue or anything. I'm neutral on this person. But I also know she's kind of been through the wringer this year, but Ariana Grande, considering the bits and pieces that I've heard about what's been going on with her and her life, and her work life and commingling and breakups and divorces and all that. Yeah. very interesting that this should come out, right on the heels of all that, so we could get a redemption story for her. I don't know. And the other thing is, who's the actress who plays the main bad witch?
>> Will: Okay, so the three athletes are Ariana Grande. Glendera is, Cynthia Arivo.
>> Sarah : Okay. I couldn't find her name anywhere because it kept being advertised as Ariana Grande and Michelle Yeoh.
>> Sarah : And I was like, I saw one seen and we're missing the co lead of this whole was that put me a little bit off. I have to.
>> Will: agree. I mean, I had the same reaction. And when I first watched the trailer, I was like, hey, Ariana Grande, Michelle yeo. And I blanked on Cynthia's name. I honestly did. And I know she's been in some pretty, trying to remember what other films she's been in.
>> Sarah : I don't recognize her name at,
>> Will: Yeah, yeah. But I had the same kind of thing. I enjoyed the haven't like you. I haven't seen the musical. it's come through here in Durham multiple times. And each time I just never get on the ball and get tickets for it. but yeah, the trailer looks really fun. Of course, they're releasing it at Thanksgiving, so they're definitely trying to get the big holiday bump there. And, it looks like a lot of fun. And maybe we'll finally watch the musical before going into the, going see it in theater, maybe.
>> Sarah : I did not see invincible season two, part two trailer.
>> Will: Yeah, that one dropped today.
>> Sarah : When is it coming back on the air?
>> Will: Yeah, so it's coming back on air March 14.
>> Sarah : Okay.
>> Will: The trailer was nice. It was, ah know, we get a few glimpses of somehow Alan's back. and we see sort of the fallout from what happens with invincible. When we left the series there, omni man was being taken away. But I don't recall Scene N omni man in the trailer, to come to think of it. but yeah, it was fine. I think all four parts of the, remaining, episodes of season two will drop on March 14. I'm sure we'll talk about it at some point. As we juggle, we look at our schedule moving forward. I like invincible.
>> Sarah : Huh? It's not like it's out. We have to drop what we're currently doing and switch to it. I completely agree. I'm already processing in my mind we're going to get to it in April.
>> Will: Yeah, I was thinking that today too, we may have an animation block bundled here. Coming up.
>> Sarah : I mean, I missed that trailer, but about half hour or less before joining this call, I did see, and I watched kind of funny watch the X Man 79 trailer or 97 trailer. And Yeah, the team is back.
>> Will: The team is back.
>> Sarah : Is back. And it feels good. It feels good.
>> Will: It does. I think maybe that was kind of what? Maybe that's why I just didn't really get moved principle. Because when I heard that classic X Men, ninety s X Men theme, I, was just like, all right, march 20, get here.
>> Sarah : Yeah, it's nostalgic. And the little voice in the back of your head that's saying they're going to fuck it up. You're just like, no, they're not. They can't do this because there is fear. There's so much nostalgic around this franchise if they fuck that up for me. but arguably, I'd prefer getting this, over live action version of them right now because I've just been exhausted. I haven't watched the last six movies that came out. It'll be good once we, ah, get around to talking about it.
>> Will: Yeah, it will be. Speaking of nostalgia, I know that the poster that they dropped for the series, all the characters and it's VHS tapes, just to really remind you of the time period that, where the original show came and everything about it, the original voice actors who were part of the series are coming back, many of them in the same roles they had before. Some of them are doing some other characters in this new show. And of course, they do have some new people coming in to do some voice work as well for like Cyclops and others. But yeah, I'm there with you. I had a big smile on my face and agree that if you're going to bring the X Men back, this is a great way to do it.
>> Sarah : So, next summer we have Thunderbolts swapping release dates. Thunderbolts is now May 2, 2025. Superman Legacy. I thought we were just talking about two movies. But will added this. Third one will be on July 11, and then Fantastic Four will be on the 25th. And now that I've put that out in the universe, more than likely, at least the thunderbolts of Fantastic Four will likely move to another date in time. Granted, Fantastic Four is also the casting have been confirmed, which was one of the most anticlimactic pieces of news to come out of this.
