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Dune Prophecy, Superman & Lois and Star Wars: Skeleton Crew Reviews | Eps 2-3, 5-8, 1-2

Greetings, nerds! Sarah Belmont and Will Polk are back with another episode of Scene N Nerd. They kick things off with a post-Thanksgiving catch-up, discussing the holiday season and Sarah's surprising shift from binge-watching to completing her...

Greetings, nerds! Sarah Belmont and Will Polk are back with another episode of Scene N Nerd.  We are back to discuss Dune: Prophecy, Superman & Lois, and Star Wars: Skelton Crew. They kick things off with a post-Thanksgiving catch-up, discussing the holiday season and Sarah's surprising shift from binge-watching to completing her holiday shopping. (0:00)

Sarah dives into her recent K-drama discoveries, "When the Phone Rings" and "The Trunk," sharing her thoughts on the intriguing plots and the challenges of waiting for weekly episode drops. The duo discusses the low-budget production values typical of some K-dramas and the unexpected full-season release of "The Trunk" on Netflix. (2:45)

Will shares his excitement for the new Star Wars series, "Skeleton Crew," drawing comparisons to "The Goonies" and "Star Trek: Prodigy." He gives a spoiler-filled review of the first two episodes, noting the nostalgic vibes and the positive reception from the Star Wars fandom. (11:00)

The conversation shifts to "Superman and Lois," as Sarah and Will discuss the series' final episodes 5-8 and the end of the CW's DC universe. They analyze the show's character dynamics, particularly focusing on Lex Luthor's evolving role, the Kent family's challenges, and the emotional revelations about Clark's identity. (17:55)

Finally, they return to "Dune Prophecy," dissecting episodes two and three. Sarah and Will explore the political intrigue, character motivations, and the series' pacing. They debate the likability of the protagonists and the show's potential to expand the Dune universe beyond the films. (42:00)

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Good night. Geek out. You're welcome.

0:00 Post-Thanksgiving catch-up 

2:45 K-drama discoveries: "When the Phone Rings" and "The Trunk"

11:00 "Skeleton Crew" episodes 1-2 review and Star Wars nostalgia

17:55 "Superman and Lois" season 4 episodes 5-8 and CW's DC universe conclusion

42:00 "Dune Prophecy" episodes two and three analysis



>> Sarah : Greetings, nerds. This is Scene N Nerd. I'm your host, Sarah Belmont, and with me, as always, is our Mr. Producer, Will Polk. How are you doing tonight, Will?

>> Will: Doing very well, Sarah. Welcome back. After the Thanksgiving break.

>> Sarah : Yeah, we got, It's. It's December.

>> Will: Yes. Happy December.

>> Sarah : The. The marathon month.

>> Will: Yeah, for sure.

>> Sarah : The last wave, the final. The closeout, the ending, man, it's. It's. It's gonna, It's always interesting. There's like a weird quiet and then there's a bunch of, like, there's a spike in activity and then the closeout. I mean, your birthday at the end of the month.

>> Will: Yep.

>> Sarah : breaking further into the. The next 50.

>> Will: Yeah. Yeah. @ this point, it's just like, you know, when I hit 5011 months ago, it was just like, okay, cool. It is, Yeah. I mean, I haven't broken down yet, you know, so I'm good. Yeah.

>> Sarah : Oh, man. Well, I. So I took. I took a week off of work too. So I was. I was in vacation home staycation mode always. And you would think, knowing me and my history, that I would have binged like five or six different shows and I was surprised. I did not. I did not binge a single show. I, I had an activity to do just about every day. I spaced stuff out. And then it was a lot of online shopping, which I got all of my shopping for the holidays done.

>> Will: Good for you. I've got. I've got to get started. Even though I. Even though I have gotten. I got, Well, I. I have gotten started, but I got. I got some more to do and I missed out on all the Black Friday cy. You know, small business Saturday sales. But, you know, at this point, retailers want the business to do. You know, there's going to be sales all throughout the holiday season, so.

>> Sarah : Oh, absolutely. But I also got started being finished because they don't start them on Black Friday. You can plenty websites start them like the Sunday or the Friday or Black Friday. So I was, I was looking at those. and that's not really something I can do to have a new show in the background. Like, I want to pay attention, but I do want to tell you about two new things that I watched.

>> Will: Okay.

>> Sarah : and they were both K dramas. And I. So the first one, which is, titled when the phone Rings, I think it literally dropped one episode the Friday before Thanksgiving and then another episode Saturday, the following that Saturday, like It's doing a two episode drop a week. And I think there's 12 or 16 episodes in total. I was very surprised by how much I enjoyed. And I was intrigued by not just the first episode, but specifically the second episode because. Oh, I'll get to the premise. You know me, I'll get to it. It's a slow burn. But I just. This wasn't on my radar. The premise is very. I'm going to look it up on IMDb because I love their descriptions of things so much.

>> Will: Okay.

>> Sarah : But I, like, randomly just saw it and I, was like, you know, I'll try it. I literally typed in who and not when. Okay. So Baek Seok, on a former presidential spokesman, marries Hung Hui Ju, a mute. A mute newspaper Harris in an arranged union. When Hu is kidnapped, their distant relationship is challenged as they navigate the crisis. This. This. Think of an iceberg. Okay. This just is like the first episode.

>> Will: Wow.

>> Sarah : And you, you're like, well, I mean, how do they stretch that not only over like a two episodes, but over 16.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : I am shocked by all the different directions in terms of mystery, because they, they do a very good job about giving you nuggets of, backstories. Like, why was it an arranged marriage? Like, and. And who arranged it? And why did they arrange the marriage?

>> Will: Okay.

>> Sarah : And how long have these two known each other? And where did the sister who was supposed to marry the guy go? And why is she like, is she coming back? Also, why is Huiju mute? Which they get into like an episode three, and you're like, oh, well, that makes sense. But I still got a few more questions. So. I mean, the one thing, the one negative thing that. I'm just going to put this out there, and I've watched enough K dramas. There's hardly any budget around these things, but this is on par. And. And I. I've watched a few Japanese and Chinese dramas too. This is on par with the low budget of a Chinese drama.

>> Will: Oh, okay.

>> Sarah : I'm like. I'm like, yeah, this is weird. This feels. You didn't give him any money.

>> Will: I guess they're just. They're just chucking and turning those things out now. This is like. Because they're like, you know, we have an international market that people will watch is watch whatever.

