Greetings Nerds! We are back to ramble about cyclical storytelling and the Mission Impossible franchise movie magic. We rant about the Academy’s latest unpopular decision and genre fans taking casting announcements too far. Then we rave about the Maniac limited series trailer and the latest schmoedown inter-geekdom tournament round. Our Mister Producer, WIll Polk continues to stay optimistic about all things genre and SNN Host Sarah Belmont rebuts...We rant...we rave...we review...this is Scene N’ Nerd.
Intro/Banter 0:00 to 1:20
Academy Award "Popular Film" 1:20 to 11:00
Sarah talks the 100 11:00 to 19:00
Will talks Mission Impossible: Fallout 19:00 to 27:30
James Bond rumors 27:30 to 34:00
Batwoman casting and fallout 34:00 to 43:30
The Flash new costume reactions 43:30 to 48:00
Star Trek Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth pay dispute 48:00 to 56:20
Netflix Maniac trailer discussion 56:20 to 1 hour mark
James Gunn and Guardian of the Galaxy update 1 hr 4 minute mark to 1 hr 9 minute mark
Schmoedown Innergeekdom reactions 1hr 9 min to end.