>> Will: So the reason why I put Superman Legacy in there. Yes, I know it's DC, but this summer. Yeah, it's a super summer. It is going to be. And it's really just. You have two, quite frankly, two anticipated films within two weeks of each other. I think that even I joked about the note about the release dates moving. More likely than not, they're probably going to stay there, and it's pretty amazing. Feige and, James Gunn will have a rivalry starting there. and given James's prior work with superhero films and given the MCU's track record, even though Max Chapman did have a role in Wandavision, so that was probably the last thing that people really had universal good feelings about. yeah, I mean, it's just going to be fun to see what happens there. but I agree with you, though, that Fantastic Four, the casting announcement was anticlimactic, but I think with the promotional, materials that came out yesterday with the, poster and stuff, maybe it looks like they may be going retro. So maybe it'll be set back in the, But we'll see.
>> Sarah : Yeah, because that works so well the last time they did that.
>> Will: True. They got to do over.
>> Sarah : I mean, So next year we'll have a super summer. This year we're having a Star wars summer continuation as the acolyte is reported to drop this summer on Disney plus.
>> Will: Yeah, no date yet, but Collider, did report that, over the weekend that, looks like that series will be dropping. It said 100 years before phantom menace. So, sitting in the high Republic and some mystery thriller. So we'll see. We will get a new genre entered into the Star wars universe.
>> Sarah : Yes. I've heard that one before. And there's going to be sand. That's my prediction.
>> Will: There's always sand.
>> Sarah : Yeah, I'm just saying. A new genre. Is there sand? Not a new genre. Star wars discontinuation. Okay, I'm waiting for the water planet now.
>> Will: We had that.
>> Sarah : I know. and then after that, Superman and Lois will return in this fall for the fourth and final season. So that is cool. They're starting to shoot, or they have been shooting. so we will get that to end the year. Cast and crew. Okay, I'm trying to get through this stuff.
>> Will: Yeah, just real quick. I know it dropped one little note about it. The show could be ready for the summer, according to the network president. but they decided to push it to the fall because they didn't want to, waste the show. Haven't been dropped in the summer and stuff. So I appreciate them. Give them a nice send off, especially after they cut their budget.
>> Sarah : Yeah. that is appreciated. And, Stephen amell got cast as lead in suits spinoff suits. La will correct me if I'm wrong, you didn't go down the suits path.
>> Will: Did not. I did not. Even with the revival on Netflix, I haven't gone down.
>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah. and we all know my story, but for those listening who maybe do not, I did watch suits back in the early days when it was actually airing live. and then I fell off around season six, around season seven. And then during the revival that had occurred this summer, I actually watched the seasons I hadn't seen circled back around and ended up going back through. I skipped episodes that I could care less about, but there were certain ones where I'm like, no. And then I like this storyline and, oh, yeah, so the whole thing, I saw this news and good on him. Suits. It'll be interesting to see because the premise of suits was essentially that this guy who, for certain reasons, got kicked out of law school, but was so smart that he started, this side gig of, taking the l stat for people. And he has one of those memories where if he sees it, he knows it and it's like stuck in his head, photographic memory. and he somehow, in the first episode meets Harvey Spector, who's a lawyer in New York City who's looking to hire an associate, and this guy convinces him to hire him. And so for most majority of the series, there is the secret that this guy has never gone to law school and he doesn't have his credentials to represent. so what I'm saying is, in my opinion, they can't necessarily take that, premise and just put it in LA. So even though they're calling this suits LA, I am curious about what the premise will be.
>> Will: Yes. So I did read the deadline article about this when, putting this on the rundown. And essentially, Stephen Amel's character is, a lawyer in New York.
>> Sarah : Yeah.
>> Will: But, I think it was a prosecutor. Yeah, he was a prosecutor in New York. And then he, ends up, moving to the west coast and setting up, I, think, a criminal and defense and other type of law practice. and so this is not a continuation, I think. Ah, it's a true, there's no way.
>> Sarah : They can do a.
>> Will: New show. And even Steven joked that, he's got a little bit experience about building universes.