>> Sarah : I have no idea. Because, earlier this year when we were watching a killer paradox, there was some money behind that, especially the first few episodes in terms of, the visuals and the cinematography. But, I guess it depends. Squid Games has some money behind it for sure. and the Squid games too. Will. Will too. But, so. So this was just a pleasant surprise. And it was so funny because when the second episode ended, I was like, this is why I hate watching K dramas when they first come out. Because if I'm into it, I want to binge and I don't. Now I have to wait.

>> Will: Gotta wait a week. Yeah. Netflix has adjusted their model, so now you gotta wait.

>> Sarah : Oh, but. Or have they? Because the second show I've been anticipating, because the second show K drama I watched on Netflix or I started was the Trunk. And, I say I don't know if they've changed their model because I was surprised to find out that the Trunk released their full season 8 episodes all at once.

>> Will: Okay.

>> Sarah : Now I surprisingly have only watched two of the eight because this show reminds me a lot of, the Frog.

>> Will: Oh, yeah.

>> Sarah : So tell me about that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Very. A very interesting premise, which I'll get to in a second. But very slow. Slow. Not as much back and forth. I mean, surprisingly, the other show I was just talking about, one of the characters is mute. But there's still a lot of conversation happening. There's movement, there's activity. This show had the first episode, I was going to bail. and I still am on the fence about this. And that's why I've only watched two of the eight.

>> Will: Okay.

>> Sarah : but I still. Part of me is like, okay, well, I still want to know what happens. because the premise is a secret marriage service is uncovered when a trunk washes up on the shore, revealing the strange marriage between a couple in the thick of it all. And essentially what they also allude to with the discovery of this trunk is that the arranged. The person from this marriage service, who's just married this guy because it's the business, is killed. But I don't know, like, we just see a trunk and then now there's also some confusion about, well, is it her trunk or is it his ex wife's trunk? His ex wife who happened to arrange this marriage. So there's, there's a lot of like, what is happening? Why are you doing this? And, and so can we move a bit faster? Yeah, but, yeah, so I'm still on the fence. It's not moving as quickly as I would want it to. But at the same time I'll, probably end up hate watching it. And just because I need to understand and know I've already invested two plus hours into it.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

>> Sarah : So I'm not going to rush back. Probably watch the next two episodes over the next weekend and just take my Time with it. But yeah, so, so that was my viewing experience.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah I honestly other than the shows we're watching, talking about tonight didn't really wasn't able to catch any shows that I had a house full of folks I did rewatch and or with my nephew in law. It was his first time watching it and it that it holds up very, very well actually it's just like maybe more. I'm more excited for, for the upcoming season with. With andor returning. But I did start this new Star wars show, Skeleton Crew last night since they bumped it up a release date a day early. So it was You know it was, it was fun. It was a fun show. I will say though when it first started I was kind of like oh I felt like I was back in the Force Awakens again where I just felt like they just did a. They just did a carbon copy and spoiler spoilers. I'm just going to go ahead and say spoilers ahead. So if you haven't watched it yet, don't listen to my comments because I am going to get into spoilers with the show. but Yeah, so when it starts out it literally is beat for beat. The beginning of a new Hope. The only difference, the only difference is it's on a pirate ship and but like the you know, all the you know the pirates are like boarding a freighter and you know, so just plug in you know the pirates for the stormtroopers and a new hope and the rebels for the people on the freighter and everything else about the opening was pretty much a new hope. And I was just like I have a bad feeling about this. But as it progressed and once we got past that, that opening and we get to the planet. Yes it is for certain it is a show for all ages. Yes, it primarily is for kids. So Sarah, I don't know if you will like it given where your headspace is about Star wars right now.

>> Will: But But it does. It's in. In all the things you've heard people say about Goonies and ET and the ambulance, Spielberg films and all that and Treasure Island. All those, all those influences are there. John Watts definitely as who's the director, and writer in the first episode. Then he also did the Spider man trilogy, in the MCU and Sony. all those elements are there. I mean it is but it also as the show progressed there were like elements that did take me back to My childhood as far as just with the kids in the show and the you know, playing with the action figures and it was a very like mix of a very grounded world where with these kids in the suburbs. So there are elements there that made. That did like bring back that old. That old school sense of wonder and excitement in Star wars. That. And nostalgia was there, but it was in a good way. So I felt like that worked for me at least as far as the viewer. but, Yeah, but you know, the other pieces of it, you know, they're either the lead kid, he's the latchkey kid essentially as, dads, you know, you do have. The adults in the show are pretty much just like the adults you used to have in those like old 80s movies where you had harried parents or the, you know, the, you know, the very busy parents is always working, like when his dad is always like work, work, work, but do your homework. And you know, Neil's the cute kid that everybody's been like, you know, all social media. He's like the new Baby Yoda, honestly. as far as the characters. But they do find, you know, when does think he finds like a, Thought he's found a Jedi Temple, but actually it really is. It turns out that he's he's found a ship and there's two other characters, two young ladies, two, girls. and they all, you know, and the four kids are all archetypes of like kids you would expect to find that, you know, as far as middle school, really aged kind of kids. and yeah, and they end up discovering that they end up finding this ship and they end up leaving their planet. And it's another show that for me is a Star Trek fan. As soon as they like. As soon as the ship started taking office stuff and they, they found. They started going on this grand adventure. I immediately thought about Star Trek prodigy because I'm like, okay, this is pretty much Star Trek prodigy as far as the kids finding a starship and going there, going out into the universe and finding things. But. So there are a lot of influences and stuff, but overall, you know, they do go to a. Then the second episode, they end up on a pirate planet. And you know, adventures happen there. Fun thing, you know. And at the end of the, at the end of the first, the second episode, Jew, Law's character, who we are first introduced in the. In the first few minutes of the first episode, we see him again and he helps and the pirates have put the kids into a prison, cell. And of course, you. Law's character is force sensitive, so he's able to use the force to get the skeleton key to be able to break out of prison. And episode ends. But overall, it has promise. as I said, it really hit some of those old school vibes and feels, it was, it was entertaining. Good, start. And yeah, and it's actually nice to see social media, you know, Star wars fandom, not like, not yelling at each other. So it's at least a discourse around the show has been very positive so far. So, you know, thought it was a good start. But, you know, I will be, joining our friends over at A plus to talk about the series. so if you want to hear more thoughts about it, go check, check, support both our shows. And, I'll be over there. And Adam, and I will be talking about it with some other folks as well. A plus, hero Report, live tomorrow night. So. But, those are my initial thoughts of Skeleton Tree.

>> Sarah : Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah, I, I saw some things. I was like, yep, that's not for me. Yeah, I don't think I could probably turn it on and put it on the back background. but. But could I actually have some intelligent and engaging conversation about. Probably not.

