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Hiatus ‘18 Week #9: Titans, Headlines, Cloaks, & Daggers Oh My
Hiatus ‘18 Week #9: Titans, Headlines, Cloaks, & Daggers Oh…
Greetings Nerds! We are back to ramble about the Titans trailer drop and outrage expressed from comic book purists. Then we rant about the …
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Greetings Nerds! We are back to ramble about the Titans trailer drop and outrage expressed from comic book purists. Then we rant about the latest entertainment headlines, including James Gunn firing from Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Finally our...

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Scene N Nerd Podcast

 Greetings Nerds! We are back to ramble about the Titans trailer drop and outrage expressed from comic book purists. Then we rant about the latest entertainment headlines, including James Gunn firing from Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Finally our co-hosts Will Polk and Sarah Belmont get out their Cloak & Dagger soapbox to gush about the penultimate episode. We rant...we rave...we review...this is Scene N’ Nerd.

Time Codes:

Titans and News Roundup 2:00 minutes to 33:00

Cloak and Dagger 33:00 minutes to the end.