>> Sarah : Yeah, I did one of the actors from the original show. I watched an interview with him this week, and he even said they need their time to develop their story. And then you bring in characters from the original series. You don't instantly start off with the tie ins. So I hope that the writers and producers, understand, like, this story needs to be solid. And of course, then season two, you get Emily Bette walking in, as his ex girlfriend, which I put money on. Now, that will happen. Okay. And David Ramsey will make an appearance. God help me. Grant Gustin will make an appearance. My money is on those three in.
>> Will: Yeah, yeah, let's still wait and see about that. because I think it starts production in Vancouver next, around if it gets approved for a second season. Yeah, we'll have to see if the Arrowverse reunion starts to happen on that show.
>> Sarah : Right. All right. so what did he think about Mr. And Mrs. Smith's second date?
>> Will: John is one horny dude. he signed up for the sex.
>> Sarah : But he didn't know that they were going to be together.
>> Will: I know, but he just remember in the first episode, he was like, did you sign up for the relationship or did you sign up for some other reasons? It's clear he signed up for the relationship, but I don't understand.
>> Sarah : You're saying that they signed up.
>> Will: I'm just saying in the program, whatever he learned that whatever he was going to be, the COVID was going to be a married couple, but, they.
>> Sarah : Learned that in the first episode. I don't know. I'm sure you're saying what is correct. it's just going over my head, but, yeah, I was also not expecting you to lead with that. Okay. I don't know what to say. I'm very caught off guard. I'm like, okay.
>> Will: I surprised you every now and then.
>> Sarah : Did you like this episode more or less than the first episode?
>> Will: about equal. I like this episode. The awkwardness. Really. You had your first date. I think it was that the tension was as far as between the two of them was ramped up. And maybe that's why I just started out there, going right to that point, because that's what, for me, as far as beyond the mission aspect of it, all the elements that were going on in the episode really just kept heightening that tension between them, the sexual tension between them. and that's part of the reason why I was like, yeah, that's my kind of nutshell analysis of what I thought. John's motivations.
>> Sarah : Yeah. I think I like the first episode better. This did feel like a continuation. I did laugh out loud during the potential throw up.
>> Will: Oh, yeah, I did too.
>> Sarah : The way he did it, was so funny to me. I have no idea why I laughed out loud. about that.
>> Will: Yeah, it seems so natural. I was just wondering. I was like, is this improv? Or is this, like, did he really. Or did they block this out prior to. Because it just seemed like. It just seemed very natural.
>> Sarah : Yeah, I know that they're doing a lot of improv on this.
>> Will: Another thing, too, is just like, I found it funny because thinking back to the first episode about the discussions about how many people he's killed and something I didn't bring up, earlier when we discussed the first episode, his embellishing about his height. So also, I was wondering, did he embellish the number of kills he's had?
>> Sarah : Oh, I think so, yeah. I also think that he might embellishing, as in, because we know he was in Afghanistan, they dropped a bomb or there was an attack. There's more than one people, but the casualties are this amount. So he. All of those, I can appreciate how with both of them, they say things, but due to their actions and due to everything you learn about them during the interview, you're as a viewer also second guessing and saying, okay, is that the truth or is that a lie? And how much of a lie is it? Is a white lie or is it, like, very hard paced lie? For me, why I honestly prefer the first episode more than this episode is because I really enjoyed, the writing in this episode. For whatever reason, majority of the time, things were just too telegraphed about what was going to happen, and I found myself predicting exactly what was going to happen multiple times. And that's not a good sign for me because I should either a, be so invested, my mind's not even thinking, or b, thinking of something, and then they do the opposite. I'm like, oh, well, that was interesting. I did not expect that, as much as the conversation at the end was a good bottle, story arc with the line about him saying at the beginning how the idea of having someone to come home to at the end of a shitty day and to be able to kiss them, that's a nice thought. I can appreciate that. But at the same time, I'm just like, ah, it's too telegraphed. It's too, like, yeah, but to your point, their chemistry is great. And, both of them, separately and alone, are really interesting characters. but overall, I don't know. I was not as invested in this whole black tie thing. and as soon as there was an emphasis, like, do not administer more than one of the truth serum, you're like, oh, God.
>> Will: Yeah, you know where that's going. I agree with you that things were telegraphed. And so from the mission standpoint, yeah, the first episode was definitely, if I did have to tip the scales, that would make that. And it did the job of being the hook. for sure. Like I said, I think for me it was more, as you've mentioned it, the whole psychological back cat and mouse game, warfare between Jane and John. the first date, you're just sort of filling each other out. Second date, you really getting into learning more about that person.
