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Unpacking Invincible S2E4 & Doom Patrol S4E8-9: In-depth Analysis by Scene N Nerd

Join our dynamic duo as they dive back into the thrilling worlds of Doom Patrol season 4, and Invincible season 2 with the return of Omni-man. In this episode, our SNN Host Sarah Belmont kicks things off with discussions on House of the Dragon and The...

Join our dynamic duo as they dive back into the thrilling worlds of Doom Patrol season 4, and Invincible season 2 with the return of Omni-man. In this episode, our SNN Host Sarah Belmont kicks things off with discussions on House of the Dragon and The Boys, before we take a deep dive into Invincible. Then, hold onto your seats as our SNN Producer Will Polk navigates through a Doom Patrol parade and a holiday musical episode. From rants and raves to in-depth reviews, we've got it all. Welcome to Scene N’ Nerd, where we're as passionate about our fandoms as you are.


0:00 Start

0:30 Sarah and Will conversation  

1:47 House of the Dragon season 2 trailer thoughts

5:55 The Boys season 4 trailer thoughts.

12:25 Fallout trailer reaction.

14:58 Star Trek: Discovery season 5 news

16:30 Collection of quick news items: Reacher renewal news, Last of Us season 2, Spider-Man: Noir, Kevin Feige on Robert Downey, Jr. returning to the MCU.

19:58 Invincible S2 E4 “It’s Been a While” discussion.

38:36 Doom Patrol S4 E8 "Fame Patrol" discussion.

43:40 Doom Patrol S4 E9 "Immortimas Patrol" discussion.

51:40 Outro



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Greetings, nerds. Hope you're doing well this Tuesday evening

>> Sarah : Greetings, nerds. This is Scene N Nerd a nerd. I'm your host, Sarah Belmont, and with me, as always, is our Mr. Producer, Will Polk How are you doing tonight, Will?

>> Will: Doing very well, Sarah. Hope you're doing well this Tuesday evening.

>> Sarah : I'm doing good.

>> Will: That's good. Yeah. I, just having fun chatting with you about your latest A Tease adventures and stuff. I know they had a big music video dropped this past weekend and stuff, so I know, I joked with you of trying to learn more about this stuff, because I try to teach you about Star Trek as far as my crazy passion thing. And I figured maybe I can learn a little bit from you about this stuff. But then I realized, like, oh, it's kind of like one piece where it may take me, like, years to come to even begin to barely comprehend it.

>> Sarah : Yeah. Ah, it's a lot. And our listeners are probably very confused right now. and that's just one group of being a Kpop Stan. One very complicated. so I don't really know how to segue from that. So I'm just going to awkwardly transition into Brazil Comic Con News, where we had so many freaking trailers drop and more trailers are dropping to prepare us for the new year.

The House of Dragon season two trailer premiered Wednesday

so to just start us off with House of Dragon season two trailer. Will, what did you think?

>> Will: Well, House of the Dragon season two, we were, able to get a really good trailer. It was a teaser, really, reset and reminds us where things sort of left off at the end of season one, of course, with the impending war of, course, we get Oto and, his schemings, between started the battle between the greens and the blacks and the look that the, targaryens all have there. It was just like, okay, I can't wait to summer of 2024 for this second season to start. I think it's a little bit shorter this season, though, if I recall. I think only eight episodes this time. but, yeah, obviously it is the start of the war between the two houses. yeah, but I really enjoyed it. And like I said, just can't wait for the new season.

>> Sarah : Yeah. To me, this is a trailer. It's not a teaser, because all it did was show us a lot of cool images that are to come, but also provide information about, like, remember, this is where we left off with these characters. This is the big thing. The war between kin, the poetry of the dialogue. My God. This is amazing. I love season one. I don't know if, like, I'm I was gonna watch season two of this show when the second episode of the first season aired. I don't need a trailer to tell me to convince me to continue investing in this world. I'm already there. And also, it's so cool how little they had to do to remind me of exactly what happened in that finale and what is to come, or not even tell me what's to come, but to just tease me with what is coming. yeah, I'm very pleased with the trailer. I hope not to see more, but granted, I remember when we saw the trailer for season one, and then I saw it for like, six months straight. and I despised the show going into it. And then I loved it, but still, I was like, come on.

