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Scene N Nerd Podcast
May 6, 2024

Engage with Us: Call for Questions for Our Star Trek Q and A Podcast Episodes!

Engage with Us: Call for Questions for Our Star Trek Q and A Podcast Episodes!

Are you ready to embark on a journey through the final frontier? Do you find yourself pondering the intricacies of warp travel, the ethics of the Prime Directive, or the cultural significance of Klingon opera? If so, then an upcoming Scene 'N Nerd presents: Blerd Trek episode is just what you need!

We're exploring the vast universe of Star Trek, from the original series to the latest installments like Discovery and Picard. But we want to make sure we're covering the topics that matter most to you, our fellow Trekkies. That's why we're inviting you to be a part of our next episode!

Whether you're a seasoned Starfleet officer or a newcomer to the franchise, we want to hear your burning questions, insightful observations, and spirited debates. Are you curious about the latest developments in the Star Trek universe? Wondering about the science behind the technology? Eager to delve into the rich history and lore of the various species and civilizations?

Now's your chance to join the conversation! Submit your questions and topics of interest using the contact tab on our website or e-mail to SNNPodcast@scenennerdpodcast.com. Our producer Will Polk a dedicated Star Trek enthusiast will sift through the submissions and select a diverse array of topics to discuss in our upcoming episode.

But wait, there's more! Not only will we answer your questions and explore your chosen topics, but we'll also give you a shoutout on the podcast! That's right, you'll be immortalized in the annals of Star Trek fandom as a valued contributor to our ongoing mission to boldly go where no podcast has gone before.

So don't delay, fellow Trekkies! Submit your questions today and join us on our journey through the final frontier. Together, we'll explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly podcast like no one has podcasted before!

Live long and prosper,

Will Polk and Sarah Belmont
Scene N Nerd/Scene N Nerd Presents: Blerd Trek

Contact Info:

website: https://www.scenennerdpodcast.com/contact

e-mail: SNNPodcast@scenennerdpodcast.com