>> Sarah : Yeah. The fact that they're into cannibal porn.
>> Will: Yeah, exactly. That was good.
>> Sarah : I also didn't understand what he was watching. I'm going to be very honest here. But at the end, when it was explained what it was, I was like, oh, okay. all right, well, I'm glad that she did that. serves him right.
>> Will: And that's the other thing, too. I think what I also got her is she's so much better at this than he is as far as the headfakes, because he walks into them, at least right now in their relationship dynamic, he walks into it every single time.
>> Sarah : That is.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : Do you.
>> Will: No. Explain it to me.
>> Sarah : Well, you kind of said it at the very beginning of this conversation.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : Okay. He underestimates her because she's a woman and he wants to fuck her.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : She's able to do that and pull it off in such a way because he's a man who wants to get laid. He has yet to really view it as something else. But at the same time, I can't help but think about the coffee shop seen in the first episode. And Donald Glover is doing a great job with this character because they both are. But for him, during that seen and trying to break the ice and trying to get to understand her, there were so many tells from me where it's like, no. he's a very curious, naturally, about who this person is that he's now married to. But also, I think he's very observant of her and what she's doing. And he figured out who Max is. I feel like she's also someone that he's viewing as like a puzzle. It's like, I'm going to put you together. I'm going to figure you out. I don't care how many landmines I have to step on, but I will figure you out because you're just this big mystery.
>> Will: Yeah, that's for me. Why I think I really like this second episode. Not because of the mission, because you're right. The mission was totally telegraphed. As soon as we got, the message that make sure you don't give them two doses. Then I was like, well, we know things are going to go wrong, but as you noted, him putting the pieces of the puzzle together, come to think of it, yes, she's good at it. as far as the head fakes and stuff, I mean, she did get him back with the, snooping, but, he also called her red handed when she was going through his things.
>> Sarah : Oh, yeah, that was hilarious.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : they're both evening the playing field and as soon as you think one is stronger in an area, another one does something. I will have to side with Jane, though, that when I was watching the seen the way I interpreted what John did was the go ahead for her to administer the.
>> Will: Yeah, yeah.
>> Sarah : I still look back at that seen It's like, how did you think that was saying, I'm going to do it?
>> Will: But that's what the show is so great about, dude. That's what happens with relationships when people are trying to figure out cues. Even now with my wife and I, we have those moments where I was like, well, I thought you meant this, or she thought, and it's always the guy's fault. Yeah, she's right.
>> Sarah : You watched the same seen that I did. What did you think? Who did you think was going to administer it?
>> Will: It was my understanding she was supposed to be the one to do it.
>> Sarah : Thank you.
>> Will: All I'm saying, yeah, that was my understanding of it. And then he messed it up because guys always and.
>> Sarah : But I also want to point out, I think from a, writing, perspective, it is intentional that the viewer thinks that it's Jane who's supposed to do it because they actually show her try to putting the dose on her leg. In a viewer, you're like, oh, she has the dose, so she's going to administer it. He's going to be the distraction. You forget that there's another dose that he may have. So I feel like they did that purposely.
>> Will: Yeah, they did. They set it up purposely. But I think as we were just talking about, though, it's the larger and it's why it's like the second date and why the show, the relationship and the chemistry and everything between the two actors and the characters is so critical because that was a very believable thing that happens with couples in that situation. I, remember it's just like double booking something on a weekend with saying, well, we have dinner plans with friends this weekend versus next weekend, and how people interpret this weekend versus next weekend. This is a very smartly written show. as far as. When it gets into those.
>> Sarah : Ah.
>> Will: I mean, as far as couple dynamics, I mean, the other stuff. I completely agree with you. The mission stuff was telegraphed. Polk Dano showing up and being the flirty, nosy neighbor.
>> Sarah : I like that seen
>> Will: Got it, too.