>> Will: Yeah, well, yeah, exactly. I know you haven't been a person who did watch Game of Thrones, and of course, I had the bad taste in your mouth from that final season. But, of course I was a newbie to the universe. But, yeah, we are bad taste in my mouth. I thought you did. I thought you were disappointed with the finale.

>> Sarah : You have to watch it to understand the complications. It's very complicated. but I would say out of the people who, really hate it, I'm more in the middle disappointed. And it's one episode. I think there were six episodes in the final season. Yeah, I have a very complicated relationship with the show. Do not sum it up.

>> Will: Fair enough. I just remember being a participant in not even an active participant, but just sort of a listener. When you and one of our guests some time ago talked about that finale, I seem to remember differently than you. But moving on, moving on.

The Boys season four trailer dropped recently

>> Sarah : the Boys season four trailer also dropped. And this one I watched it not too long ago. I kept seeing Homelander's head, and I'm like, okay, I'll watch it. I'm going to watch it closer to when we actually record. And, the one thing I noticed in the trailer is that Homelander, is not talking. But we see him we see him in so many different situations. And I'm like, this character is just brilliant. And we say this all the time. we should hate him. But God, this show, I don't know what it would be without him. I'm fearful for the day because this is season four. Season four. How many seasons can he still be around being that asshole and being that Forefront bad guy and getting away with it? how long? But the past three seasons, every time I think I'm getting to the point where I'm like, okay, I'm over this, they do something and I'm suddenly like, oh, God, we can't lose.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : Yeah.

>> Will: Protect this man at all.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan will play Soldier Boy on The Boys

>> Sarah : Of course, everyone should have seen this casting coming, but now they're bringing in Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I'm like, well, yeah, that's about time. Why wasn't he cast? and and I like, how he's playing on the Boys team? Well, based on the trailer, we don't know how much that's true. And his old son from, Supernatural is, god, what was his name? What's the character's name? Who? I'm totally blanking on Jensen Ackille's character.

>> Will: Oh, soldier boy.

>> Sarah : Yeah. Soldier Boy is I just I found that to be very I'm, let's just place the bets.

Please cast Misha Collins as Dean Castiel on Supernatural

Now, at what point does Jared Padalecki appear come on. And Misha Collins throwing him a good Castiel moment. Especially we have Jensen Ackles. Okay, sorry. I did watch a fair amount of Supernatural, but we have Jensen Ackles, who we've been set up to have the sidekick of all sidekicks. Please cast Misha Collins. I don't even know if this character exists, but if there is such a character, please cast Misha Collins. Because that just needs to be a thing, okay? And people who've watched Supernatural know what I'm talking about, like Dean Castiel, Dean Estel or whatever that ship name. But yeah, that needs to be there.

Homeland's fourth season is premiering in a presidential election year

Anyways, Will, what did you think about the.

>> Will: You know, they could do what they did, with Misha and M bringing them in know, maybe making a new soup that's original to this universe. Because we did see two, new soups in this trailer with Sister, Sage and Firecracker. Sister Sage was the African American lady, who was narrating to Homelander, talking about the fall of democracies Rome, Greece, and thinking back to Gen V, how they were trying to get ri to be that the first black woman's, soup on the seven. But looks like we know that this happens after the events in season one of Gen V. So I guess they found their African, American woman soup. But also, I think the bigger thing that you raised that is so true, and I didn't think about it until you just shared it was just the presence of Homelander. He didn't have to say a word.

>> Will: It's just the presence that this man has over everything that was going on.

>> Sarah : In this, anthony anthony Starr doesn't need dialogue. He's just communicating his smugness through his.

>> Will: you know. So we got ah course, you know, we do see the trial of Homelander, because, again, he did murder someone there in the street, and they will have the facade of a trial. But really, we all know that Homelanders get convicted of anything. and also, it's not lost upon me, too, that this fourth season is premiering in a presidential election year. And we do get the fact that Newman is elected vice president in this upcoming season, of the that the show is always very timely, and maybe because of the strike, it got pushed back a year. but at the same time, maybe it's still not lost upon me some of the dynamics that are going on there. And especially given what we saw with Butcher learning about what happened there, in the, place in V, the, forest, not the ring, the woods. Yeah, in the woods. And of course, Butcher only having six months to live. And he knows what's going on with what was going on down in the woods. I'm really looking forward to the boys season four because, like you said, just when you think they can't top themselves, they find out a way to do so. And even Eric Cripkey today was tweeting about how he's always he always has his little teaser tweets about how we're going to blow your minds each year. And so he was doing that today.