>> Will: Yeah. It's a fun little show. I mean, it is. Well. And. But, yeah, I, as soon as I, as I was watching it, I was like, yeah, Sarah's making the right call here. Maybe this maybe be one of those things that you can just watch on your own time, but maybe not. Maybe that podcast about.

>> Sarah : Yep. And that brings us to Superman and Lois, which, did wrap up its series the other night, which concluded the entire CWDC series of television that has been occurring for the past 20 plus years. of course, it took me until now just to realize it started with Superman and we're ending it with Superman. But technically, technically, because of what Smallville always talked about, we started with Clark and we're ending with Superman.

>> Will: Yeah, that is. That's a good point. That's a very good point.

>> Sarah : Hello? Yeah, and. And we, we made another. We made a call and instead of just talking about the next two episodes, we doubled up and we have both watched the, episodes five through eight. so how do you want to do this? Will you just want to do highlights or.

>> Will: Yeah, let's just do. Yeah, let's do highlights. Because, I mean, one of the things that, I'm Actually glad we made the call because one of you know, speak. I guess as far as. I didn't binge any new shows and stuff, but I did binge this theory. I did I guess watch these episodes the first part of Thanksgiving week. So, so I did binge it and actually I'm glad we actually decided to go this route.

>> Will: Because I mean there are a lot of good things that happen in these episodes but there are also a lot of like, I think back to like some storylines with some of the characters like you know, Colin, Chrissy for example. That was kind of like. Yeah, yeah. I don't know. Yeah, we probably wouldn't spend much time on them anyway even if we did a two, two episode per thing. But yeah, I will say that, you know, for folks who are, who may have, you know, like us put their energies on Penguin and Agatha and other shows and now just get into Superman and Lois, this show actually does lend itself to binging. I, I will say that. And I'm glad we made the call to go this route. So but I, you know, but overall, I mean I felt the the block of episodes that we did watch and again this is the Superman and Lois version of Death of Superman. you know, when we start with episode five, with getting the flashback with Lex and open it up with his, with his ex wife. Well then soon to be ex wife and the relationship with his daughter Elizabeth. And you know, we get, we get more details as far as what happened there and you know, in the custody battle and how, how they, how they ended up being. She ended up being taken away and also the estrangement. ah, you know, for. With. With what happened with. Because of the divorce and other things. So I thought that was, I thought that was that episode five was one of the stronger points. Stronger episodes of the, of the four that we watched.

>> Sarah : Yeah, I would agree with you. I spaced it out. I watched pretty much one episode a day last week and then I wrapped it up on Sunday with the fourth episode. So. But I did watch this fifth, episode Break the Cycle and immediately was like, oh, I could probably watch the next one. And then I, and I started. I was like, no, I'm gonna wait.

>> Will: I did that too. I did one episode a day. Yeah, I just want to.

>> Sarah : That's not a binge. You are.

>> Will: Well, it is a binge. I mean there's different definitions of binges. There's binges, there's binges. I mean there's like the people who sit on their ass and, like, watch something all day. I can't do that. But there are binges that you can binge an episode in a week to day. To day. Let us know, listeners. Tell us what your definition of a binge is.

>> Sarah : Okay. Please.

>> Will: And.

>> Sarah : And also, I don't appreciate how you call me out like that. Yeah, it's a lot of effort to sit there and watch an entire thing. Like not a movie, but a television show.

>> Will: I want to call you out.

>> Sarah : And, you know, I've done that multiple times.

>> Will: I've done it too. I've done it too. I'm telling all that. Yeah. in full disclosure, that would be The Bear Season 2. Okay.

>> Sarah : So, hey. Hey. Sad thing is I'm binge. Like a true binge, not a will binge. That's what I'm gonna call it. That's a will binge. To space it out. and mainly, I think this episode worked so well because of, Lex and how interesting he is. And we get more of his backstory. As you were talking about. I also liked how it took Lois, who ends up figuring out how to remove Doomsday from the board. And, in a very Lois Lane manner. which I appreciated. And. But. But you're right. Like, overall, there. There's some strings. And including the next episode, because I really liked when the light comes on as well, which we get more of a conclusion about what they've started with Elizabeth and Lexi as they finally encounter each other because Lois needs her to convince her dad, to stop and leave the Kents alone. And I just. I can appreciate the attempt to be like you to. Or not the attempt, but how they made it very clear that they gave. They gave Lex exactly what he wanted in the sense of a reunion with his daughter, a, potential relationship, a future. And then it was him who decided. And so that allows the villain to, like, you really see and understand their motivations from the sense of, like. Well, you can't claim like, like your self justification now even the viewers can see through. and so the. These four episodes overall, if you're just following Lex and really focused on him, it's really his evolution from the Lex fresh out of prison to the Lex we know from the stories before. And I mean, they do. They do everything. And by. By the end of it, he has multiple suits. Two very nice suits.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : And I can appreciate the one thing about the Lex storyline, m. That's not really needed and kind of weird. And I'm like, what? What? Why? Why do we need this is this weird. Will they, won't they? Between him and Amanda?

>> Will: Yeah, yeah.

>> Sarah : I'm like, is this necessary? I don't think so, but whatever. I mean, and, and it's funny when you brought up Chrissy and what's his name?

>> Will: Kyle.

>> Sarah : Kyle. Chrissy and Kyle. Still, when Lana and Kyle got divorced, was there something that occurred in the writers room where it's like, these two characters can never be in the same episode for the final season. Because I swear in like season three, they were constantly in the same episode, but now I feel like they tag in, tag out, tag in, tag out.

>> Will: it's the cut budget. Yeah.

>> Sarah : It's just this funny thing. I mean that on top of it only took me a few episodes to suddenly be like, I'm pretty sure they had two daughters, but we never see their daughter.

>> Will: They did mention the one daughter, in one of the episodes, but yeah, ah, she did show up in the fourth episode with the, with the runaway broad episode. But yeah, for like a hot, for like a hot minute, if you blink. You missed her.

>> Sarah : I. Because I completely missed her.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : And just, I find it so funny because there was an episode a while back in a previous season that was centered around her and I'm like, who are you? Yeah, yeah, yeah, but, but it's What, what about the, the twins? Because they go through some, growing pains in the sense of. Not of, of just Jordan is, is going back to normal and Jonathan is pushing himself as far as he can and being golden boy. and I can appreciate how. Yeah. We've come full circle with these two. Yet when they're on each other's team and working together and getting out of situations together, it really, it really is nice. And watch.

