Greetings Nerds! We are back from our own mid-summer hiatus to discuss our theories about both Cloak & Dagger and the Schmoedown. First though our SNN hosts Sarah Belmont and Will Polk debate Deadpool 2, Luke Cage season 2, and the merits of...
Greetings Nerds! We are back from our own mid-summer hiatus to discuss our theories about both Cloak & Dagger and the Schmoedown. First though our SNN hosts Sarah Belmont and Will Polk debate Deadpool 2, Luke Cage season 2, and the merits of sequel storytelling. Then Sarah unintentionally may have speculated her way to spoiling the rest of Cloak & Dagger season one. Meanwhile Will raves about the epic Bateman v Mantz schmoedown. We rant...we rave...we review...this is Scene N’ Nerd.
Luke Cage and Will finally sees Deadpool 2 2:00-12:00
Cloak and Dagger Episode 5 "Princeton Offense" 12:00 to 27:00
Cloak and Dagger Episode 6 "Funhouse Mirrors" 27:00 to 46:40
Schmoedown Discussion 46:00 to end