The other trailer is for Fallout, based on a video game

>> Sarah : Of course, the other trailer is for Fallout, based on a video game. And I believe it's going to be a series on Amazon Prime. That's correct. I know nothing about this game. I've heard name Fallout before I watched a trailer. To me, it felt like any other thing I've seen in this kind of dystopian, End of World or after End of World type of genre movie TV show. So I might especially because a lot of our listeners like, I'm a huge fan of, the podcast YouTube channel kind of funny. And they're big on video games. So if I hear them singing praises about it, I probably will tune in. But I will tell you right now, there was nothing where I was like, oh, wow, that's interesting. That's cool. I was just like, okay, got it. Awesome. this is post end of world. Haven't seen that like 900,000 times.

>> Will: Yeah. I had that similar thought. I will freely admit it was intriguing for me. but more of it in the vein of, okay, we've had this adaptation of another well known game recently, with The Last of US. and there's also Halo, which is, another game that was developed. And I think it's on Paramount Plus. So Halo didn't grab me. I was just like, hey, this one I'm kind of curious. I'm curious about it. I feel like I do want to just check it out. And it may be like one of those hidden gems. that may work, even though I've never played the game. But it may have a very compelling story and stuff. And it looks good. Just from a production standpoint, it looks really good. So it doesn't look cheap or anything like that. but neither of those rings of power. And we both belt on it. I'm going to check it out and see what happens.

>> Sarah : Yeah.

The final season of Star Trek Discovery will begin airing in April

so you just put Star Trek Discovery season five on here?

>> Will: Yeah, just mainly that, I thought there was going to be a trailer, but they really didn't have a trailer. I did a clip reaction to scene, that they have for the upcoming final season of Star Trek Discovery. but we did get the release date for the final season, which is going to start airing in April. Along with fallout. Also is also airing on, Amazon Prime on, in April. But Star Trek Discovery will be on Paramount plus in, was the a lot of folks call it new Trek. but really this was sort of the kickoff of the streaming Trek, series. And of course, strange to royal spun off of it, several other shows and overall I've liked it. The last couple of seasons have been kind of for me. but yeah, you can't deny the fact that it definitely showed that there was appetite for Trek and it's definitely been the foundation for a lot of good things that's rolled off from it. So they did have a panel at, Brazil Comic Con this weekend.

>> Sarah : Cool. Very cool.

Reacher has been renewed for a third season on Netflix

And then there's a few little bits of news. Don't have to deep dive into them at all. Reacher has been renewed for a third season. Have you started the second season?

>> Will: the second season premieres December 15, so it actually got renewed before the second season has even aired yet. But clearly I guess they're getting some pretty good metrics back as far as social media buzz and other things that they went ahead and renewed it for a third season.

>> Sarah : Well, Amazon Prime is just firing on all cylinders right now, so does not surprise me that they're green lighting things. We also know where that sometimes leads at companies, getting trigger happy. The Last of US season two starts filming in February. And, Spider Man noir live action show, is in development on Amazon Prime speak of the devil. And has hired Scott Lightfoot as Co showrunner. he was the Co Showrunner for The Punisher on Netflix. So he's also responsible for season two, I believe. So interesting, season one of Punisher is really good. Season two, they make some decisions, but they also knew it was the end of the road for what they were trying to do with the Marvel Netflix verse. right after the

>> Will: yeah, the interesting note about this show was announced earlier. But yeah, he was just hired and again, no Peter Parker. This is Spider Man Noir that was introduced to us least in the animated universe and into the Spider verse, played by Nick, voiced by Cage M.

>> Sarah : Interesting, Kevin Feige has made it very clear that Robert Downing Jr. Is done with Iron Man in the MCU. While Kevin too bad. Like, social media is a thing, fan fiction is a thing. Fans and their crazy obsession with wanting to tell your story is a thing. So good.

>> Will: But there was a great, article in Vanity Fair this past weekend, obviously highlighting Robert Downey Jr's career path. And of course, obviously, with Oppenheimer being probably his biggest project of late. but Barry within that story was talking about, Robert and Feige was made. He's like, look, we told that story, we had a nice ending. We don't want to touch that ending. I'm paraphrasing. But bottom line, he's like, basically kevin Feige became James Gun, and he was like, debunking all the bullshit that's out there on the Internet right now.

>> Sarah : Yeah, well, that bullshit is going to continue.

