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SNN: CW Heroes and the Peacemaker
SNN: CW Heroes and the Peacemaker
We are back to talk about all of the present DC television content. First our SNN Host, Sarah Belmont shares some Flash and other CW news. …
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We are back to talk about all of the present DC television content. First our SNN Host, Sarah Belmont shares some Flash and other CW news. Then our SNN Producer Will Polk talks about Ryan, Naomi, Lois, and Clark. The duo also continues to share their...

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Scene N Nerd Podcast

We are back to talk about all of the present DC television content. First our SNN Host, Sarah Belmont shares some Flash and other CW news. Then our SNN Producer Will Polk talks about Ryan, Naomi, Lois, and Clark. The duo also continues to share their joy watching John Cena catch all the butterflies as the Peacemaker. We rant...we rave...we review...this is Scene N’ Nerd. 


0:00 Welcome

1:12  Dakota Johnson cast in Spider-verse spinoff Madame Web

4:30  Supernatural spinoff The Winchesters and new DC TV show Gotham Knights ordered to pilot at The CW.

7:12  Grant Gustin signs a new deal for another season on The Flash.

9:23  The team is a little split on the latest episode of Batwoman 3 x 11.

19:58  Superman and Lois continue to not disappoint with the excellent and balanced storytelling as we recap episode 2 x 4.

34:10   Naomi is hitting a good place in the show's inaugural season.

43:14   No recaps or spoilers this week but Sarah admits she was too harsh early on with Peacemaker and Will continues to gush over the show.

46:24   Outro

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#SupermandLois #Batwoman #Naomi #Peacemaker #MadameWeb #TheFlash #TheCW #Supernatural #GothamKnights #DCTV #Sony