>> Sarah : Because, to me, his flirtiness was to pull her off to a set of johns where he. Very much more, why she's interested in him, or says, like, he's kind of hot is because she sees herself in him. with the awkwardness and the questions and them trying. They played their own game of chess, and they were both very fascinated by each. So I really like that. And I like it even more because John's, like, on the inside, peeping through the windows. Like, what the fuck is happening? Like, I don't know this woman, but technically she's mine, so I don't like it. I don't appreciate that. So I like that. And what I was trying to say is not that I disagree that this isn't, a well written show, is that I question how much of it is the writing versus the actor chemistry. M because we also know that they're doing improv for a lot of the scenes. There's a balance there between, what carries more weight in terms of this show? And we're only on episode two, so who knows what will happen in the next six episodes?
>> Will: Yes, for sure.
>> Sarah : and next week, we get to talk about two of them. And that will be a true test because so far we've only got them in very small doses. The next week, it'll be 2 hours.
>> Will: So the true serum will come out.
>> Sarah : Oh, My God. I love John Toretto, but I don't want to see him for at least a few months.
>> Will: We definitely won't.
>> Sarah : I was very uncomfortable. That moves us on to reacher. Episode six, New York's finest. Oh, God. Okay. This is why we can't have nice things on reacher. Because the moment that I say I like a character, it's just like the writers hear me and say, okay, that character has to go. Like, gus dies, and I don't appreciate it, especially because it's not reacher who's like, we'll get your vengeance. Or looking down on him and them having their male bonding moment as his send off is like, I know you're a good cop. No, it's niggly. I'm like, it should have been reacher.
>> Sarah : I don't understand that decision at all. Doesn't make any sense to me.
>> Will: Yeah, and also the death just felt unearned. I mean, it was just so.
>> Sarah : I'm, sorry, I'm just going to say this right now. Every single. And this goes for Mr. And Mrs. Smith, too, because I checked out of the whole car race trying to get him back to their apartment or thing. I checked out of the episode. Like reacher, so far, anytime they're in a fight seen I'm like, all right, let me get up and go stretch my leg. I don't care. just because I don't have expectations that they're going to do anything really interesting with the action sequences and they're just so predictable. And to your point, it's just overwhelming. It's like, yeah, this was set up from the beginning, but.
>> Will: It was like you said, that should have been reacher there, because at least, it would have felt earned. There would have been a little bit more earnest there with it if it had been Reacher. Especially given their back and forth and how they set katano up. As far as in the beginning of possibly. Is this guy shady? Is he the dirty cop here? And the sort of the arc of his relationship and what happened. The things we found out in this episode, where it was actually his supervisor, who was a dirty cop. And honestly, I didn't expect him to make it out of the room when he confronted the lieutenant. I thought that was when he was going to get killed. Right. Because he knew too much. So I have to give them credit that they did not do that trope, but, they just did it. The other one, when he saved a. Yeah, yeah.
>> Sarah : They find Marlo and then they have to now protect Marlowe and her daughter from Langston. and that's how they also get in the situation where Dixon and O'Donnell are captured by Langston and his men. Which leads us to the penultimate episode. But I feel as though there was so much back and forth between Reacher and Gus that for that death to be worthwhile and for it to make sense, why this would add extra motivation for reacher to follow through on killing Langston and dropping him from a. Like he would have this moment of Langston or gloss. I'll miss you. You're a good cop. That was. The whole thing between him is like, I think you're a bit shady. No, I'm a good cop. And here's why. And I'm not like these others. And the whole lieutenant thing of it all, it's just another person, quote unquote bad guy. I'm not even calling these people shady. No. Langston and his cronies are the shady cops. These other peoples are just the stupidest people on the planet. And how they're in these positions of power is beyond me, because they consistently say, oh, my God. Oh, my God. If you get an offer from Langston, it's not bribe, but you have to take it. You have to take it. Like, you don't understand. Guys. I, had to.
>> Will: You didn't.
>> Sarah : Such a cliche.
>> Will: Yeah. It's just like, things. Pieces of logic just sort of falter there. as you rightly pointed out, maybe. I think they've tried to set it up, but it just feels very paper thin, so it just doesn't. I think, to me, that's where it lags.
>> Sarah : Maybe in the kite.
>> Will: Yeah, for sure.