>> Will: It's going to continue. Yeah. I mean, people got to get their clicks.

>> Sarah : Well, people just like to say shit. Yeah, exactly what they don't know about whatever.

Will: Invincible season two, episode four was very focused

all right, so that brings us to let's talk about Invincible season two, episode four. It's been a while. the last episode of season two, part B or part A, because it will take in a short or possible mild walk before we get the rest of the episodes this season. mild break before we get that, the rest of the episodes this season. Will, what did you think about this episode?

>> Will: So I finally had an episode where I was really engaged, and I overall, was pretty pleased with And I think part of it was because they just really bowled instead of having a bunch of just a lot. Of just plots with characters that don't care about the Guardians, the Globe and stuff. They really just really focused on Mark and Omni man's relationship in this episode. But also the subplots that they did have really tied back to the main story more directly. so with exception adam eve's. But but my point being that it just felt things were very focused in this episode. And, it did its job as far as just closing out the first part of the season and setting up, sort of mini cliffhanger there, as far as what's going to happen with Omni, man, and Mark after all the events of this episode.

>> Sarah : Yeah. to start us off, or to continue on that. Continue on that. I'm having a weird way with words tonight, just FYI, grammar is the problem. But, to just, share my opening thoughts.

Stephen Yoon: Simmons really impressed me with his voice in this episode

Stephen Yoon I never paid much attention to voice actors. And I know this actor from The Walking Dead, of course, and from a few other different projects. he really impressed me within the first ten minutes of this episode. We've talked about before, how this voice cast, it's just stacked with great actors who have powerful, charismatic voices. But he managed to do something that I couldn't believe, especially when your counterpoint is JK. Simmons. But I'm just sitting here. And he went through through his voice, expressed about every single emotion you could in this kind of situation where your father nearly beats you to death. You you realize that your father is not who he claimed to be. He's not the hero. He's actually the villain in this story. And he disowned your mom, and he killed all these people. And yet you haven't seen him in probably like three, four months. And then you unite with him, but you're also very mad. It's a very complicated and I just think he sold it in a very good well, he sold it in a very good way. and I was very impressed by that. Like you said, I was engaged throughout most of this episode because it just really focused on, focused on mark, and it focused on omni man and what has been the whole veltramite background thing, where we've seen some instances of alan the alien and what was going on there and so little clues about where this was headed. But yeah, I really like this.

Mark's relationship with Earth and now with Thraxonites is complicated

>> Will: Really, you know, speaking of the know, we saw the three people, like you said with Alan. And then, of course, whenever, they do hut down mark and Omni man with the again, dealing with omni man. He has a very complicated relationship, first with Earth and now with the Thraxonites, where at first of all, he was just ready to throw it all away. I mean, quite frankly, because after he beat Mark down, he was just so broken. And I love the way the episode started, because we see him leave Earth and he's about to cast himself into a star because he's just so defeat broken from what he did. but then he had the hero moment where he saw these that he was able to rescue them and then go back and not become their conqueror. But he basically does a similar thing that he would he did on Earth, which know, he built a life for himself on this mean, he had married another woman, he had another. And to your mean, when Mark sees all that, and I completely agree with what you said about the emotions that Steven Yung conveys in those opening moments when they reunite, it was a very powerful episode, and it reminded me I got the vibes I got at the end of season one. As far as when everything gets pulled together in this show, it really does work very, is like Mark, the show, it feels like it's growing up as far as storytelling and being able to carry out a narrative through line, like this fourth episode. So I'm hopeful that on the back half of the season, we'll continue to have that type of growth, not only with our characters, but also, with how they're telling these stories also.

>> Sarah : Right. Yeah. he had a Thrax on I could go in so many places, just so many questions, but they also brought up the short lifespan that really threw me. anyways, that's a lot.

>> Will: Yeah.

Nolan breaks down after seeing the aftermath of Viltrumite soldiers

>> Sarah : so what did you think about when Nolan, breaks down after seeing, or seeing the aftermath of the Viltrumite soldiers, basically killing all of these people, and he almost starts beating Mark up again, and then he just is like, why do I care why do I care about them? And he's breaking down.

>> Will: Yeah, like I said, I think that's the complexities of dolan, I think I don't know if it's because of his influence of living on Earth and having that. I guess it's almost like an empathy, where he sees the whole builter mite goal of conquering the universe or whatever, is not all what it is cracked up to be. That, they're really just I don't know what the word for it is, but, they're not perfect people. Other civilizations should be free to do with their lives what they will and not just be, colonies for Viltrum.

