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SNN Presents: Blerd Trek | Inside Scoop on Star Trek's Section 31 Production Kickoff!

🚀🌌 Get ready, Star Trek fans! We are back with a scoop on the much-anticipated production kickoff of Star Trek's Section 31! 🎬🎉 Our first episode of Scene N Nerd Presents: Blerd Trek season two is diving deep into the heart of the Star...

🚀🌌 Get ready, Star Trek fans! We are back with a scoop on the much-anticipated production kickoff of Star Trek's Section 31! 🎬🎉 Our first episode of Scene N Nerd Presents: Blerd Trek season two is diving deep into the heart of the Star Trek universe, bringing you the latest updates and insider news. Don't forget to hit that like button if you're as excited as we are and subscribe for more updates on all things geek and pop culture! 🖖👽 Stay nerdy, folks! #StarTrek #Section31 #ProductionKickoff"


0:00 Intro

0:40 Section 31 starts production, new cast members, who are missing? What is Section 31?

7:00 Star Trek: Legacy Update

9:10 Star Trek: Prodigy Update

10:50  Outro/Call to Action 

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>> Will: Open up tailing frequencies to send this message to all channels. Scene N  nerd presents Blerd Trek is back with all the latest news about Star Trek section 31. Greetings, nerds and fellow trekkers. This is Will Polk, host of, Scene N Nerd presents Blur Trek, and producer and co host of the Scene N Nerd podcast with our host, Sarah Belmont. Thank you so much for joining me on this first episode of Scene N Nerd presents Blerd Trek in 2024. And we get to kick off this new season, of Blerd Trek with exciting news, as we learned today that the section, 31 movie started production in Toronto. That's right. released from the Star website, as well as the Star Trek social media channels, we see, Academy Award winning actress Michelle Yeo, who, in section Star Trek section 31, she plays our favorite character, Emperor Philippor Georgia, who was first introduced in Star Trek Discovery. And she has joined the organization of section 31. And, the tagline from Star says that in section 31, Emperor Philipa Georgio, the fan favorite character, yo, first introduced in Star Trek Discovery, joins a secret division of Starfleet tasked with protecting the United Federation of Planets. She also must face the sins of her past. So that's the official tagline that was given in the Star Trek social media webpage today about this new original film that, did go into production and will be on, paramount. Plus, it's going to be streaming. It's not going to be a theatrical release. Whenever this film does eventually come out, most likely 2025. I know they're filming early. They're filming right now, which are expected to go about six weeks, according to, some production sources. But, even best case scenario, probably, if it does come out, it may be end of this year, but most likely we're looking at next.

Some of the cast members who will be joining in this section 31 movie

But along with that, we get some exciting news, about some of the cast, who will be joining in this section 31 movie. And so, we learned that in addition to Michelle yo, the cast of, the CBS Studios production includes Omari Hardwick, who, from left to right, was, in powers, Casey roll. She was in Hannibal, Emmy award winner Sam Richardson, who was in Ted Lasso, sin Rock, who was in one piece, which was an excellent live action adaptation. If you haven't seen that on Netflix, I recommend you definitely go check it out. And also, we review that here on the podcast channel as well. So check out our reviews there. Ah, Robert Kaczynski, who was in Pacific Rim, Umberly, Gonzalez, who was in guinea and Georgia, and James Hiroki Lyo, who was in Barry. So those are the cast members that were introduced today.

