Greetings Nerds! We are back to hear SNN Producer Will Polk review Jack Ryan and convince Sarah to finish the first season. We invited Guest Host Veronica Rose to spill her fanfiction writer guts and pick her brain about the future of Arrow. Finally,...
Greetings Nerds! We are back to hear SNN Producer Will Polk review Jack Ryan and convince Sarah to finish the first season. We invited Guest Host Veronica Rose to spill her fanfiction writer guts and pick her brain about the future of Arrow. Finally, our SNN Host Sarah Belmont gets out her Marvel soap box to talk about the MCU’s captain. We rant...we rave...we review...this is Scene N’ Nerd.
Approximate Times for Topics
Arrow Stephen Amell Interview with Michael Rosenbaum on Inside of You 34:40 to 48:30
Arrow Fan Fiction discussion Veronica Rose 48:30 to End
Links to Veronica's Fan Fiction
Colbert Interview John Krasinski