>> Sarah : Right. But he was on Earth for what, 20 plus years?

>> Will: Yeah. Because Debbie was like, yeah, when Debbie breaks down with Art, she talks about how long, they were together and stuff. And that was another cool thing.

Why did Nolan stay? He was sent to take over earth

I did like about this episode, too. and I didn't realize that it was Mark Hamill that, does Art's voice until I just happened to look at the credits. And I was like, oh, I wonder what's speaking to your point about excellent voice, know, he makes a good point about the strength that Debbie has versus and I think that gets to some of what you're getting at, which is, she was always the rock and held everything together. And Nolan would flee or whatever, when he wasn't equipped to handle certain types of situations and stuff.

>> Sarah : no, I was just wondering, why did Nolan stay? He was sent to what? Take over earth. We still don't really understand, or at least I don't understand what he was sent to Earth to do that would cause him to be there for 20 years without any other Viltrumites coming down and getting the job done.

>> Will: Yeah, well, I think it was sort of what General Craig did explains.

>> Sarah : To.

>> Will: Mark at the end of the episode, which is to basically prepare them to be conquered.

>> Sarah : Right. But it took years.

>> Will: Well, I think that's the complexities of Omni man, that once he got there, he probably did at first, wanted to follow his mission. But once he got there and met Debbie and really had a family and stuff, his mission changed, at least for himself. And I think that's part of why that was why the Viltrumites were, like, after him, because he broke their code.

>> Sarah : But he knew that the human code breaking was like he broke their code with the Thrax on people.

>> Will: Yeah, I guess flaw with no one, if you look at it from a viltramite standpoint.

I still don't understand why Nolan was allowed 20 years to do this mission

>> Sarah : well, I know that you know about as much as I do about these comics. So when I'm asking these questions, not entirely thinking you're going to tell me the exact answer, but I just am, saying that from my perspective, I still don't quite understand why Nolan was allowed 20 years to do this mission. Because it sounded like at the end of season one, he was like, okay, now that my son is ready, let's do this thing. So maybe part of the mission was procreate. and then turn people. That's weird. but now Mark has been given the job to do it in what feels like a very brief like, as soon as he returned to or return. I also remember General Craig saying, return to the post. There's something about they want a Viltrumite there at all. So I'm sure in the later part of the season, we'll get more information about the mission and what's in the books that, nolan, wrote down about the Viltrumite people. And, just understand more of that side. Because I don't know, I think that it's a bit simple just to be like, oh, he went to Earth on a mission, and he fell in love, had a kid, and that changed him. He beat that kid almost to death. So I don't know if he was completely changed.

>> Will: Well, he was changed enough that when Mark and they rehashed that moment in the beginning of this episode.

>> Sarah : I know. Like, he was changed to leave, but still, and he just managed to do it again. I want to know more about the Viltrumites culture and, just what mission Nolan was put on and from him, understand. But he clearly doesn't know, or else why would he be asking his son? Like, why do I suddenly care?

>> Will: Right.

>> Sarah : I don't.

>> Will: Think that's that's and I think that what makes Nolan such a very interesting that he is shades of gray versus, the other folks. But also just thinking, too, in this particular universe, why this particular way? Because we know just from things that went on with Angstrom Levy and just seems about in every other multiverse, the story breaks where Mark and Nolan team up to conquer those worlds and complete the we'll. Definitely we'll. Learn more, I guess, as we move forward, why things broke differently in this prom universe versus the other universes, that they have in invincible.

>> Sarah : Right. Yeah, I forgot about that. But yeah, you're right. They did plant that seed that this is a rare universe or a rare dimension, this outcome. And, the decision that so it's not just M, why Omni Man did what he did, why Nolan did what he did, but also, why did Mark choose differently? Because it was Mark's choice, too, to decline it. So there's a lot of questions, and I can appreciate how in talking about it, it sounds as though as viewers, we're asking the same questions that the characters themselves are asking. And it's not obvious. And the answers are not obvious. That's just good storytelling. I still think that we're going to get this to the second half of the season, and I'm going to be like, it was all right. It was all right. And then the finale be like, oh, my God. And then five years later, when the third season drops, I'll be about this in five years. So that's a bit annoying. But in the present, I'm good. Yeah.