>> Will: Yeah. Yeah. Like the whole like think back with the, with for example, Jordan tried to explain to Candace, because Jonathan now is having to, you know, Lex, Lois is using him.

>> Sarah : Yep.

>> Will: To fill in for Clark. Because obviously, you know, now that Clark's powers are starting to wane and we learn why, you know, further, you know, information about why his powers are starting to wane, you know, in this block of episodes. But you know, but to your point, these, the brother, the dynamics of when they do work together and also just using them to. As because of what happened, more and more people are starting to figure, out, oh, Clark is Superman.

>> Will: And seeing it from the boys perspectives, especially whenever they have the episode where, you know, whatever they do, juxtapose it with Clark's teenage years and, and how. And Also just. Also growing into an adult as far as keeping the secret and why they're keeping a secret and, and all those kind of things. And, and you know, and Jordan basically, like again, to your point about the brothers working together, just, Just sharing with Candace like what happened because, you know, he learned from his life. He, you know, the lessons he learned, you know, keep keeping the secret from Sarah for so long. yeah.

>> Sarah : And so yes, the lessons, but also just leave. Like you told Chrissy and then later when his. Her dad. So initially I thought she told her dad. and then shortly after I was also like, I, ah, don't think they're on talking terms. So I bet it was Lexington. because Lex is the one who ends up shooting. Because that's the other thing that happens over the course of these four episodes is not only does the town rightfully so start putting pieces together that were right in front of them and connecting the dots. And then it's Clark's decision to finally be like, nope, I'm gonna stop this bullet, rip off my regular outfit and show you that I'm in the suit can't deny. Now. Now could he have said. Well I. I like to pretend. Yeah. So. So you, You. You have that great moment. But yeah, that was.

>> Will: Yeah, that moment was spoiled for me. despite, you know, again, just being spoiled everyone. Yeah yeah, yeah. But that's one of the you know, risk of like when you. When you delay watching something. But But what. But the. Seeing how it all transpired, how it all went down, it still. Still hit. Hit the right mo Notes. Because seeing how it built up over the course of the. Over the course of the other. The other. The prior episodes, it, you know, it really nailed it. Especially like, you know, even when As Lex figured it, you know, Lex is known about it. But then, you know, calling Clark out, and whatever. You know the people of Smallville like really rallying around the kits when ah, Lex was trying to take over the town. And then you know, Clark you know, like shut. Turned on the red lights so the Clark would be powerless and they had a big brawl in the street. you know, when. Whenever we do get that moment of him just owning it, that yes, I am Superman and letting the world know, it It still hit the right emotional punch for me as far as like, oh, that was a cool moment. Just you know, because what. I think it was just how it was shot. The scene was shot with saying everything in his perspective when the bullet was coming his way. and just, you know, the facial. The nonverbal acting that Tyler Hoechlin did in that moment, I think was what worked that made that scene work so well.

>> Sarah : Right. So it was the episode before with the red lights.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

>> Sarah : In the street, which I will admit I kind of fell asleep during. It's cool. But I'm like, I'm, here for this. I just. I think that the show did Tyler Hoechlin dirty. Because it's not until now that I realized just how freaking funny he is. Because in the episode seven, a Regular Guy, I'm kind of getting tired of these flashbacks because every episode seems to have a set. But when he was talking about Bunting.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : I was just like, you're so freaking funny and so freaking charming. Where has this been?

>> Will: I think it's been there. I think it's been there.

>> Sarah : I feel like it has, but.

>> Will: Yeah, but you're right. They could have used it more.

>> Sarah : One and two, maybe. Definitely. I don't remember it from season three. Season three. I know that they won some awards because of the lowest cancer storyline, and I can appreciate that. But there's also. There's a lot of mess in season three where it's just. And it starts in season two. But the convolution of what happens. But anyway, yeah.

>> Will: it is. It is heavier. You're all right. I mean, those moments of levity are not as great, in season three, just because it was this heavy. It was overall a heavier storyline with Lois's cancer, the whole Bruno Mannheim, you know, building the licks. Yeah.

>> Sarah : I think. I mean, the show is Superman and Lois for a purposeful reason. And I feel like predominantly, he's been playing Superman, which is stoic, not as charming and charismatic as nerdy Clark Kent is. And, I mean, let's. Let's call spade a spade. There's a reason why Clark Kent was able to woo Lois Lane. He may be dorky, but he can't be too dorky. He has to be dorky. Charming.

>> Will: Yes.

>> Sarah : So I feel like now that we're on this path of him becoming human, essentially, for all intents and purposes, we. We. He's became. We're seeing the evolution from Superman to Clark Kent.

>> Will: Yeah. Yeah.

>> Sarah : Which. Which, I mean, through me. And I was like, oh, okay. I didn't. Okay, I see where you're going with this. Okay. All right. All right. That's fun. What about the boys, though? Because they're gonna do. Now that everyone knows who they are. And that's. I don't. Know, I mean, we all know what happens to child actors. So, I just. So, so I can appreciate. I think that's why it's not up until now that I'm really seeing his, charisma shine specifically in this role.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right. You're right. And then, and it also just his interactions with Jimmy in that episode too. we finally do get Jimmy Olsen, in Superman and Lois and the stare, you know, to your point about the charm and the cute, dorkiness, him trying to throw Jimmy off whenever Jimmy's like. Well, you know, deducing that he, that Clark is Superman. And those moments were pretty, pretty, pretty funny too, as far as just, being able to show Tyler Eklund's comedic chops there.

>> Sarah : Yeah. And you know who else I've just been like, I've forgotten about you. Who makes an appearance of and who we see is Gordon Godfrey. Tom Kavanaugh. I didn't, I did not know about this. I did not know that this was going to be a thing. and so when, when we started, I was like, I know that voice. And, and it's so funny because all those years with him on the Flash, it's definitely. It's just Tom Kavanaugh. Ah, being Tom Kavanaugh. And the thought did have come in my mind, I was just like, man, if you were never on the Flash, you'd probably be playing Lex Luthor right now.

>> Will: Yeah, I like, I like the Gordon Godfrey character. yeah, it's so, so topical for one, just to have the character from the comics as well. But, but the way they, they put their spin on it and him being the, you know, the talk show host and, and and again, how he, you know, how they invite Lois and, and you know, to the show and, and, and I really like the whole way that whole sequence went down because, you know, Lex thought he was like, you ah, know, he's going to use Godfrey to be home cooking. And, and he was just going to be able to disgrace Lois, you know, and, and really. Because that was the other thing too with this, with this show. It's like, you know, to your point about the vendetta and the villains motivate motivations. His, you know, Lex's motivations are to ruin Lord even more, you know, because of what, you know, then even call it calling out to the world that Clark is Superman. I mean, he just wants to destroy Lois.