>> Sarah : And I just say that because we were talking last week about the flashbacks, and I was saying. I'm like, okay, so where are we going with these flashbacks? Why aren't we Scene N more of Swan? We, didn't get any swan in these two episodes, but, again, boggles my mind because a part of me the entire time is just like, so Swan still. What? Why isn't anyone questioning where Swan is? I don't understand this. And yet, in these two episodes, the flashbacks have also been greatly reduced. Or, like, reduced in a way, or a bit too much. In the 6th episode, where we just learn that there are politics at play, that the generals don't want, the 110th to finish this kite runner assignment. And of course, reacher says, fuck you. And they end up going through with it and don't care that, well, now they're disbanded, they're like, well, we figured, So the joke's on you, buddy. And then you get a little bit of a payoff when niggly and reacher have their conversation right before he goes in to turn himself into Langston, where he gives himself up to Langston, where she says, like, oh, man, I've been thinking about kite Runner. we totally, purposely killed our unit, and now someone is literally killing our unit. And I'm like, that was the parallel this whole time. What? We'll explain.
>> Will: Yeah, that didn't bother me so much. I will say that I was like, okay, I'll allow it.
>> Sarah : I like the line, but I just can't believe if you're going to have flashbacks. They need to stand so much more on their own than what we got. And they were so choppy. And then again, I'm just going to say there was ample time for us as a viewer to get to know Swan in the flashbacks because in present day, we are supposed to leave without a doubt in our minds, he's dead, just like Reacher thinks he is. And it's like, no, he's alive. We're going to see him in the 8th episode.
>> Will: We'll find out he's the mastermind behind it all, or.
>> Sarah : That would be awesome. I would love for this show in its final hour to surprise the hell out of me. I would love it. I'm actually hoping for it. Do I actually think it'll happen? Not a chance.
>> Will: Yeah, we'll just get Reacher tortured and, he will make some witty comment or whatever. We'll get out of the shackles or whatever and talk Langston from a helicopter.
>> Sarah : I will be honest, I really am only in it to see Langston getting tossed from a. Okay, like, let's do, mean. And that's another thing. We hardly got any am. I know any am. And he's such a better villain than Langston, and yet all we're talking about and all we're Scene N is Langston and Reacher. And I'm like, man, remember when I thought it would be awesome? The moment that Reacher meets am? Now, I don't know if that's actually going to happen.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : I'm sure it will.
>> Will: That'll show up while they're, like, beating them with the, lead pipe, whenever they're trying to get information out of them or whatever. At this point, however they try to break them or whatever. Literally.
>> Sarah : Literally. They're literally trying to kill a reacher. figuratively. They did in the past. Anything else you want to say about the penultimate episode? I was kind of surprised by it because it was this big build up and then we got the montage at the end, let the man walk through, and then it's like. Fades black. Okay.
>> Will: Yeah. Actually, I do appreciate how they score this show. The music definitely, like, fair? yeah. fits the mood of the seen and stuff. as far as the penultimate episode, it was a lot of. Just to your point about flashbacks, and stuff. I felt like it was, We did get a little bit more as far as the politics, as far as what was going on with kite. runner. we get to see Neagley do a lot of badass stuff in the hospital there. Whenever they were, like, talking to the guy who survived the incident, getting hit by the car when they saved a girl. But, yeah, I felt like it was building up. And really in those last maybe 10 minutes or whatever. And then when we do fade of black, I was just like, oh, now, they did a good job of setting up the finale in those last few minutes because the rest of the episode, it was good. but I felt like the ending of it really set things up pretty well.
>> Sarah : Yeah, I've seen worse penultimates, and I'm glad we watched these two episodes back to back because they kind of flow right into each other. which I could say, arguably, about this entire season. The way, we broke it up makes a lot of sense in terms of arcs and everything. We're going to have one more episode to talk about next week, to end our reacher discussion. Reacher season two discussion. Then, who knows? Season three, they've already been greenlit for. We might end up watching that too, now that we're on the train. beyond this, I had a big weekend of watching things will, so I find it so funny in hindsight that after recorded last week, I told you, I mentioned this offhandedly, and I just said, yeah, I saw one day came out on Netflix. I'm probably not going to binge it. I'll probably take my time with it. And, I binged it. but I did not know at the time. I knew there was 14 episodes. but I did not know at the time that those episodes are a half hour long.
>> Will: There you go.
>> Sarah : And one of them is 18 minutes long.
>> Will: Wow.