>> Will: well, both Kirkman and Seth Rogen both said they're not going to have a crazy long break between seasons two and three. And I'm happy to hear that.

>> Sarah : Yeah. Oh, my God.

I think watching the anime special added a little more resonance to the fight

Anything else you want to touch on before we head into.

>> Will: Mean? You know, there's a whole Donald story that channels Agent Coulson from, Marvel, but, yeah, that was the one other note. that and also Adam Eve's, again, just messing things up. But, I think now looking at that story, I know we watched the standalone episode, and I know, we watched it. but I think it definitely added for me, at least, it added a little bit more resonance as far as whenever she got into the fight with the, dude on the bridge, it added a little bit more stakes to that fight. so in that standpoint, I was glad I watched it because it made that whole sequence a little bit more meaningful for me.

>> Sarah : Yeah, I think I probably wouldn't pay as little as attention I am paying to that storyline if I hadn't watched the anime special. I still have yet to find something about it that's really interesting to me or, really creative and really unique and different, or something I haven't seen before. But there are still episodes come, so I may change my mind about it. In my mind, for some weird reason, I'm just looking for redemption for her father.

>> Will: I'm rooting for the dad boarding her at this point.

>> Sarah : Yeah.

Episode eight of Doom Patrol had a lot of pairs happening

All right. So that brings us to Doom, Patrol, episode eight, Fame Patrol, where we get confirmation relatively right away that Isabel Feather, or not relatively right away. We get confirmation at the appropriate Doom Patrol speed that Isabel Feathers is a mortise. And, there's a parade. There's a lot of pairing happening. A lot of pairs. We got the Casey and Dorothy pair, which quickly turns into Casey and Jane and Dorothy and Cliff. And then yeah, I'm just going to say now, one of the reasons why I really liked the first episode after of the second half of the season is that Larry was very minimal. I got a bit too much Larry in these last two episodes. Okay, moving on, because I can only beat this drum so much. But his story was played out two seasons ago. it's always the same thing. And I'm like, okay, so tired of it. but overall, these characters are just sometimes it's just like, I don't really care and understand what's going on, but these characters are just fun to watch and interact and do weird shit.

>> Will: That was my notes for episode eight was just like, one, I wish I watched seven and Eight back to back. But two, this show, I was really getting back into why I fell, for this show to begin with, because I felt like in episode. Eight, they were really getting back to the roots of, like you said, they don't need a bunch of multiple baddies or whatever. But the bickering, whenever they were walking down back to Cloverton and the whole cliff going mortis and Jane telling to shut the fuck up and all that stuff and all this the bickering and interplay between the characters, that's what I was like, okay, I'm feeling like I'm watching the show that I know is Doom Patrol again. Because you're right. It's just seeing these characters and their interactions and stuff is really what makes this show work. And those were the kind of things that were really on display in this episode. And I thought that I, was like, okay, I'm getting my Doom Patrol, groove again with this episode.

>> Sarah : It's funny to me how in both of these episodes, random characters just quickly enter and exit. Like Derek leaving at the beginning of this episode. They get out of the dimension and all of a sudden we have Derek. and, my God, I'm Victor talking. And I always want to say Clint. And I'm like, I know it's not Clint. I don't know why, stuck in my head. But we have Derek and Victor talking. And next thing I know, he's like, peace out. Wait, so you're just going to go back to your normal life and then later, Larry's quasi boyfriend shows up. And it's just I understand why. I understand why these characters are showing up, but the awkward exits are just killing me. Okay, we're done with, them. but yeah. So basically, this episode is just all about Rouge realizing that, likely because of how she kind of inadvertently caused Isabelle feathers to fall and become Immortus, she has this unique connection to Isabelle and Immortus, and quickly tries to get the team together and understand that, oh, no, that is Immortus. This is not meanwhile, Immortus, Isabelle is basking in the glory of being found, only to realize that she was just the person found and not actually the hero. And so with that, we leave the second episode with a giant yell from Isabelle.

Immortus Patrol had a musical episode that left me wondering

That brings us to the musical episode of Immortus Patrol.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : So all I could think about during Immortus patrol was, how I kept comparing it to the marbles because of the very controversial musical scene in The Mortal or the marbles, and just how I wonder if they had committed the way this episode commits to the bit, if it would have been perceived a little bit better. Because at one point, someone even says, oh my god, I'm singing. Or I'm talking in song. And I'm like, yeah, I, should have heard more like something like that, where hats off to them. Because the songs felt as though it was dialogue that they were just so being almost forced to sing. except for Victor's part, where that was like, clearly frame by frame, zac Efron High School Musical. That was not my, time, my teenage years high School Musical. No, but I saw maybe it once and for some reason, as soon as Victor started, I'm just like, oh my God, I know where you got this choreo.