>> Sarah : Yeah.

>> Will: And so Because. Yeah.

>> Sarah : Which I think his vendetta is against.

>> Will: Yeah. Yeah. And so whenever he thinks he has the upper hand in there and then Lois just, you know, drops the Elizabeth card, I was just like. Yeah, yeah, that, that. That whole interplay between the two. I mean, all season pretty much between Bitsy Tullock and Michael, Cudlitz, who plays Lex. I, mean, they. They. They play well, act so well off of each other. And. And whenever she pulls out that ace. That ace card. And, And. And then, of course, the, only reason why things go sideways in that interview is because Milton, AKA Brainiac, like, you know, was able to get John Henry suit. the, You know, she had him.

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. But it's not the series, finale. So they have. This is all foreplay. This is foreplay. We're gonna get.

>> Will: Yep.

>> Sarah : We're gonna get the penultimate episode and talk about both the penultimate episode and the series finale next week. But, yeah, that was the biggest setup. Point is, yeah. That John Henry, on the. Every other episode that he can appear on, manages to get his suit hijacked, which also there was a casual mention. John Henry and Lana have been in a relationship this whole time. Now, now the. Can they be on the screen together? I don't know. I really see it.

>> Will: We'll see. We'll find out next week when we talk about it. But, yeah, another thing too. As I brought up the red lights and stuff with. With. With Lois and Lex and the Godfrey scene. again, you. When. When. When Clark loses it and again, Lex was just trying to. That was the one moment where I did feel like, okay, he's trying, you know, he's trying to undermine Superman. But. But again, Lois just. I see. I see red lights and I see. I'll drop the. The, Elizabeth card to, like, make you lose your.

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah. You're gonna come after my family and try to use them, to. To paint, me in a bad light. I can do the same to you. Like, they're. They. They are both. I. I really can appreciate how throughout this entire show, arguably, they have managed to really make a lot of the primary villains and antagonists of Superman. Really, at the end of the day, being against Lois and so. And. And why I think that should be just applauded to an extent is because it makes her a damsel in distress. But not. She's not tied to the train tracks.

>> Will: No.

>> Sarah : She m. Also isn't just willy nilly getting herself in these situations. No. There's. There's motivation. There's. To tell the truth, to do what's right. Like you can see how she got on the wrong side of things, but you can also see, like, the lines that she's unwilling to cross to, to get them. So I, I just. I think, like, you need her to be a damsel, but it's the 21st century. She can't be tied on the train tracks, so.

>> Will: Right. And she. And she has just as much agency and sometimes as much pushback, as carp.

>> Sarah : Oh, some. Most. Most often even more. I mean. I mean, like, like, you. You asked Jordan and Jonathan. Who runs that house? It's Lois. Like, there's always one parent. It's like, who makes the decisions here? People. Okay, which one?

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : Do you. We'll see. Oh, man. All right, well, that is a wrap on that leg of Superman and Lois. And we are headed back to Dune. Okay. I have so many freaking notes, but I'm just. I'm just going to start with the second episode. Two Wilfs. and the IMDb, plot line is for this episode is. After receiving word about events on Sukho Kadas. I don't know how to pronounce it. Viola brings Theodosia to the Imperial House to help manage the situation. Meanwhile, Desmond makes a confession to the emperor to Emperor Corinne Corrino. Tula reluctantly enlists Lila for a vital mission. And distress swirls around Kirin Atreides, the swordmaster of House Corrino. So I think of the two episodes, this is a better episode. And I do. I, like a lot of what happens in the third episode, but I think this is a better episode because, a, we get Desmond Hart. We don't see him at all in the third episode, and he has managed to kill a kid. And, something that I thought was very cool and kind of freaky in a weird way is the whole suspension prison that they put in. Like, and. And did you notice, like, they. They put. They. They suspend him in the middle of the air and they turn off all the lights.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : So talk about the mind that games. I mean, those. Those poor prisoners. I mean, Desmond's all hopped up on spice, and everything, so who cares? But still, when they. When they showed that, I was like, oh, wow, that's. That's one way to hold someone hostage. Wow.

>> Will: Yeah. Yeah, but that's a good point. I didn't think about that with the, with the suspension prison. But that's a very good point. I mean, as far as so many ways to, like, mess with a prisoner's head, by just, you know, the sensory deprivation, like, that and probably suspended in the air like that. Probably had this feeling of, like, falling.

>> Sarah : Exactly. Exactly. Like you. Your feet aren't on the ground. There's nothing stable. Like, all of your senses are kind of just hanging. And. And so it. Depending on how long you're in that state, it is, a way of torture, for sure. But despite all of that, they unsuspend him so many times throughout this episode. Oh, he gets unsuspended because Violet comes to town and wants to have a chat.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : and I really. I mean, we see them on screen together maybe like, once or twice in this episode, but both times, these actors are just eating off of each other very well. And. And you can see that they are. Like, the adversarial rivalry between them is very good. and I can appreciate. And I like how at the end, she tried. Violet tries to use that card like her go to the voice, and it has no effect. And he kind of. If I'm not mistaken, he kind of acts at first, and he does. Oh, no, no, no, no. Your tricks don't work on me.

>> Will: Yep, Yep.

>> Sarah : and the voice. The voice. I remember hearing it a few times during the movie. The movies, but it never. I swear they did something different because this. This voice, anytime it happens, it always catches me off guard, and I'm always like, whoa.

>> Will: Maybe, you know, given that she. And we learned, you know, in the third episode that that's it. I guess she was evolved to that point where she could do it. you know, maybe because this is. At 10,000 years earlier, it's more raw, but it's about a time we get when we see it in the. In the movies. I agree, because I haven't watched Part two yet, but I do remember in part one, it did. But there is something different about it. It's. I guess it's more polished because, you know, it's. Over the years, they've been able to learn. Other people have either evolved or learned how to do it. And so, it's probably more practiced than it is now.

>> Sarah : Yeah. Yeah. And it's also what I thought was interesting between, With this whole Desmond and the. The interviews and the prisoner thing was the politics, because I. The Empress. I mean, talk about someone who's just like, we don't need no truth sayer. I can. I can work, my man.

>> Will: Yeah, Well, I thought she was actually. I was like, is she part of sisterhood?