>> Sarah : for those who don't know about this limited series, it's based off of a book by David Nichols that was released in late 2010, maybe 2011. and they made a movie starring Anne Hathaway shortly after it because it was a big ya novel. I read the book. I was obsessed with the book. I mainly read it because I knew they were making it into a movie. I watched the movie, very disappointed by the movie, and I literally have not thought about this story since then. And this all occurred again, mind you, ten plus years ago. So I had no idea they were making a limited series, until I saw it as a recommended and that it was dropping. And I'm like, okay, interesting. Okay, I'll check it out. And on Friday, I just threw on the first episode. I was like, I just need something to listen to in the background. It was good because I had this experience with this show of, where I have not thought about the story. In so long, yet while watching it, this is what tells you, a, how good of an adaptation it was, but b, how obsessed with this story I was when I first read it, there were lines where I was like, oh, she's going to say this now. It was like this weird. And even I said I was disappointed by the movie. I don't think it was cast right. And the show proves where the casting went wrong with movie because Leo Woodle, I don't know how to pronounce his last name. I'm sorry, I'm blanking. I just know his first name is Leo. He is, he, his performance was so good. and will, you don't understand because I knew what would happen. I knew what was going to happen. I've read the book. I've seen the movie. Yeah, I cried.
>> Will: Well, I'm about to let him know.
>> Sarah : And while I was thinking about this, I'm like, man, do I tell will or do I continue this illusion that I have no heart? and I'm not going to say why I cried, but I will say I didn't cry. I cried in the last episode.
>> Sarah : So there's, and it's, and it's just so, so. All that being said, it was just this experience of watching the story that I love so much be really brought to life and executed. Because the story is essentially these two people meet, during graduation of college.
>> Will: Okay.
>> Sarah : and they have this night together. And that's the first episode, this first night. And then, the next episode is exactly one year later to the day. Because the book is written in that way. Each chapter takes place on July 15 from 1988 to about 2005. This is another reason why I love the way this story is told is because you're constantly like, wherever the characters are, whether they're apart or together, you're following what happens on that day and you hear about things that occurred in between, which proves that it's a lived in world and lives do go on. But we're just focused on this one day, and that's called one day.
>> Will: Okay.
>> Sarah : Yeah, it all makes sense.
>> Will: Yeah. Getting back because my jaw is still on the floor, from you admitting to me that, you actually had an emotional response. that wasn't tears. Yeah. So was it a moment that you remember reading in a book that also hit you that way?
>> Sarah : No, I don't remember crying at all during the book.
>> Will: Okay. I don't want you to spoil.
>> Sarah : I can tell you what, it was. And for people who don't want to be spoiled. I, would tune out.
>> Will: Okay.
>> Sarah : what do you think happens? Based on what I told you already?
>> Will: so given the timeline of events, something either someone passed away, and it was very tragic because these are still relatively young people.
>> Sarah : Well, no.
>> Will: Okay.
>> Sarah : Kind of. No. so they don't get together until officially, until 1998. so they have, like, ten plus years of friendship before actually get together. Whole time, smitten with each other. The energy there. But they're best friends. and they finally get together. And then in the second to last episode, we start to do like the same day in 2000. Oh, they're getting married. 2001, oh, they're married. 2002, they're looking at houses. Things are finally right with them, and they're in love and they want to have a kid. And then the day happens and, the girl, Emma, dies in a car accident. Oh, I didn't cry at that. Yeah, because that happens in the second to last episode. The last episode, takes you through that day, which is the same day that they met. Coincidence? I know, I know. but, I cried watching Leo play Dex during his grieving. And they follow, I want to say, three anniversaries of the death. And the first one, very bad. Second one. All right. Third one, he finally comes understanding. But it was really hard to watch the first anniversary death, just because rewind at the beginning, he goes through this whole experience of losing his mom to cancer. Like I said, I didn't cry in the book. I don't remember reading the book and crying my eyes out. There's something about the way this actor played Dex throughout, the entire series that it just broke my heart for him to finally get back on his feet because there's some other shit that happens.
>> Sarah : And then have this person be taken away from him.
>> Will: Yeah.
>> Sarah : Start to slip again, but try to figure out a way without her to regroup.
>> Will: Yeah, no, that just sounds like if you got emotionally invested, you truly got invested in that character and his story. that's just phenomenal acting there, by this actor and really the way they structured the story and like you said, if they followed it true to the books that you read, even though you didn't have that reaction, when you read the book, but at least Scene N it adapted, that's just powerful stuff there.
