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SNN: A Falcon, Winter Soldier & Batwoman
SNN: A Falcon, Winter Soldier & Batwoman
We are back to talk about both the MCU and DCU.  First our SNN Host Sarah Belmont talks about the latest MCU trailer Shang-Chi and how Batw…
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We are back to talk about both the MCU and DCU.  First our SNN Host Sarah Belmont talks about the latest MCU trailer Shang-Chi and how Batwoman took a fast and furious turn. Then our SNN Producer, Will Polk shares his Painkiller thoughts and...

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Scene N Nerd Podcast

We are back to talk about both the MCU and DCU.  First our SNN Host Sarah Belmont talks about the latest MCU trailer Shang-Chi and how Batwoman took a fast and furious turn. Then our SNN Producer, Will Polk shares his Painkiller thoughts and Sam’s take on the shield. We rant...we rave...we review...this is Scene N’ Nerd.


0:00 Welcome

0:26  We start with The Flash news from both the movie and TV show.

4:15   We then talk a little Sony Spider Man news with some updates from No Way Home and news from the Into the Spider-verse sequel.

7:05  We give thoughts on Black Lightning 4 x 7 "Painkiller" and Batwoman 2 x 11 "Arrive Alive."

18:00  We turn to the MCU and we start with the news Olivia Colman is in talks to join Secret Invasion on Disney Plus.

19:20  We then give our reactions to the Shang-Chi and the 10 Rings trailer.

28:14  We close out the MCU with our discussion of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode 1 x 05 "Truth."

55:42  Outro

#FalconandtheWinterSoldier #ShangChi #Batwoman #TheFlash #TheFlashmovie #MCU #DisneyPlus #SecretInvasion #BlackLightning #Painkiller 

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