>> Sarah : Right, Right. There's. Part of me is like, okay, so did you try to be a part of the sisterhood and then did they kick you out? Did they not want or. There has to be something because there's been a lot of tension. But we also know you worked with them to secure your. Your current spot. So. So what. What's the dynamic here? I'm sure there's some kind of history, but. But like, with her coming and even having a private conversation with Desmond, and I just. I just have to say, like, Mark Strong, you're doing great. However, they're not. The writers are not helping your character because you look way weak.

>> Will: Yeah, I mean, I think I was the intention, but even more so, just like super feckless, like. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

>> Sarah : And I mean. I mean, the, Who's. Who's the guy who lost his son? Duke. Duke. Righteous. Yeah, he. I. You can see how the. It's almost like you can see it from the Empress's eyes because, like, you have the, a duke and an emperor who have come to depend on these truthsayers to the point where without them, they have no idea how to make rational decisions, how to actually be an effective leader, if you say. And it's just. And also how to navigate grief while at the same time trying to re. Secure power. So it's just the crutch. It's really a good display of how, yeah, the machine war is over long time ago, yet there are other controllers in place, and so they're doing a good. I, think why I find Desmond to be a very effective character in this whole, show so far is because he says some really philosophical things and then you see it. Yeah, some of these other characters, they say some real philosophical things that you don't really see and. Or it's harder to see play out that way, I'm finding. so I just want to point that out, about this episode, that I think the politics, mainly because it was all in one place, you had a lot of characters, a lot of different motivations going on, and it. And that's where it reminded me a lot of aspects of Game of Thrones, House of Dragon that I really appreciate.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah, no, yeah, I completely agree. I think the politics of this episode, really do make. Make a difference with the enjoyment factor, I will say. You know, and I messaged you this the other night. I'm still. I still don't know how I feel about this series. I mean, I think, as you noted, there they are. There are moments that really just like, stand out in the ones that you. That you've already shared, or were the ones that stand out to me, in the second episode. And also, you know, I don't know, we'll get to Tula and the whole. And Lila and what was going on back at the, wall. I, But, the other, you know, but for every moment they do those really strong things, I do have to, like, point out, if the. The one thing that. The trend that I'm seeing in this show, that is if you're hooking up with someone, then bad happens. Because the three times. No, not to get into the third episode, but the three times we've Scene someone, you know, people have sex, then, you know, in the Sepat episode, they. You. You know, she gets the. The. The, Duke's daughter, you know, gets Constantine, you know, hopped up on spice. And. And to your point, though, it. Even. Even though one hand, it is kind of gratuitous, but it does get into the politics of it because the Dutch, you know, he uses the information that he gets from Constantine to, like, you know, play his hand, you know, to play his hand on Corino, because, again, Corino is effectless. So, you know, it. So there are, you know, so it does get to the larger politics of the show. But, But, yeah, I mean, I agree. I think the pol. Whenever the show gets into the politics, it does get interesting, but. And a pacing of the second episode was a lot better than the first episode, for sure, which helped.

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah, we're. We're in it now. and I mean to go. Because you brought up. You haven't watched Dune 2 yet. and I made a note. And so listeners who have Scene both part one and part two of Dune can tell me if I'm wrong. But I'm pretty sure it doesn't occur in the first movie, but it occurs in part two where, Paul's mom goes through the agony. I know somebody I know you see the agony play out with a few different characters. but I'm not going to go into spoilers or talk about that. But, And that's the first time. And again, I feel like the show does it better. I got very confused as to what was going on and the flashes and everything and what was happening. But when. When Will Polk. Paul's mom goes through it. But in this with Lila, it was. It was very, again, creepy. Like they're leaning really into the witches.

>> Will: Yeah, well, it's the religious aspect that Herbert really was focusing on.

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. And like, there was that horror element when. When she's in there and the. And the shadows and the black and the. And Doretta coming out and harkening, saying, harkonnen, you stole my future. Now I'm taking your hope. I was like, that's a badass line. Very nice. and then we hear the key to the reckoning is one born twice. Once in blood and once in spice.

>> Sarah : Second episode hearing that line, I'm like, of course it's Desmond. But we'll talk about the third episode because there's another theory I'm working on. So I just. That whole sequences it. Because of the lean. They leaned into horror so much with it. It did feel like an agony. and then you're just like, well, she's trapped in there. And then they show her in the next episode, she's still trapped in there because. Because Tula won't pull the plug.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : That is mean.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : Jesus. Oh my God. I mean, we, We started at the beginning talking about the whole suspension thing, and then now you're, you're. You're sending sisters to take the agony, only to leave them in there if they fail. Like, what the heck.

>> Will: Yeah, but, you know, but thinking to the point about the agony in the second episode with, With Tula and Lila. Ah, Tula, you know, having Lila and the other thing too. They really set up, you know, the, the, maternal nature of Tula and you know, and the other, the other students in the, The one student who's always like questioning things reminds me a lot of Avaya, in the sense that, you know, questioning, authority. Questioning the assumptions that have been made in bias case about the trade, you know, with their ancestor and the Atreides. But in this kid, you know, questioning highly, you know, can't you see they're using you to like, for their own power ends. and you're not ready for this. But, you know, but then Tula is like when. Whatever. She does it in the second episode, you know, and it carries forward in the third two with, you know, some of the motivations. Like, why is Tula, ah, doing this? Is it because, you know, she, you. Is she doing it to help, her sister? Or she. Or is it also her own way of trying to make the hearken the name, you know, redeem that their family name because of the, in their view, the lie that's been told about them being cowards and everything since the machine, war. So I thought that that's, you know, so I thought that was another good through line between the, between the two episodes. Especially when we get to the third with the. With the backstory. But, But Tula, you know, again, in this. In the second episode, with her, with Baya, basically leaving her there to like to run things. it was kind of like, okay, I will do it because I gotta go to Salis Secundus because of this Desmond Heart. Char figure out what happened to Kasha. But, you know, just don't fuck things up while I'm gone.

