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Scene N Nerd: Loki’s Heart and Gen V’s Virus

Join the dynamic duo of Scene N’ Nerd, as we dive into the latest episodes of Loki and GenV. First up, SNN Producer Will Polk shares his insightful thoughts on Loki's escalating loom tension, Mobius's unexpected cocoa surprise, and more. Then, SNN...

Join the dynamic duo of Scene N’ Nerd, as we dive into the latest episodes of Loki and GenV. First up, SNN Producer Will Polk shares his insightful thoughts on Loki's escalating loom tension, Mobius's unexpected cocoa surprise, and more. Then, SNN Host Sarah Belmont takes us on a thrilling journey through God U, where Kate seeks redemption, Marie encounters her benefactor, and Sam joins team Homelander. From rants and raves to in-depth reviews, we've got it all. Tune in to Scene N’ Nerd for your weekly dose of engaging TV show analysis.


0:00 Welcome and Happy Halloween

1:55 Loki 2 x 4 "The Heart of the TVA"

30:25 Interlude: Similarities of the endings of Loki and Gen V episode 7

32:40 Gen V  1 x 6 "Jumanji"

48:18 Gen V 1 x 7 "Sick"

1:11:35 RIP Matthew Perry

1:13:30 Outro

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