Star Trek movie to begin production on January 30, 2024

In addition to learning about the film going into production, one notable person that was not on the list was Shazar ah Latif, who played, ash Tyler in Star Trek Discovery season one and two, at the end. Spoiler. I won't spoil what happens to that particular character because I know many of you haven't watched Star Trek Discovery, but he was a very integral character in the first two seasons of that show. And, his character had a very important role in section 31, in the second season. So, if you're new to Star Trek, let me just quickly explain what section 31 is. So section 31 was an organization that, was a part of the original Starfleet charter when the organization was founded. In article 14, section 31, we first see them in the Star Trek universe, in the Star Trek Deep Space Nine season six episode Inquisition, where, they try to recruit one of the characters on that show, Dr. Prashir, into the organization. Now, the section 31, if you're familiar with Star Trek or I mean, as far as the real world equivalency, it will probably be like the CIA. It's a intelligence organization. and, in the Star Trek universe, the analogous organizations is to Romulan, Talshiar, and also the Obsidian order in the Cardassian Union. So these organizations were just basically secret organizations within these governments to basically protect against extreme hazards and risk, from internal and external, threats to those particular governments. So, section 31, as I noted, it was first introduced in deep space nine, but it's also been shown in, other iterations, other shows of Star Trek, including Picard Lower, decks. it also even showed up in the alternate, universe, in the Kelvin universe, and Star Trek into darkness, and also Star Trek Enterprise. So it's been a part of the fabric of the Star Trek universe for some time now. And so this, movie will, be the continuation of Emperor Georgia's, life in this organization. Now, we have no details as far as what the script says or anything like that. there were some things that happened in Star Trek Discovery season three that may have an impact on this. Again, I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't watched it, but if you have watched Star Trek Discovery, you know, what happened with this particular character, in that season. and so, again, this is a fan favorite character, and we got, because of the popularity, of this character, and also just the sheer awesomeness of Michelle. Yeoh, they decided to greenlight this movie. And then once the writer strike and actor strike was over, they were able to get it into production. So that's very exciting news about that as of this recording on January 30, 2024. So, let me know what your thoughts are on this news in the Star Trek universe.

There's been some news about Star Trek legacy recently

And with, that, let's quickly turn to some other things under. There's been some news about Star Trek legacy in the news recently. tv insider had an interview with, Michelle heard, who, plays Rafi in Star Trek Picard. of course, after the third season of Star Trek Picard, the way that season ended, it definitely did set up a potential new series of, that spinoff. And so fans, have been very excited about the potential for that series. Michelle heard did say that if fans wanted it, continue to put the word out there for it. Of course, there's been a lot of petitions for Star Trek legacy, but as of now, as is this recording, nothing has officially been, greenlit by the studios, for various reasons. one, of course, there's been the strikes. Two, paramount, ah, their ownership, and there's been a lot of rumors about, what's going to happen with Paramount studios that produces all the Star Trek content. there was a rumor late last year that, there was a potential of them, being acquired by, one company. I believe it was maybe, Warner brothers discovery. but also recently, Scott ants has been rumored to be looking at, buying a stake or acquiring Paramount studios as well.

There's a lot of things on the business side that may hinder Star Trek development

So, of course, these are all early, talks, speculations, nothing in moving forward at this point, but just wanted to raise that in that, there's a lot of things on the business side that may hinder any new development of any series as far as Star Trek. For the time being, of course, we do have the section 31 movie that is being relet, of course. Star Trek strange new worlds, is in production for its third season. Star Trek discovery, of course, is going to be wrapping up this year. and of course, we get to our last little bit of news. It's just Star Trek. prodigy, of course, it's no longer with Paramount. Plus it got canceled there. Netflix, did acquire it. they did finish the second season of Star Trek, prodigy, and did release all 20 episodes of the first season right around the holiday season on Netflix. And it actually debuted globally in the top ten, in all markets across the Netflix platform, whether it was United States, United Kingdom, anywhere where Netflix is, available. the show debuted in the top ten of the kids list for, when Star Trek prodigy drops. So of course the more minutes and more eyeballs get on Star Trek prodigy, of course they haven't given us the date as far as when, the show is going to be released as of this recording. But of course, keep an eye on it because it will be coming out hopefully at some point this year. And hopefully if it gets very good response, we'll get a third season of that show as well.

Be sure to subscribe to our podcast here

So lots going on in the Star Trek universe. Let me know what your thoughts are about the topics I discussed here today. Share your thoughts in the comments below. Be sure to subscribe to our podcast here. We've got some exciting things coming up. In addition to Blerd Trek, we're going to be starting our reviews, of Reacher this week, as well as Mr. And Mrs. Smith on Amazon prime as well, and also avatar, the Last Airbender later this month. So we got a lot of content coming to us. So follow us here on YouTube or if you're listening to us on the audio, subscribe to us wherever you get your podcast via, audio feeds by going to our, and be sure to rate, comment and subscribe. And we surely will do appreciate all the support with that. Live long and prosper.