>> Sarah : Yeah. Their sister dynamic, you see, You see the current state of it and the. Definitely like what I mean, not only is she the Reverend Mother, but Violet's also the older sister. And you really understand their relationship more in the third episode, with the, flashbacks. But they have to use in the second episode show you the current state and make sure it's fairly clear also just how Tulle is a part of the sisterhood, but it is also in a very unique position where she's second in command, yet the younger sister has to live up to the older sister expectations. And also everyone has doubts. She has her own doubts, like she's not her sister. And so there's a whole identity thing. And. And then her relationship with, With Leela, who's not her kid. but. But in both. Both sisters in the. In this episode essentially are find themselves in push positions of. Because by the end of it, Tula Viola gets kicked out of the great house of the Emperor House. Like her services are no longer needed. Needed. They got Desmond Hart goodbye. And so they're. They're now grappling for power. Then Tula, on the other hand, in Weckler 9, because the agony, Doretta gets, some form of revenge on them and traps Leela in there. You have her suddenly like, well, I did this at the end of the day.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : And now how do I undo this? And that's why she keeps her in agony for days on end.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : And I'm gonna. I'm just gonna jump to it because I. And I know we're gonna talk about the flash flashbacks, but I did not see it coming that like, they finally pull the plug or what we think is pull the plug. And then. And then we go on this long winded staircase down into the cabin. As soon as. As soon as I knew where she was, I'm like, oh, you're keeping that her alive. But, not only alive, but also just. Just filling her with as much spice as she can because it has rejuvenation qualities and could bring her back to life. And. And Everything. And that's why I think that what they could be doing is making you think it's Desmond Hart, who is born of spice. Like, born twice. But now I'm like, what if it's Lila?

>> Will: It could be. Yeah, man.

>> Sarah : yeah, yeah. Because they're clearly setting up two characters who it could be, and both of them more so Lila. Now, it was their decisions that led to that creation. And I feel like. I feel like Tula said in the first episode, what if we're the cause of it?

>> Will: Yeah, yeah.

>> Sarah : Visions are the very cause of the reckoning, which goes into that whole thing about how we learned in this episode, in, the third episode that to this day, arguably, yeah, it's sisterhood above all. But for. For Viola, it's harkening above all.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : To a fault. And to the point where I'm like, I, don't get it. Harkening above all. Yet you clearly hate your family. Your family clearly hates you. So what. Why. Why are you so, like. I don't. I don't really understand this. Maybe we're going to learn about it in the fourth episode a bit more. But. But a part of me was like, okay, I get it. But I also don't get it because I don't understand your loyalty to your family who clearly hates you.

>> Will: Yeah, yeah, it is a very. And, that's what. I guess that's where I was with the third episode. I was. I was. Left me. Like, it was. It provided some depth to like, if it filled in, like, why Via, Bala and Tula are doing. What they're doing, you know, is. But it. But at the same time. But at the same time, I was just like, okay, you know, at the dinner table there with episode three, they were all, you know, after they, you know, we learned more about the Hark events. You know, basically they're just like, because of the. Because of the Atreides, you know, spreading the word that, you know, it was their ancestor who, was a coward. Blah, blah, blah. you know, they're. They're stuck on this, like, backwater Lankaville. Yeah. Hoth, you know, frozen planet being basically, you know, well, hunt, you know, basically, well, suppliers for the Imperium.

>> Will: You know, for meat. And you know, when the rest of the family. Sisters were like, yeah, well, you know. Yeah, you know, this is our. This is our lot. And she's like, no, we know.

>> Sarah : Why.

>> Will: You know, we need to write, you know, write our names. But the rest of them are like, no. So, yeah, so, yeah, I don't m. Yeah, you're right. I mean, maybe we'll get some more explanation for why clearing. You know, get in there, get in their place. And I guess.

>> Sarah : Because it's not. It's not just about revenge for what happens to. With Griffin. No, because that's played out in this episode. but it's even before that where Viola is very adamant that they should not be in this position. They. There was a lie, which the. The writers are very much gatekeeping this lie. We. We still don't really. We haven't really received any information about the exact events, what was said, what transpired between the Harkonnens and the Atreides, like, years prior that resulted in this situation. We're just told it was a lie from Viola's perspective.

>> Will: Yeah. Something happened during the Machine Wars. Yeah. And. Yeah. And I guess her motivations are power. so I think that. I mean, so we do know some of it is not just vengeance. Whereas I think this episode, you know, and to my earlier point, as far as, like, what are two of those motivations? maybe. Was it. Was it, you know, vengeance because of Griffin's death due to the. To the Atreides? Or was it, you know, whenever she took on this mission to, infiltrate the family and, you know, it ended.

>> Sarah : Up killing them all except for one about Tula. Now.

>> Will: Yeah, I'm talking about Tula.

>> Sarah : Okay. Okay. Well, Tula motivation was revenge, not just for Griffin's death, but also to get back into good graces with Phyla.

>> Will: Yeah, that was gonna be my next point. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

>> Sarah : I think it's. I think it's all of those. And I really appreciated seeing that it was Tula. I didn't see it coming because, I mean, I did kind of like, as soon as she was like, I'm Harkonnen, but I. They played it where I didn't piece together that he was in the trees.

>> Will: Yeah, they did. They did a great job of hiding that. They really did. Yeah, I agree.

>> Sarah : I knew something was off, and I was like, please, I don't want to see them rape her. because she was, like, with a bunch of men. There was a lot of weird things, things happening.

>> Will: Yeah. That's where I thought they were going to go, too. I thought something bad was going to happen to her. And. But. Yeah, but it didn't cross my mind. Oh, yeah. Because the Atreides.

>> Sarah : Yeah. That. That she was doing a covert op mission to get her revenge. She's playing the long game. Just being herself. And. And I also. I like how she does it. She accomplishes it. Yet if it was Viola, the kid wouldn't have lived.

>> Will: No.

>> Sarah : Yeah, but because it was Tula. Ah, the kid did live.

>> Will: Yeah, the kid lived. And also I think she did. I mean, I think she actually did love, his name? Otto.

>> Sarah : Ori. Ori.

>> Will: Ori. Ori. Yeah. Yeah. I think Otto, think House of Dragon. Ori. Yeah. Orey. Yeah, I think she did. I mean, because that, you know, because. But at the same time it was but family above all. So she had to do what she had to do.

>> Sarah : Yeah. And the funny thing is that that scene shout, out to both actors because the whole night after scene was played very well. It was by the both of them. Because for a moment I can appreciate how he took it in and then was just like, well, that's their problem, not ours.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : And you could see, even with her and how she responds, she's like, shit, maybe I should have told you before I killed everybody. I don't know. But at, the end of the day, like, that's nice. But if it had been your brother, would you still have been able to get over it? I think that's how she was able to be like, I, love you, and you're saying all the right things, but if roles were reversed, you still follow through with this. Like, there is no going back. And. And it was. It was heartbreaking.

>> Will: It was.