>> Sarah : Yeah, it was really good. And that was just one of the things I watched this weekend.
>> Will: Well, after that you had enough bandwidth.
>> Sarah : No, I finished that, before the Super bowl on Sunday.
>> Will: Okay.
>> Sarah : I started a new k drama called, a killer paradox.
>> Will: Oh, yeah, I remember you telling me about that one.
>> Sarah : Yeah, I told you about this one. I'm halfway through the eight episodes. I really am taking this one slow, one episode a day. and this show is the best edited k drama I've seen And I'm going to put emphasis on the word edited because the first episode is just a mind fuck. Where I was watching. I'm like, wait, what is going on here? They start you. And in retrospect, it makes sense because there's moments where you're watching something play out and then you don't even realize that something switches and suddenly it's m from the perspective of the main character's m. Like his mind, his imagination, almost. where some absurd stuff can happen, but the editing and how it's so well crafted. and so I was like, oh, this is fascinating. Second episode I'm watching, and I'm just thinking to myself, what is with all of these coincidences? This is weird. And then the third episode, it's really good. And I'm trying to figure out, how much do I share about this show? Because, in my opinion, it's something. The less you know, the better.
>> Will: Okay.
>> Sarah : Because to me, I went in, I only knew about the show because I recognized the main actor from parasite and some other things. But he isn't even my favorite character. My favorite character is the detective. Detective is awesome. And, I mean, he kind of got screwed over recently, but we'll see what happens. But they are doing things in the show. They took it to a place, a very quote unquote nerdy place that I was not expecting, but I'm like, that is kind of really genius. And I'm curious about how this unfiltered. But, while you're watching it, while I was watching it, I kept thinking, this is called a killer paradox for a reason. You don't realize while you're watching it what is actually happening. but so far, I've really enjoyed it. It's very different. but I find it od that they dropped all eight episodes at once. The only other time I've seen them do that is with the glory. So that tells me there's a high chance part two will come out, like, in six months or something.
>> Will: Okay.
>> Sarah : so this is only half of the first season, but they did that with a different show, too. I didn't watch that show, but I know they did. which is a different release schedule than this other drama. I'm watching Dr. Slump, which is two episodes a week. So Mary, my,
>> Will: Yeah, how's Mary, my husband, going?
>> Sarah : I'm so done with that. Done. I'm going to watch the final two episodes. But I fast forwarded through a shit ton this past week because I just see where it's going and honestly, it's not working anymore for me. I figured out something that took the main character the entire episode to realize I'm like, no, I can't be smarter than you. How can you be so stupid again? It's one of the shows where it starts off really strong, but after some of the intrigue is lost and they introduce some other characters, it eats itself, in my opinion.
>> Sarah : Which it happens, but I'm glad I watched it. I'm not mad at it from that sense. And it could still surprise me. It could still finish, off really strong last two episodes. Because I will again bring up this show from last year, Duna, which, honestly, it was a lot for me to get through that show. But the last episode and the way they ended it, I was like, this show's really, Yeah, it's just been a lot of tv pulling my attention.
>> Will: I always enjoy hearing your k drama recommendations and also the various things that show up on your Netflix suggested. One day is definitely, I know. I saw someone asking on Twitter today if, anyone's watched one day, and I tagged you on that post because, I remember you mentioning that last.
>> Sarah : Just. I just want to say I send a lot of love to Leo, but Leo's performance would not have worked without hats off to her performance as well. So it's Dex and Emma. It's not just Dex. Say that. and on that note, will, why don't you tell our listeners where they can find you?
>> Will: Yes, you can find me on X, formerly known as Twitter at, will mpolk. Willmmpolk. And be sure to check out my latest Star Trek video. I dropped, earlier today as breaking down the series, Star Trek next generation documentary, chaos on the bridge. So it's a crazy first year, first two years of that series.
>> Sarah : And you can find me on X, formerly known as Twitter at sjbaumont sjbelmmont. Please follow our crew on Twitter at seen and nerdfriend us on Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and threads at seen underscore n underscored Nerd, and visit our website, ww sceneinerdpodcast.com. But most importantly, rate follow and uncomment on Apple Podcasts, Spotify YouTube, or wherever your podcast. Good night. Geek out. You're welcome.