>> Will: Funny. Yeah. So for so for me, it took me back to Star Trek Strange New Worlds musical episode, because they had one earlier this year, even down to the, know, this is where HBO messed up, or Max messed up by holding these episodes so long. Because for me, I was like and I agree with your point about the Marvels, by the way. If they had just sold out for the bit, that whole sequence would have worked so much better because both Doom Patrol and Star Trek Strange New Worlds both sold completely out to the bit that we're doing this musical and we're fully committed to it. And I thoroughly enjoyed both episodes, because yeah, this episode, you're right, they sold out to it. And the characters that, you know, even in Strange New Worlds, they had, they had an in universe reference to like, I'm singing, you know, I'm for me, it was just sort of messaged. I even DMed you earlier over the weekend, I was like, hey, two of my favorites have had musical numbers. Because that's what they were, like mirror images of one another. I kid you not.

>> Sarah : Well, did they have a jerk off.

>> Will: Song with a minus a jerk off.

>> Sarah : Song minus the jerk off. Okay, because I was wondering there's only one person who I ever could imagine doing a jerk off song and that would be Cliff.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : And then they gave him more, my robot buddy and me. And I'm just like, man, just have at my one gripe is like, I didn't need to see the piss off of the wall to interrupt, Victor's, Eric Efron moment. But yeah, I really like this episode. There's nothing deep about it necessarily, but at the same time, this is a way for Doom Patrol to do a musical episode. It made a lot of, knew we understood the context. I think with the fame Patrol buildup of understanding the narcissism that is embedded in slash amortis, that it makes sense why she would force these my I guess my one question is here.

M: Doom Patrol has survived multiple attacks, so how is it surviving

Okay. So Isabelle has screamed and killed so many people like twice now, right? M, and in both instances, Doom Patrol is right there. And they gave up their longevity to bring her him back them back. So how is it that they keep surviving these attacks?

>> Will: Well, the first one was Derek. He built those bubbles.

>> Sarah : Oh, yeah, I forgot about the bubbles. That makes sense. So what about the second one?

>> Will: So when she blew up Cloverton at the end of, that I think, like, blew them into a pocket. I guess she put them in a pocket dimension just because I guess she has their longevity now. So I guess she doesn't need them.

>> Sarah : No, she definitely likes her toys.

>> Will: Exactly. That was about what I was going to say. But to your point, she is such a narcissist. And and Immortus Patrol really builds on Fame Patrol, where she constructs an Immortimous.

>> Sarah : Day.

>> Will: And to satisfy that narcissism and need to always be the center of attention and stuff, even down through the dinner. And seeing how all that played out. So she keeps them around for that.

>> Sarah : It just was weird towards the end of the dinner when everyone started to voice their actual opinions. And you're like, okay, so you're the threat. Why yeah.

>> Will: And maybe it has something to do to do as well with the connection between her and Rouge. Because, Rouge clearly because we see in episode eight, rouge knows that she can reverse time and be able to redo events into. So, you know, maybe there's kind of some protective thing there too, where she can't destroy Rouge, even though she did make her put herself in a, think there's I think there's several levels there as far as why Mortimers keeps them around.

>> Sarah : Yeah. Well, all I foresee is a zombie butt killing Immortus and Cliff being the hero.

>> Will: Yeah.

>> Sarah : There'S something about that's that's going to work itself out. Because that zombie butt in both the pocket dimension and in reality is out there somewhere just chilling defawing and will definitely be, biting someone and, killing someone. All right, we got the finale, the series finale next week. That will be a wrap on Doom Patrol. all right, Will, tell our listeners where they can find you.

>> Will: Yes, you can find me on X, formerly known as Twitter at, willmpolk. Willmpolk.

>> Sarah : And you can find me there too, at SJ belmont S-J-B-E-L-M-O-N-T. Please follow our crew on Twitter at scena nerd. Friend us on Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and threads at scene underscore N, underscore Nerd and visit our website, WW But most importantly, rate follow and comment on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever you're podcasts. Goodnight. Geek out. You're welcome.