>> Sarah : And really executed well. Because I didn't. Like I said, I was not sitting there like, he's an Atreides. I mean, I would. I'm more focused on, like, something we didn't mention in the previous episode, but the fact that the Atreides, swordsman is also working with the, revolt, the rebellion, other situation going on. Oh, my God. Yeah. but I think as much as I liked those flashbacks with Tula, I'm not really digging young Viola.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : She's just so stereotypical for me. And I'm like, I need. I need. I need to be able to like you. And so far I can't. And I. And I was thinking about this will stay, with me now. So thinking about how we just wrapped up a few weeks ago. Two shows where the protagonists were villains. Both shows very different. Both shows executed very well and spin offs as well. Very similar to this whole Dune prophecy where we got a prequel going. And it's. It's around like, our protagonists, quote unquote, are the Harkonnens, who are technically the bad guys in Dune. The difference is. And where I think this show is struggling the most, Viola is not likable.

>> Will: Yep. I, agree.

>> Sarah : And I say that not just because she's a villain and. But there is. We have yet to see a side to her where we can give empathy and where we're like, okay, there's a chance here. Yeah, but it's just there they. It's. And therefore, she's not even necessarily a protagonist. She's just a character. And so far, they've managed to, like, show us some. A, handful of some three, like, interesting characters, but yet we still don't have our, like, a solid antagonist protagonist. I mean, we have adversaries. It's much more of an ensemble. So you get a little bit lost, and it's like, well, who am I rooting for here? Like, and. And why am I rooting for them? I mean, for a moment, I thought we were gonna get some, because I thought for a moment we were gonna stick. Like, this whole episode was gonna be flashback and would be about her and her brother trying to get vengeance, and then something happens, but we didn't. Yeah, they jumped. Cut. And he was dead.

>> Will: Yeah. Yeah. I. I could. You know, when I said what I said earlier, I was like, maybe I'm. I, don't know how I feel about this series. And I think you. You've articulated what I. What I could not articulate, which is that. Yeah, I just don't. The scenes with, like, Tula, I was really locked in, engaged, you know, really fascinated by this character. With Aya, I, was just like. Yeah, it's just. Yeah. Just I'm just not. Not rocking with her. And it is nothing against the. It's not the actress that played her plan. I mean, both Emily Watson and the young lady who played Younger. Young Via, I mean, they both are doing. It's just how the characters are written.

>> Sarah : Yeah.

>> Will: And. And. And even, like, whenever she and Raquela, were. Whatever, you know, we do get a little bit more, like, bigger picture as far as, like, you know, Raquela is really trying to, you know, get the motivations of why she's using the forbidden machinery and to create, you know, better men or better rulers, I should say, for the imperium versus Via's motivations where she's, you know, where she's just like, you know, the truth. People. People suck. So you can breed them as best you want, but at the end of the day, people suck. I'm sort of like, yeah, okay.

>> Sarah : And right Right. It's just like. And I mean, we don't even. Ah. Ah. Like, she clearly doesn't have good relation, good relationships with her parents. So I mean, honestly, the something that could, and is keeping Viola somewhat afloat is the sisterhood between her and her sister. and because Tula is likable, and complex. So. And you see a glimmer of hope and like, like, okay, now you just have to use your voice on Viola.

>> Will: Yeah, I think that's what it is. I think you just know that. I mean, Tula is very complex. Viola just seems like just a blunt instrument. Just, you know, if I don't get my way, I'm just going to use the voice. If I can't. Yeah.

>> Sarah : She's a stubborn child who something happened and she can't let it go. And another thing that is working against her is the viewers have yet to be shown or really understand this vendetta.

>> Sarah : Because it's the third episode, we don't have that many episodes to go. And yet we still don't really understand why it is so important for her to do what she's doing. and, and I think they get. It gets more confusing now that we understand that, like, for her it's still a little bit harkening. Above all, more so than even the sisterhood. Above all. So. Yeah, I agree with you. I'm not, I'm not necessarily thinking about the show much after watching the episodes. I'm not. I haven't been blown away necessarily by anything. But I also think that the show is doing a better job than the movies did in terms of just the understanding of this world and really creating a world and a universe, to explore. So. And, and I can appreciate, most of the writing. So, so, like, they're there. It's. It's consistent. I'm not bored, but I'm also not like on the edge of my seat.

>> Will: Yeah. It's not like, it's not like I got the turn on HBO Max at 9:00. So I, you know, whereas House of the Dragon, I'm like, all right, y'all, leave me alone. Or even, even Penguin. I'm like, leave me alone.

>> Sarah : Yeah, yeah.

>> Will: Or Agatha. I'm like, by the time. Yeah. And, yeah, and I think that's. I mean, it's a good show. but you're right. I mean, after I watch it, you know, it really wasn't until tonight, whenever, we actually, we've had our conversation about it, it's like, oh, you know, there's, there's a, there's things in here that I, that I did like. And actually I think, you know, through our conversation tonight, I think that's. It helped me put my finger on what, what's missing for me, and why after each episode I'm just kind of left. Okay, great.

>> Sarah : And viewers, please let us know how you are feeling about this show. And if you picked up on anything that we did not touch on or feel like something else is missing that we did not notice. love to hear your thoughts. we're going to see it to the end. I mean, we've watched dumber things.

>> Will: No, I mean it's. I mean, even though it's only six episodes, we made it halfway through. I always have the three episode rule and usually I don't want to bail because there's enough there that I'm curious to see how this all unfolds, especially given to our discussion about what's. Via his motivations, especially knowing that episode two, you know, it's very, it was very important for them to keep this. You know, she learned about the, the genetic machine that, that's in the, in the basement of the temple or whatever. And you know, and clearly Tula knows about it now. So I want to see if like, like to your point, like, is, is Lila going to be the one just twice born because. Yeah. Or you know, because she's not, not going through the Sandworm to get these power, you know, the potential, potential powers or whatever. But but clearly something's going to happen to her after she comes out of the agony. So.

>> Sarah : Yeah. All right, on that note, Will, why don't you tell our listeners where they can find you?

>> Will: Yes, you can find me on the various social media channels at Will M Polk W I L L M M P O L K. And you.

>> Sarah : Can find me there too at SJ Belmont S J B E L M O N T. Please follow our crew on Twitter at Scene N, Nerd on blue sky at scene this is Scene N Nerd, that's a capital 2/ capitals ends. Beski BS bluesky social.

>> Will: Yeah, I think that's how. I think that's how you're supposed to do the Blue sky handles these days.

>> Sarah : follow us on Instagram and threads at scene, underscore, ed, underscore, Nerd and visit our website but most importantly, rate, follow and comment on Apple Podcast, Spotify, YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts. Goodnight. Geek out. You're welcome.